I was impressed with the things you wish to learn about me and quite relieved they weren't all sex questions. Although I noticed that Ron and Wyldth1ng (who also did the question post the same day I did) didn't get quite so many of those. Of course, they're not women and women don't normally ask men those kinds of things,although I was tempted to ask them both how big their pee pees are but I restrained myself. ( Aren't you proud?)
I figured I might as well get these questions out of the way since they're the easiest for me to answer. I'm still giving the other questions some thought and honestly, I'm going to have to post answers two different days anyway. In the meantime, if there's something you're dying to know, it's not too late to ask...
Let's begin with Nudeman 40's question:"How often do you use your stash of vibes and do you ever let anyone watch??"
Well Nudeman 40, normally my stress levels are directly responsible for the amount of masturbation I desire.When I'm really stressed out, it's not uncommon for me to masturbate at least twice during the day. Guys do it, so why can't women? And of course I will also attack Mr.Man later that evening. If he's not in the mood or he's too tired to accommodate me, then he can watch. And HE is the ONLY ONE who watches.(duh) So for all you poor slobs who were hoping I have a secret web cam site set up somewhere...I don't. So suck it. That pretty much sums up the answer to that question.
Moving right along we'll go to Tiff's question: "What is your FAVORITE artificial Mr Man?"
My FAVORITE artificial Mr.Man is a regular old dildo. No batteries, no nothing. I call it Beaker because strangely enough that was kind of it's name in the package. Oh hell... I think it was called Super Beak or something. It came in different colors. I got the flesh tone...ANYWAY...I like it because it's not noisy. It's the same size as Mr.Man's all-day sucker and it's soft and pliable. Besides...all those harsh vibrations can be tough on my little love petals. I need to be nice to them now don't I? I would add more about it's various uses but let's not get carried away shall we? This is kind of a G-Rated blog isn't it?
Tiff's other question..I think this would be in the booty category so I'm answering it:..."Are you a natural blonde?"
If you're asking does the carpet match the curtains, well...no. The carpet has never matched the curtains. I AM a natural blond, although it's darkened a little as I've gotten older so I help it out by coloring it every couple of months. It's probably a darker blond than I actually wear it but I prefer a couple shades lighter. So I keep it the color it was in my teens and twenties. As for the carpet, when my "public" (I always got the two mixed up..LOL) hair came in, it was light brown. It's still light brown and even when I shave it all off and it growns back, it's light brown. So far...no gray...down there I'm saying but there could be some all through my head hair and I'd never know the difference. In the summer the sun bleaches my hair out and it always gets blonder.
Wyldth1ng asked: "How long can one person be sexy?"
Well darling, I'm thinking that a person can be sexy for as long as they want to. I personally think that sexy has more to do with how comfortable you feel in your skin and how comfortable you are with your sexuality. A lot of women who are absolutely gorgeous are not sexy. They are uncomfortable with the way they look and it shows in the way they carry themselves. Because they aren't as "perfect" as they "think" they should be, they are not comfortable with their sexuality and they can't allow themselves to relax and allow their bodies to respond to sexual signals and feelings.
I think that confidence, along with her personality, has more to do with a woman's sexiness than her huge hooters or nice ass.
A nice body just makes a women "fuckable" not sexy. Guys can fuck em and it's basically the equivalent of jerking off. Instead of using their hand and naked pictures they're using some woman's pussy that happens to have the naked woman attached to it.
Not sexy at all.
Sexiness is more of a mental experience than a visual one. I've known different women who are incredibly sexy and men flock to them. They're not the prettiest women in the room. They don't have the best body. In fact, they may even be the oldest women there.
What they're projecting is an experience. Men want a women who will really get into sex. He doesn't want someone who is going to lay there and expect miracles from him so she might be able to achieve an orgasm. While she's worrying if he's noticing her cellulite thighs or stretch marks, she's not experiencing the pleasure.
