Not only did I wait, I didn't even have everything together to do the damn taxes, so I had to locate it all.
Let's just say that my filing system leaves a lot to be desired. maybe it's not THAT bad.'s worse. Now don't get me wrong, I am not like that with other things I'm responsible little league. And when I did the yearbooks or PTO or Girl Scouts or Junior Achievement or LSIC or Title One Parent representative, etc...everything looked like this..

Anyway getting back to the tax situation, I didn't have everything together. I was getting ready to step in the shower when Mr.Man called and bitched at me about getting them done. I was pissed. I mean am I the only adult that lives in our house? So I stomped down the stairs in my pajama pants..only in my pajama pants and began ripping through all the paperwork in the dining room. I was flinging papers behind me, my boobies wildly swinging, me cussing, all consumed in what I was doing. seems that they were showing the house next door to some Elderly Hellions. I wasn't aware of them, but they sure as hell were aware of me.
Thank GOD!
I have this knack of being in the right place, doing the right thing sometimes, you know?
I don't think they're buying the house by the way. Anyone looking for a place? I'm right next door...what more could you want?
To make a long story even longer, it ended up that I had actually done the responsible thing and put my tax stuff away where it should have been in the first place. I just didn't think I would have done that so it was the last place I looked.
Around 11, I went to lunch with BuzzardBilly, Ron and ETW. This is the picture ETW took of BB, Ron and I. I borrowed it from her blog...hehehe

ETW took the picture so she's not in it and honestly I didn't even think to take a picture of her, Ron and BB until I was on my way to pick up Miss KIA from school. I was smiling in the picture because I...
A. Farted
B. Touched BB's butt
C. I'm insane
D. All of the above
Lunch was pretty great and I think that Ron was shocked at how normal I seem. He told me that he expected me to come in, half dressed, wildly yelling and jumping around with half the police force chasing me.
Seriously Ron...what ever possessed you to think that about me?

Everyone knows I'm an angel....
So..I ate the cheeseburger for lunch. It was quite tasty and fabulous and cooked to perfection. Then I topped it off with two scoops of ice cream. Strawberry. Nummy...
The conversation was good and when ETW was met with the dilemma of what to say instead of pussy, because she doesn't say pussy. (I do because I'm crude and disgusting)...I suggested she say "Meow Meow Meow".
For example:
"Wow, that smells like a dirty old "Meow Meow Meow"."
"I don't know if I should bikini wax or just shave my "Meow Meow Meow" bare for swim suit season."
I think we found a great compromise. Let's hope it doesn't drive her man crazy.
Speaking of men...Mr.Man came home from work Monday with duct tape covering half his ass. "APPARENTLY" even though he tells me he doesn't eat too much take out during the day, his ass exploded out of his pants. He bent over and the seat of his jeans ripped open 18 inches from the top of his pocket all the way down to his thigh. He was in Huntington, so coming home to change wasn't an option. He called for his boss, grabbed a roll of duct tape and right in the middle of Pullman Square, his boss duct taped his ass, saving the world from his tightie whities.
Yeah...pretty funny...
What makes it even BETTER is that his boss looks like this guy...and I'm not even shitting you..

I wonder how many people drove by thinking it was some gimmic for Jay Leno's show?
I haven't had a word of the day for awhile and while I'm tempted to try to think of one, I think I'll skip it. Veggie Stick is really bitchy lately and I can't play the word of the day game with her anymore or she'll go ballistic.
I mean, yeah, that's what makes it fun and everything but I'm afraid she'll snap and kill me in my sleep or something. You's the hormone thing.
With that said, here is my mood for today...

I'm going to do some laundry now...ok? Nuff said...see ya tomorrow...
LOL. I'm on my way to the WalMart of Doom... least it's not elderly hell day anymore. I hope you have a great day. You can totally relax now - taxes are finished, lunch is over, laundry is callin'... :-)
ReplyDeleteI did my taxes last night online. It took hours due to lots of stock trades--which all have to be entered individually--and I was quite glad to finally finish up around 11pm. Maybe next year I'll do it earlier. Yeah, right.
ReplyDeleteHa! Love that last pic!
ReplyDeleteWe don't do our taxes until October. It's easier to meet that deadline! LOL
Taxes - meh. That's what extensions are for.
ReplyDeleteThe boobie pic scared me.
I was guessing the A. Farted one myself :)
ReplyDelete"Wow, that smells like a dirty old "Meow Meow Meow".
ReplyDeleteThis would work better if you actually made the "meow" sound like a cat!
Oh, and to answer your question, here in Texas, we serve up "The Big Chorizo".
Do cheeseburgers taste good with ice cream on top?