And yes...I'm being an unsympathetic bitch.

It's the goddamn whining. I can't stand it. I can handle rubbing his head for HOURS and then giving him a back rub even though my arms are falling off but I can not tolerate his whining.
I am more than happy to whip up my famous home made chicken soup so he'll feel better...

But I can't stand the whining.
Hell I even threw a blanket in the dryer and warmed it up, brought him ice cold water, his medicine and turned the channel fifty times because he said he couldn't find the remote.
Have I not been attentive enough?
That really pisses me off.
Speaking of pissing...don't you find this picture to be strange?

Yep...these old girlies are pissing and keeping the ball up in the air. I can't imagine anyone finding that entertaining but hey...they didn't have television so what else was there?
The crazy stuff a person can come across when they're looking for stuff huh?
Little Beatle had to turn in his Science Fair project today. He did experiments on three different brands of glue...Gorilla glue, Super Glue and Tacky glue. Now why in the hell Mr.Man thought that Tacky glue could compare with the other two is beyond me, but he chose the glues and brought them home to the boy so I stayed out of the whole thing. The most that I did is proof read his abstract and report. The rest of it was all him and Mr.Man.
I'm hoping that he'll get a passing grade on it. In fact, from what I saw of his project I don't think that an A would be out of the question. Little Beatle can apply himself when he's not busy running his fingers through his long hair or socializing with the women. He's quite a little ladies man in fact.
Veggie Sticks music director says he reminds her of Leif Garrett...

You know...the hair is right on the mark...and I suppose a lot of the looks too. Damn his hair and good looks! Those girls need to leave my baby alone!It completely fucks up his academics. I hate it. He's so smart. If he'd only apply himself he could be a straight A student too. Same goes for Veggie Stick. She needs to apply herself as well. Instead she's beating the boys off with a stick. She told me the other night that she likes being single. She said she gets way more attention and lots more help with homework than when she had a boyfriend.
So where's the straight A's little girl?
As you all know, today is Elderly Hell day. I actually had to go to Kroger's this morning too. Of course I went over there about 7:30 and guess what? Not one single Elderly Hellion in sight. I was amazed and grateful. Then I realized that today is the first day of the month. Apparently they had to wait at home until they got their checks and then had to go to the bank, so IXNAY on the it? Well...maybe after 2 it would be safe...who knows? Anyhow, I went to Kroger' my loot and skeedaddled out of there as quickly as I could. I was planning to buy some Jello, on account that I'm a fan of it and all, but I forgot and now I'll have to wait until my next trip to the store.
Does anyone else go through five gallons of milk a week or is it just me? Forget about a new me one of these instead!

Milk will be the word of the day. I will actually scream and jump up and down every time I have to tell the kids to put the milk back in the fridge. They are TERRIBLE about leaving it out. I come down stairs one morning to find over half a gallon spoiled because someone had left it out. I almost had a conniption fit and fell in it. That's when bed time began an hour earlier so I could check and make sure their stupid asses hadn't left things out.
I know I've taught my kids to be more responsible and I've I've teach them to be considerate and a good citizen, but some days they make me want to get violent. Those are the days I will rant and carry on about them. It makes them sound like they have no redeeming qualities, but that's not true. I have only to invite some of their friends over to my house to see that I am, in fact, quite lucky to have the kids I've got. No...they are still in SERIOUS need of improvement but compared to a lot of the kids I know, they're not so bad. I'd have to say that out of the kids my kids hang out with the Brotherton bunch is probably a shining example of goodness. I LOVE those kids...I really do. My kids will never achieve the Brotherton standards...but they can have something to strive toward I guess....
And with that said, here is my mood for today...

It seems as though everything in my life is out of my control lately. So today I have resigned myself to just letting it go and dealing with it as it arrives. I won't get into it today but somehow, sometime when I wasn't paying attention, everything in my life changed. My friends are distant...Mr.Man is distant...the kids are wrapped up in their own lives..
To sum it all up I feel like I'm on the outside looking in.
What can I do about it?
How about try to keep my sense of humor. It's taken me through a lot...I'm thinking it's a good thing to hang on to no matter what life throws at me.
See ya tomorrow...
Holy Crap! Next time I'm sick will you come over and fix me soup and take care of me??? Now the picture with the ladies and the ball... I'm not sure it's possible. I mean maybe they could get the force to support the ball if it were light enough, but the exact aim and timing to pull it all off seems very complex.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking the pissing pic is an early 'shop job. Nice to know pee play was a "Thing" wayback...
ReplyDeleteYou're a very good nurse for the sick. Mr Man is just being Go figger. And sigh.
The distant husband and children happens a lot when they are of a certain age. You have to find something to do with your time that makes you feel needed and fulfilled - and I don't mean have an affair! LOL
ReplyDeleteDear god, kenju, why on gods green earth would I want to have an affair? That's the last thing on my mind.
ReplyDeleteBesides...I don't think I have to worry about that. Who'd have me?
I think I'll take up knitting...that's one thing I haven't mastered yet.
Honey, if you want knitting, I got it! I even have some extra needles I can bring for lunch on Thursday.
ReplyDeleteAnd what to do with yourself? That's easy. Have lunch with me and the Buzzard. You'll forget about that pesky family of yours
;-). At least for an hour or so.
Yes, I play sick just for you and won't whine.
ReplyDeleteLearn to do that piss trick. We'll need proof though.
ReplyDeleteTammie, I've been trying to balance that damn ball for over an hour. I haven't succeeded and my living room is soaked and I think I'm dangerously dehydrated. I think that picture was a fake...
ReplyDeleteHave you considered putting some Diazepam in the milk? Calms everyone down and it could stop any possible whining. I am wondering what you typed in the google line to get that little picture of those lovely ladies juggling that ball?