A guy wants a woman who knows what she likes...what feels good and isn't afraid to get involved in the action..."If my belly flab is sitting on his chest, who gives a shit if what we're doing feels great? I'm sure he's not worried about it and I'm sure as hell not worried about it."
Sexy is about those things and it's about a woman's ability to give and receive pleasure.
That's just my opinion on it...
Wyldth1ng also asked:"Does being a goddess cause wrinkles in funny places?"
Honey...when you're a goddess and you're sexy, there are BOUND to be wrinkles. Twisting your body into a pretzel isn't good for certain areas and yes,there's a couple of wrinkles and maybe even a few dents. When you want to ride on a roller coaster, you're gonna have to get into a little bit and move around or you'll just be hanging on for dear life waiting for the ride to be over.
What fun would that be?
As for the face...Yep....wrinkles...check em out...I refer to them as laugh lines...LOL

Eh...the wrinkles just make me sexy. Next question?
Dave's question wasn't so much a question as it was a request for details from previous posts and things not posted concerning my nudity and neighbors: " This is not a sex question but involves nudity: You have mentioned getting liquored up and having the clothes fall off as you run nekkid through the yard. In the same way that people wonder if your family reads the blog, I wonder if the bouts of running nekkid are an exaggeration, or have your neighbors really observed you run wild and bare?
As a follow-up (If allowed), I would ask, aside from the aforementioned liquor, what prompts this behavior and has anyone been injured by a flying breast or any other body part during the commotion?"
Actually Dave, as much as I would like to tell you that it's all an exaggeration, I can't. A few of my neighbors have indeed seen me in the buff. I'd also like to tell you that I was drunk on all of these occasions, but sadly enough, I can't do that.
Let me splain...
I'm not particularly body conscious. Now don't get me wrong...I'm not a perfect ten. In fact, I'd say I'm a three, but I'm ok with. We're all supposed to look the way we do and I've grown comfortable in my own skin. So it's not uncommon for me to get out of the shower and run down the stairs in my house, nekkid as the day I was born, to grab a cup of coffee from the kitchen so I can have it while I'm getting dressed or drying my hair.
On occasion, I have encountered neighbors not only standing outside looking in...(I normally wave because I mean come on here...they've already see it all. Why bother to cover it up after that?) And then there was the one occasion when a neighbor came over to visit and I walked from the bathroom into our bedroom, in all my fleshy glory, while they stood a mere foot away from me and watched it all happen.
Yep...didn't know they were there.
I'm still not sure if that had anything to do with them moving away or not.
As for the outdoor incidents. Those really haven't been on purpose. I'm an active mommy and it's not my fault if one of my breasts comes flying out of my tank top while chasing my children around with squirt guns. How was I supposed to know? I wasn't terribly worried about it because the elderly neighbor who saw the whole thing had glasses as thick as the bottoms of old coke bottles and I'm sure all he saw was blurry. He probably thought I was holding a dodge ball or something.
The time I stepped out of my sleep pants when I was getting up to come in the house from the front porch, well...that was a fluke. Several neighbors got a glimpse of the kitty when the wicker chair snagged my sleep pants hem and I stood up, holding a cup of coffee. I supposed I could have pulled my pants up faster had I not been holding the cup of coffee but as luck would have it, it didn't happen like that.
Thank god the kitty had been trimmed and didn't look more like a werewolf than a pussy cat.
The drunken nudity...well that was mainly to tease and seduce Mr.Man. It's late..the fire is out...we're in the back yard and it's dark...I'm stripping my clothes off and walking to the house when BAM! The stupid motion detector light turns on,hitting me like a spot light, show-casing my nudity, except for my socks of all things...how sexy is that?
Just so happens that my poor neighbors,(who have moved..did I mention that already?) are pulling in their driveway as the light goes on.
No one has been injured at any time, although the paper boy who saw my boob flop out of my shirt when I came bouncing down the stairs may be scarred for life.
