Today I'm borrowing another bloggers post as blog fuel. Ron posted THIS last week. It turned out to be quite informative. Seeing the different questions people asked him was probably just as interesting as the answers.
Sooo...against my better judgement, I'm going to offer the same free-for-all that Ron did.

Ask me questions and I shall answer them. This may give all my lurkers an opportunity to ask about things they've wanted to know but haven't written about. I mean, I am kind of an open book. I'll admit. I don't hold back so you know you're gonna get honest.
Remember that when asking...if you don't really want to know...don't ask. The answer will be shockingly honest...I'm just saying. It could be offensive but for those of you know know me, you'd know I'm not offensive to be obnoxious...just offensively honest.
Does that make any sense?
As for the lurkers....well I know you're there. I just don't know who you are or where you live. The counter gives me a general idea but that's about it...A few of you never comment but you email me, and I know you, but there are a BUNCH who just come by every day and say nothing.

Am I your dirty little secret?
This could be your chance to ask those pesky little questions that have been nagging at the back of your mind...thing you just HAVE to know about me.
Today's word of the day will be "what?". The kids are getting out of school early and I'm sure they're going to have five millions requests. Getting out of school early is like getting permission to cram every activity you can into the two hours you would have spent in school.
So...when they ask me if they can..."insert request here"...I will simply say, "WHAT?" while screaming and jumping up and down, making lots of noise.
Perhaps they'll get the message that today we will be doing something different and staying home so they can clean their rooms.
This is totally off track but does anyone else have a son in middle school who actually reads books? I have to brag on Little Beatle because he is laying in bed every night and reading for an hour before he goes to sleep. I LOVE THAT!!!
Something I don't love so much?
Do you have ANY idea how irritating it is when you are TRYING to relax and you start your vibrator and it sounds like you're driving a lawn mower up your va-jay-jay?
I mean come on here people! The manufacturers need to invent something that makes a lot less noise! I have a drawer full of these things and they're all the same.
And as if that's not bad enough, some of them feel like you've parked your vajayjay on top of cement mixer.
Next time I'm using the push mower.

Who needs a motor? Yeah it's a little more work but it gets the job done.
A little quieter and gentler....I'm just saying...
I was just slightly perturbed over that little incident and thought you should know my feelings on the whole thing.
With that is my mood for today...

I'm gonna be waiting...
Waiting to see what kind of questions you all throw at me.
Hmm....I wonder if this was such a good idea?
I have the exact same complaint about my power vagina.
ReplyDeleteI mean, it's really just a Shop-Vac, but whatever.
Could be quieter. I'm just sayin'.
Shop-Vac! LMAO!
ReplyDeleteI'm telling you...the "Rabbit" I have is so damn loud that I had ear plugs and Mr.Man's baffles on and I could STILL hear that sucker humming.
I've read your blog. I'm grateful you had no questions for me. Thank you...
My little niece is a reader too. She likes sort of evil books though (my influence is noted there)
ReplyDelete1. If you could ask a higher power any one question and have it answered what would it be?
2. If you had to eat the same meal for the rest of your life what would that meal be?
3. If you could travel back in time for a moment and shout one piece of advice to you at age 10 what would it be?
4. Do you have any single slutty girlfriends that are going to be in West Virginia next week? ;)
How often do you use your stash of vibes and do you ever let anyone watch??
ReplyDeleteDid you give in and let your Man purchase the $250 item?
ReplyDeleteEnquiring minds want to know . . .
ReplyDeleteDoes your husband read your blog?
Does he get jealous?
Are you so open with your kids that they know about your toys?
Which is your favorite season of the year? Color? Number?
Excluding your children, what is your biggest accomplishment so far in life? Your biggest regret?
Which part of the world would you like to visit, all expenses paid?
Do you have any interesting scars? (Every scar has a story)
What color are my eyes? 8-)
What is your FAVORITE artificial Mr Man?
ReplyDeleteAAre you a natural blonde?
Snickers or Mars Bar, and why?
And did you know if you turned OFF the motor in those vibrators, they can still do the trick? I'm just saying, is all....
How did you end up in Dunbar?
ReplyDeleteWhat did Mr. Man do in the USAF? I was also in the USAF and spent most o fmy time underground. Go figure!
Coke or Pepsi? Choc or vanilla?
I was a lurker until you made laugh coffee out of my nose and onto my screen. You were and are my guilty pleasure. :)
ReplyDeleteHaha Tiff. Yes I did know that they work great without the motor turned on. Thus the reference of the push mower as opposed to the motor mower...
ReplyDeleteI think they call em "DILDOS"...
I love that word...
I'm still over here thinking... trying to come up with something good. I'll get back to ya.
ReplyDeleteOkay, will you come over next week and join me for knitting and coffee? Such an easy one...
ReplyDeleteOK, Ok, Ok....I'll comment so that you know that I'm reading your blog.
ReplyDeleteI've resisted commenting on some of your recent posts because I can be a smartass, and things seem to have gotten a bit heavy in the last couple of weeks. It seemed as if smartassiness wouldn't have been appropriate, and you've been getting some good advice and props from your real friends, so a "hang in there, kid, things will get better" from a lurker wasn't the thing to do. It sounds like you're coming to some good realizations, though, so...keep it up, kid. It'll come around.
I'm trying to come up with a question that hasn't been asked. It seems as if all of the good sex questions have already been asked, so I'll try not to be so shallow as to just say "yeah, which one's your favorite, and what about the watching part?" That just wouldn't be right...
So...I'll wait for the answers to the questions you've already rec'd, and maybe do a follow-up. Kinda like Helen Thomas.
Can a swallow carry a coconut?
ReplyDeleteAre ladybugs, ladies?, If so, what is up thier skirt?
How many fingers, is a good number?
Do you prefer vitamins via a pill or do drink/eat your vitamins?
How long can one person be sexy?
Does being a goddess cause wrinkles in funny places?
Those are hard ones, good luck.
I like some of the questions you have received already - the stuff about the hubby and kids reading this. You seem very open so it probably doesn't matter if they did.
ReplyDeleteThis is not a sex question but involves nudity: You have mentioned getting liquored up and having the clothes fall off as you run nekkid through the yard. In the same way that people wonder if your family reads the blog, I wonder if the bouts of running nekkid are an exaggeration, or have your neighbors really observed you run wild and bare?
As a follow-up (If allowed), I would ask, aside from the aforementioned liquor, what prompts this behavior and has anyone been injured by a flying breast or any other body part during the commotion?
ReplyDeleteI'll be back with a question...
I think I'll be content to live vicariously through other people's questions.....LOL
ReplyDeleteThere is a God... I might have one or two qwerstions. roflgatoring
ReplyDeleteHey to that girl on the left sidebar. My car just hit a water buffalo, can I borrow her towel?
Hey some good questions already!
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering about your background. You say you grew up in Maine of Swedish descent. Do you ever go back to the old country? Do you speak Swedish?
I am curious because I lived in Stockholm for a year as a kid and still have fond memories of the city. My younger brother was born there and I remember my mother loving how open and family oriented the Swedes were about labour and delivery.