When I was growing up, my mother ended up divorced a few times and we always ended up moving back in with my Nana and Pa. There were two huge rooms upstairs in the house.I can remember being no more than five years old, sleeping in a bed between my brother's crib and my aunt's bed. My mother's bed was on the other side of my brother's crib and we all slept in the room that way. It resembled a dormitory.
One night when I'd gone to bed, my brother was sleeping in his crib. I remember rolling over to look at him in the moonlight and seeing the blankets being drawn back to the end of the crib. Then it looked like someone was rubbing his legs...the sleeper rippled and moved like a hand was caressing it. I was absolutely petrified and couldn't move. I remember closing my eyes and holding my breath for the longest time. When I opened them, the blanket was smoothed back over my brother and he was sleeping like an angel.
After that night, I watched out for monsters. I had never believed in monsters, but that had scared the shit out of me and now I was watching to make sure no monster would touch me or my brother again.
This new terror had no name or form, but it didn't take long for me to put a name and a face to it.
Occasionally on Saturday afternoons there would be movies on the Canadian station and one day I happened to catch part of Frankenstein.

That became my new obsession...Frankenstein. I was convinced that Frankenstein lived in the closet in our room and that's who had touched my baby brother in his crib.
Imagine me,laying in bed, staring at that stupid closet, convinced that Frankenstein was hiding in there behind the curtain, waiting for me to fall asleep so he could do horrible things to me or my brother...
I was a kid with an active imagination...
Unfortunately not all of it was my imagination. I woke up many other times with the blankets folded back over my feet. And it wasn't just me...it was my mother and my aunts beds too.The shades would roll up in the middle of the night. The door would swing open and then closed again. My mother and aunt would laugh about it but it scared me silly.
We moved out and didn't live with Nana and Pa again until I was older...maybe 8. Once again we shared a room, but it was just with my mother this time. My aunt had married and moved away. My bed was pushed up against the wall, which was fine by me, because I couldn't see in the closet that was closer to the wall on the other side of the room.
Of course once again, our feet would be uncovered at night. The light would go out as I walked up the stairs...the coloring book I had laid out to color in would disappear...little things like that. There was never really anything bad that happened but it was still unsettling to an 8 year old.

As I got older my family finally filled me in about the ghost in the house. The referred to her as the old lady. I'm still not really sure why she is an old lady except that they said the woman they'd bought the house from had died in it and that's who they assumed it was. She'd played little pranks on my mother and aunt when they were growing up in the house, like folding the blankets off their feet when they were sleeping and hiding little things or knocking their dresses off the hangers..etc. The old lady had just become someone they were used to.
Yeah....maybe they'd gotten used to her but I sure as hell hadn't. I was still a kid and had no desire to get used to a ghost messing with me.I watched with keen eyes and set heavy object down on my coloring books so she couldn't hide them from me. I was determined to keep her from bothering me or my little brother.

Of course none of that helped. She still played her little pranks and in time I grew to ignore them. I did get used to her. In fact, when we go home in the summer and stay with my Nana she doesn't bother me one bit. The kids seem to accept it too. As for Mr.Man though...well...he doesn't like it. Not at all...
Mr. Man and I had gone to bed early one night. We were laying in bed marveling at the silence.(West Virginia is noisy at night). The light from the street light filtered in through the window, so the room wasn't completely dark and we could see. The door was closed and we stared at one of the pictures on the wall I'll inherit one day.
Suddenly there were footsteps coming up the stairs. I assumed it was my Pa coming up to bed. The footsteps groaned and creaked all the way up the stairs and then stopped. The door to our room swung open. The footsteps came across the room toward our bed.We could see in the room and no one was there. Then it felt like someone had sat down on the end of the bed.
Mr.Man pulled the covers up to his eyeballs and said, "Tammie...Tammie...there's something sitting on our bed."
I yawned and calmly replied, "Don't worry honey. It's just the old lady. She won't hurt you. Go to sleep."
Then I proceeded to fall asleep while he laid in bed, too terrified to move.

I'd just experienced it so many times that it didn't bother me anymore I guess. I did get used to her even though I didn't think I would. He, on the other hand, hasn't gotten used to her and says he never will...LOL
Now I will have to admit, as my mother has gotten older, the old lady seems angry with her. She will torment her all night by taking the blankets on and off, rolling the shade up and down, dropping stuffed animals and pillows on her. For some reason the old lady has become aggressive toward my mother, but she's the only one.
It's hard to tell why she's so upset with my mother but I don't plan to ask her. I just avoid sleeping in the same room with her. My aunt shared a room with her a couple of summers ago and ended up on the couch so she could get some sleep. She said it was terrible. She'd never seen the old lady so agitated...take it for what it's worth...
So that's one of the ghost stories I have. Not particularly scary but more of a family ghost thing.There are a couple of other experiences but nothing terribly scary...just interesting. Of course there are a couple of experiences that were terrifying to me. I felt something evil both times.I think I'll save them for tomorrow...
The word for the day will be "me". After yesterday's post, I plan to give myself a little tender lovin care. That's a hard thing to do but I know I need to.
A big thank you to all of my blog friends for liking me in spite of my faults. I really do have a lot of good friends on here. And you know what the scariest part is? I'm more open and honest about myself on here than I am in real life. I share more of myself here than I do with people I see every day.
And still...you like me.
How cool is that?
This is my mood today...