What motivates this behavior?
I'm crazy. There can be no other explanation for it.
Tomorrow......the answers to the rest of the questions...
LOL, very good answers, but for some reason I feel very dirty :) Thank you for the restraint in your questions to me for I am sure I would have used my misdirection clause I mentioned in my post.
ReplyDeleteOh my! I loved your answer about sexiness. Of course, I laughed because you used the "p" word. I could talk about sex all day long, but I won't say that word. I can't. Does that make me unsexy? Is that another question for tomorrow? ;-)
ReplyDeleteRon, you feel dirty? But why? Sex and sexuality is a natural thing and nothing to feel dirty about. I don't make people feel dirty...er...do I?
ReplyDeleteETW, LOL! Let's put it this way...you're not unsexy because you can't say the 'p' word. I'm just crude in my descriptives sometimes.
That is all...heh heh heh...
LOL... you are fine, I'm a bit more shy about things like that, consider it part of my anxiety issues I'm working on :)
ReplyDelete'Mr.Man's all-day sucker' - Classic, and I agree with the sexiness thing. When I was younger I had a physical type I thought was sexy, (and it still works), but these days I often find certain women sexy and it rarely has anything to do with the physical package...
I can't imagine anyone ever doing a better job of putting into words what makes a woman sexy and why--from both the female and male perspective. You're one smart cookie, with a very healthy attitude.
ReplyDeleteAs for being crazy--aren't we all? (which is also the universal response to the oft-heard sports injury diagnosis: He's day-to-day. Aren't we all...)
I'm looking forward to tomorrow's answers notwithstanding the fact that you've apparently covered all of the sex questions. There's more to life than...well...er...OK, strike that part. But it'll no doubt still be interesting.
A Q: You've mentioned your involvement in baseball administration--what's your position? You've probably said in earlier posts, but this is the easiest way for me to find out.
Now, back to lurking...
Helpful tip:
ReplyDeleteWhen caught off guard outside, simply do the following:
..eventually, the cops get bored and go away.
On another note, the "Peeping Tom" warrant for my arrest is WAY over-exaggerated.
Nifty. The answer you gave was much longer than expected. The vidsual in my head is awesome.
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way, I haven't finished writing up the answers to the questions so if you would want to add another, it would not bother me.
I have a question. Does the blonde goddess have any regrets?
ReplyDeleteWow. Very fine responses to all the questions.
ReplyDeleteI'm spent.
ReplyDeleteMy questions:
If you wore a fat suit for a day, what else would you also carry (for me it's a whoopie cushion)?
If you could meet a famous celebrity (pick one, doesn't matter, they're all the same) for lunch one relaxed afternoon, would you spend the entire time trying to convince them that they had spinach between their teeth?
What is the value of pi (3.1415) in base 4 (please round to the 4th remainder)?
Why does it hurt when I pee?
and finally
If political decisions were based on the Agile programming model, describe the specifications for requirements determinance for say, Nancy Pelosi's last yea vote. Alternatively describe the steps you would use to prove the Reimann Hypothesis.
Excellent answers.
ReplyDeleteHowever, the next time you're caught naked in the motion detector, simply yell
"Ta-DA!" while waving Jazz Hands.
That's what I'd do.
Thoroughly entertaining and thought-provoking. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteIn fact, this whole sexiness thing inspired me to add Francisco Goya's "La Maja Desnuda" at the top of my blog.
I need a visual goal to lose weight and reacquaint myself with my own hidden sexiness. She is it. :)
Your answer to the sexy question is EXCELLENT! I spent most of the 20's and 30's trying to be perfect, and didn't get half the enjoyment out of interpersonal relationships as I could have.
ReplyDeleteOnce it became apparent the being physically perfect was no longer an option, and I relaxed, that shit just got a whole LOT better. You got smarts on smarts about this stuff!
Also? I never would have thought you 'helped' your hair along. It suits you so well!!