Saturday was the worst of it. It was opening day for our league and there were five hundred phone calls, starting at 7:30 and not ending until my phone died. I'm not even kidding. I took the opportunity to shower while it was recharging. I had planned to actually go over to the field and help get things ready but it didn't work out that way. Instead I talked on the phone. I did manage to get Miss KIA to her ACT testing on time though, so that was a small victory for me. Hopefully she did as well on the test as she did on the pre-test...
Anyway...after a shower and a trip to several different fields, a run to get change and a quick trip to get Little Beatle ready for him game, I watched his game while working concessions and then had to work bingo until 11. Some people didn't show up and one other who would have come but had to work. So we were short handed and I was exhausted when I got home. Those people are crazy over there. I saw one guy who had a picture of his dogs that were dressed up in pink outfits or something. It was his good luck charm. I suppose it beats the hell out of trolls, but I still thought it was weird. The guy who tried to pick me up was there too, but he didn't say anything to me. His friend teased him about it though. He said, "Well lookey here who it is. I wonder if she's here to find her a man?" Then he snickered.
The strange things that happen at bingo. I HATE working it, along with everyone else, but it can serve as blog fodder on occasion.
Speaking of blog fodder, I still have questions to answer...So let's get started shall we?
I'm going to get started with Wyldth1ng. He asks:
Can a swallow carry a coconut?
Apparently Wyld, this is a question that's been asked since the days of King Arthur..
Do I know the answer? No...but some day, a great woman or man will step forward with the answer and rightfully take their place in history as the ONE who answered that question.
Are ladybugs, ladies?, If so, what is up their skirt?
Not all ladybugs are ladies. There are male and female although they're difficult to differentiate. Here's a little picture I found....

They're doing IT. The male is on top. Hmm...they do it doggie style. And did you know that they can do IT for two hours without stopping? WOW!...
How many fingers, is a good number?

Do you prefer vitamins via a pill or do drink/eat your vitamins? Normally I don't take vitamins. I try to eat healthy and make sure I get plenty of veggies and fruits in my diet. If I'm feeling a little under the weather or run down, I'll take a supplement...
Trish asks:
I'm wondering about your background. You say you grew up in Maine of Swedish descent. Do you ever go back to the old country? Do you speak Swedish?
Trish, I actually grew up in a little Swedish community in Maine. My great, great grandmother was the first girl born in the colony. Her parents were among the first settlers from Sweden. The colony was established in 1870. My family has lived there ever since. Some people can show their kids a few heirlooms and pictures to tell them about their family history. I can take mine to the museum in town and show them the original immigrant trunks and sleighs, dishes and tools. The families in the community donate items to the museum and maintain the Swedish history that way. There is also the Swedish traditions that live on in the community, like Midsommar and also the celebration of Saint Lucia in the school.

As for speaking Swedish,I can't speak it fluently anymore but I can speak some and understand quite a bit. When I started first grade I spoke it better than English. Of course that wasn't a good thing so they began to discourage me from speaking it so I would speak English better. I wish they'd have continued to talk to me in Swedish, but they didn't. My mother and aunt don't speak it either.
Now a questions from a previous lurker that revealed himself! cadude asks:
A Q: You've mentioned your involvement in baseball administration--what's your position? You've probably said in earlier posts, but this is the easiest way for me to find out.
I am on the Board of Directors for our local little league. I hold the position of lowly secretary. I do it for the kids really. It's a very difficult job and there's tons of paperwork, correspondence, phone calls, etc.. Of course everyone thinks you don't do anything because they don't SEE you do anything, but I'm busy almost every single day working on it. And I'm not talking an hour or two either. There are hours involved...hours upon hours. I try to pitch in where ever else I'm needed too. I will work in concessions, mow the field or help get it ready for a game. Whatever they need. If someone needs help, I'll try my best.
Gale asked me this question which I answered already because Ron asked me the same thing, kind of...
I have a question. Does the blonde goddess have any regrets?
Gale, HERE is the answer to that question. I'm sorry I missed the fact that you and Ron asked the same thing...
My biggest regret was to waiting to fly home when my Pa was dying. I was living here and Little Beatle was only a year old. Freya was still in Maine with her dad and Veggie Stick was four, Miss KIA in kindergarten. I wanted to take Little Beatle and fly home to be with him, but we didn't know how much longer it would be before Pa passed away. I had to try to make arrangements for the girls and without family here, that was close to impossible. I finally found people to help while Mr.Man was working, but I didn't want to take advantage of them so I waited. I finally booked a flight because my Nana called me and told me he was getting really bad, and he died two days before I was due to fly up there.
I wish I hadn't waited. I wanted to say goodbye to him and it's the biggest regret of my life. now I have to make a choice. Continue answering questions or go do my taxes.
Questions or taxes?
Ummm....Let me look at who the next questions are from...
It's Stew.
Ok...Stew...I have a question.
What the hell? Do you think I'm a rocket scientist? I'm just a blond woman with floppy breasts and a sticky out ass. There are no hidden brains in either of those places and I'm having some issues with two of these questions.
I'm going to wait until tomorrow. Mainly because I have to save what little brain power I have left to do my taxes. Besides, I have received a few more questions in the comments section and a couple others in my email from lurkers...
I'll answer them tomorrow.
In the meantime, this is my mood today...

I feel like getting naked and laying around. I'm fact I turned the furnace off and I'm getting ready to strip right now. I HATE hot flashes...bleh. How am I supposed to concentrate so I can do my taxes?
I'll be back tomorrow with the last of the questions and answers....
Ahh yes - I remember the Midsommer and Santa Lucia!
Naked, laying around, and hot. That sounds like an ideal trifecta to me, BG. Feel free to publish photos!
ReplyDeleteAnd how amazing that you have that connection still to your heritage right there in your town. No wonder you long to go back to Maine. . . it truly is your home.
ReplyDeleteHey - someone's been peeking in my winders! ;)
ReplyDeleteSeems like you got more questions than everyone else combined... I guess I see who the favorite is :)