I'm thinking....I'm thinking about what I like. Someone asked me in my comment section yesterday and I'm trying to figure it out. I know of a few things I like but I think I'll take a few days to really consider what my interests are and then I'll share them with you.
I'll be back tomorrow with the scary tales of terror....makes my skin crawl just to think about it...
Great post. I grew up in Beckley and the house I lived in was hoaunted as well. My mother still lives there. We had all kinds of weirdness as well, but our ghosts' favorite method of making itself know was making a very lod noise in the kitchen, that sounds as if every pot and pan in the house had just fallen into the floor. Then, upon inspection, not a thing was out of place. This could happen in the day or night and generally happened within a few hours of us receiving very bad news. Occasionally, the figure of an old man could be seen in the house. The house was built in the 20's and numerous people have died there.
ReplyDeletePardon the spelling in my last post. Should have spell checked it!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about the misspellings Jerry. Actually I just assumed they were adjectives and nouns blended together...
ReplyDeleteI make up my own words so I didn't see anything wrong with that.
Hoaunted- A slutty or 'loose' ghost.
Lod- A lot of big noise.
See? LOL.
Thanks for sharing the ghost story. I enjoy hearing about other people's experiences....
Hmmm good story. My mother and brother both claimed to have seen my father after his death. I've never had a personal experience and most likely I would pee and then run out of the room if something came in and sat on the bed with me. Unless it was a really hot lady ghost :)
ReplyDeleteI'm OK with the more imaginary aspects of haints, but if one sat of the bed with me? No frigging way. I'd be out of there in a half a heartbeat. And if the old lady is getting agitated? Time to call in the priest, baby.
ReplyDeleteMy hosue is over a hundred years old, but I feel no presences in teh house other than those who live and breathe there. Can't believe nobody's dies in there, but if they did they're sure not making themselves known to me. FOr that? I thank them.
That would give me the heebie-jeebies soooo bad. Not much scares me, but I hate surprises and I don't think I would ever get used to that!
ReplyDeleteHow 'bout we make this deal - I've got your back on wicked old ladies and you have mine on weird ghostly happenings?
ReplyDeleteI'm not certain that I'd ever sleep in that house again after it happened once. But maybe I would.
ReplyDeleteHey ... sounds like your ghost generally only likes children and maybe thats why she is agitated about your mom and aunt. Wonder if you ghost lost a child or something?
ReplyDeleteI've seen ghosts or felt them all my life. Once when traveling with my husband and older daughter, she was about 6 at the time, we went to Barkerville, BC, an old gold mine town, where they had renovated many of the old homes and basically made them so you could stand in the entrance, but not go through the entire house. Anyway, the three of of walked into the entrance and my husband was behind me and suddenly I got a strong, almost violent push and heard "GET OUT!" Well I damn near ran over my husband getting out the that house. I stopped just outside the white picket fence surrounding the house and took a picture. When the picture was developed you can see a woman's face in the upstairs window. She has her hair up like the early 1800 century styles and its almost as if it were a reflection of clouds, until you see other pictures taken that day in the village and its a gray, overcast day, meaning that there weren't any kinds of clouds that would reflect that way in a photo. That was the worst time I've seen or sensed a ghost. Most times I simply feel them and begin to feel their emotions, before I actually see them.
AS for the taking care of you, I say GOOD ON YOU! Its about time that you did that first because if you do not, you cannot take care of anyone else. Balance in all things!
blessed be
I think Kenju is haunting me... No it's true.
ReplyDeleteSorry. I'm a pathological liar today. Kenju isn't haunting me.
It's RON! The guy with the warped mind! lol
I thought ghost was a program for copying data?
Happy Tuesday
What an excellent post!!! I want to road trip and go visit Nana. I want to take my equipment and see if the old lady has anything to say.
ReplyDeleteActually, I think your Mom should call TAPS (since they are in NE) and tell them that the ghost has become agitated toward her. Wouldn't it be neat to see what TAPS could find in Nana's house. I've met them. They're all really nice guys, and still pretty much down to earth. They know they are the luckiest geeks in the world.
You get that puppy documented and when it gets passed down in the family you guys could all make some $$$ turning it into a haunted B&B. People travel for those puppies. Mhm. I'm one of them.
Cool ghost story, I have none. None! Most I can do is sit in the dark with a flash light under my chin singing 'Kumbyah'. I have no life!