Friday, November 30, 2007

A quickie

Tonight is the Christmas parade. I have ten thousand things to do because Little League is going to have a float. So if you're there, you might just get to see me cause I'll be handing out flyer's and candy.

I saw my friend yesterday. He seemed happy to see me and we actually got to talk a little bit. Funny how things work out like that, huh?
He said he'd been very busy and explained a little more to me about how demanding his job is. I suppose it's just the lack of time he's able to spend with his kids that causes them to be so fearful and upset all the time. I mentioned he might have to do more to reassure them, but other than that, I didn't say anything else.
You'd think that his boss wouldn't keep him out of town three weeks of the month. Even if it were necessary you'd expect him to be allowed to be home on the weekends but he works most weekends as well. Personally I think it's a pretty shitty corporation, but that's just my opinion.
So while things are definitely not perfect in his life, he seems to be holding on.
I let him know I was here for him if he needed a friend and left it at that.

I may try to update later on or this weekend, but if I don't, hope you have a great weekend. Mine will be busy, as usual, and I won't sit down much but life's too short anyway so I do what I can while I can.

It's not even six in the am, so I have no word for the day right now and no mood either. And one last didn't take me very long at all to write my update for yesterday. The words came flying out of my head like an exorcism puke.

I'll be back over the weekend....


  1. exorcism puke. great imagery..

  2. Have a good one...
    If you update over the weekend you'll actually give me something to read and be entertained by.
    Takes the pressure off Ron a bit =)

  3. Have a good day!! And don't worry no pressure on me to do posts, I usually have craploads of baggage I throw out on the web.

  4. Your friend should think about another line of work. Its just not worth it.

  5. Everyone has to beleive something, Me ? I "beleive" I'll have a nother drink ! :-)

  6. I wish I could be there at the Christmas parade, just to wave at you floating by. :-)

    I came *thisclose* to going to the Commode Bowl over Thanksgiving to see if I could spot you. When I read you didn't make it after all, I had to laugh!
