Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Pain meds are for torturers...

Fuck this Hydrocodone shit!! I'm not taking them anymore!!! I thought I could handle the dizziness and lethargy but I can't. I just got out of bed and it was after 11 am in the freaking morning.
Sore tooferless gums or not..that just ain't acceptable.

So what's a little pain? That's why I have ice. Ice bags and some Tylenol and I'll be in better shape.

It beats the hell out of walking around like a zombie. A hungover zombie at that...When I climbed out of bed this morning, the room was spinning. I thought I was going to puke down the front of my t-shirt and I couldn't have that. It was my WVSR Surf report t-shirt and to throw up on something so sacred would be a tragedy indeed. I've already dirtied it on one other occasion...there are no second chances.

Anyway, when I first got up I felt terrible so as soon as the kids were out the door, I went back to bed.
I even called friends to drive them to school for me. THAT'S how bad I felt. Considering the condition in which I've driven before, that's pretty bad.

So yeah, I'm not taking that shit anymore. It's terrible when your pain meds make you feel worse than the surgery.

Pain isn't that terrible. I feel a little aggressive maybe. And perhaps I'm prone to stomping through the house to shut the cat up if it's meowing incessantly, but other than that, I think I can handle it.

I haven't been able to handle solid food yet. I'm sure that's helping. If I have to eat one more container of yogurt...
The kids ate all my pudding, my Popsicles, and my soup. I mean, what's up with that? Normally I can see the pudding and Popsicles but the soup? That soup has been sitting in the cupboard for a year with questionable expiration dates on it and they NEED to eat it?
Ad while I'm on a rant of sorts, what's up with this goddamn weather?
It's fall for christsakes and I'm ready for some cooler weather!!!
I don't want anymore days in the 80s!
I want cooler days and chilly nights where you can wear a jacket or sweatshirt and your cheeks turn pink. Ass cheeks, face cheeks, don't really care as long as they're pink....

I've discovered that TV sucks!! At least during the day. There's a few things that are ok during the day but they're few and far between. I can't tell you how many Hydrocodone induced naps I took yesterday but dammnit, it made me miss the good shows and then I got stuck watching the crap.

One more reason to throw that shit out.

I need solid food I think. Maybe some scrambled eggs.
I think I'm going to try that and pray it doesn't send me into throes of torturous pain.

You know it's time to try scrambled eggs when the can of dog food on the cupboard is looking pretty meaty and tasty.
Er...If there is a can of dog food sitting on the cupboard that means the kids forgot to feed the animals.
Great...something else for me to attempt. Perhaps a hot shower will knock the remaining cobwebs out of my head and I can safely make my way into the basement to feed the cats. Otherwise, the dog is the only one getting fed this morning.

I'm just rambling now so I'm stopping. It's pissing me off so I'm done.

No more drugs...we're gonna try that...


  1. No more drugs ought to help immensely. I can't take tha shit either - makes me sick, and i'd rather be in pain than in puke.

    Sending good thoughts your way!

  2. What a bummer when the drugs just aren't any fun anymore.

    p.s. thank you for all the support.
