When we first moved into our house, Little Beatle had just turned three. Within the first week of living here, he began to tell us about "ghost friend". We assumed that it was an imaginary friend of his, although we thought the name was weird.He and ghost friend played for hours and hours.Little Beatle could even describe what his ghost friend looked like. He said he was the same size as him except his hair was black and he always wore the same black pants and white shirt.
We thought that was odd but didn't really worry about it. I mean, I'd never gotten a bad vibe from my house and I'm sensitive to things like that, so I wasn't concerned.
It only really occurred to us that ghost friend might be an actual ghost when I swore I saw Little Beatle run from his bedroom into the bathroom only to find the bathroom and his bedroom both empty. There is no way for anyone to go down our stairs undetected because all the doors are leading out into the hall with the stairs in perfect view of all of them.
Then there was the time that I swore that Mr.Man had tapped me on the shoulder, only to yell at him and hear him reply from the shower. There was the sound of little feet running through the house, which goes around in a circle, every time I'd get in the shower and as soon as I opened the door and took a step out of it, it would stop.
THAT'S when we thought that maybe ghost friend was indeed a ghost.
Little Beatle actually told us that ghost friend told him his name was ghost friend. He didn't seem bothered by it and said they played together. In fact, ghost friend even traveled with us one year to Maine....
We had stopped in Massachusetts to visit Bob and Judy. Their son is the same age as Little Beatle. At the time they were living upstairs in the apartment above Bob's parents. It was great to see them and we had a wonderful time. The kids slept upstairs with us in the bedrooms while Bob and Judy slept in the bedroom downstairs. One night when Judy and I were getting the kids ready for bed, Little Beatle turned to Judy and told her that his ghost friend was outside and wanted to know if he could come in her house.
She FLIPPED! She has had a few supernatural experiences in her time that were not pleasant.
Of course she said NO...and asked us about this ghost friend our son was talking about.
I guess it kind of seemed weird, especially since my three and a half year old son was telling us that his ghost friend couldn't come in unless he had permission. What kind of ghost is that? The polite ghost? The non-intrusive ghost? The invitation only ghost?...LOL
But yeah...I HAD to share that story with you too. I'd almost forgotten about it but then started thinking about different things that had happened in our house.What happened to ghost friend? One day Little Beatle stopped talking about ghost friend and told us that he'd gone away. Maybe it was a spirit of a small child who looked for playmates, then moved on when they got too old?
Guess we'll never know.
Our house was build in 1917 so it could have a history. Of course there is nothing that says only old houses are haunted. In fact, I know of a brand spanking new house that I felt terrified in and there is definitely something in that house.....
There is an acquaintance I know, right here in this area, who's house was built not more than five years ago. When the construction was finished and they got moved in, they had a housewarming and we were invited. It was a BBQ so I didn't go inside right away but eventually I had to go to the bathroom and she wanted to show off the new house to me. The minute I walked in the door, it felt like something was sitting on my chest. I could hardly breath. I got cold chills up and down my spine and I felt like I was trying to push through something just to walk. I didn't even want to go to the bathroom because I didn't want to be alone.She took me through the bedrooms and then down the hall to the bathroom. The woman who owned the house asked me if I was ok because she said I had turned white. I told her I felt dizzy and asked her if she would wait outside the bathroom door for me. She said she would.
As I sat down to pee, I felt breath on my neck. I ignored it and acted like I didn't know it had happened. I finished going to the bathroom and then washed my hands. When I was washing them, I was looking in the mirror. Nothing was there behind me but my hair was moving and I could feel someone taller than me, breathing on me.
I opened the door and started to walk out and I was pushed. I ran into the woman who owns the house. She thought I'd tripped because I was dizzy and wanted me to sit down but I was determined to get out of that house. I told her I needed fresh air. As soon as I stepped outside, I felt like I could breath again. I asked Mr.Man if we could leave because I didn't want the kids going in the house. I told him I didn't feel good. He agreed and we left half an hour later.
Now THAT scared me...and normally I don't get scared. The strange things is, the couple who live in that house have never mentioned anything happening in there. I don't know if it was a spirit that was just angry at me for some reason or if I was the only one who could sense it. Who knows? I've never been back there and even if my car broke down in that area, I wouldn't knock on that door again.
The first encounter I ever had with something that seemed evil was when I was 12. My friend Carrie had moved to Maine from New Hampshire. He parents had bought a house that no one had lived in for awhile. They were antique dealers and renovated the house so they could open shop there. She and her older brother talked about how their father had found a scalp with hair on it when he'd torn out the ceiling in the renovated shop area. He laughed about it and had it hung up on one of the posts but I always thought it was creepy. Besides, what was a human scalp doing in an abandoned house in a Swedish colony?
I had been to her house other times and I'd always gotten the creeps but never really understood why.
One night when I stayed over, we were sleeping in her room. I was in one bed while she was in the other. It wasn't pitch black in her room because her parents kept a small lamp turned on so everyone could find their way to the bathroom at night. I woke up to the sound of the rocking chair in her room rocking. I thought she'd woken up and was sitting in it. As I sat up in my bed to look over at her, she sat up in her bed and looked at me. We both looked over toward the rocker and saw the rocking chair rocking on it's own.
We flew out of her room and down the hall to her parents room. She yelled and woke them up. Then she told them what we saw. Her father walked down the hall ahead of us and he was pretty pissed off. I'm sure he expected it to be a figment of our imagination. But when we approached Carrie's room,the chair was still rocking. He looked shocked. I don't know if he really knew what to do. So he moved toward the door to go into her room and the door slammed shut in his face.
He turned around and took us back to their room and we spent the night on the floor. Honestly I don't think he slept all night. I could hear him tossing and turning and I think he even got up a couple of times.
The next day, we were outside in the field next to the house. We had decided to take our lunch outside and have a picnic. Out of nowhere I got the over-whelming feeling that something was watching me from the house. I kept looking toward the windows and I couldn't see anything but I could feel it. My skin crawled. I felt something, not someone, watching me and I felt that it wanted to hurt me.
As hard as I tried, I couldn't bring myself to go back in that house. I asked Carrie go in the house and call my Nana to come get me. I was too scared to even go back in to get my things. She brought them out to me.
As I left, I felt that if I'd gone back in that house, I would have been hurt very badly...maybe even killed. I felt like it wanted me dead. It was the single most horrible feeling I've ever experienced.
I never stepped foot in that house again and I never will.
And so...there it is. Several of my own personal supernatural experiences. Mr.Man has had a few of his own and perhaps sometime I will share them too but I think I'm going to give the "ghoul and ghost" stories a rest for now.
Todays word is gonna be..."NO!" So far this morning, I've had several phone calls and I've not answered a single one. They can leave a message or call me back. I'm not doing anything more than what I'm already responsible for. I've had it with everything I think. I'm regrouping and regaining myself. That's the problem when you give yourself away so much. By the time you figure out what you've done, it's too late to really salvage much. You just have to start over from scratch.
So...if I get a call asking can I do this or can I do that?
With that said, this is my mood for today...

I feel like reading. I'm going to create a small nook in my favorite chair...grab a cup of hot herbal tea with honey...and read until I'm tired of reading. What's on the agenda book-wise you ask?
I have TONS of poetry books.
That...is one of the answers to the question, "What interests me? What do I like?"
I like...no...LOVE poetry. You used to be able to find me, sitting on the floor at Books-A-Million in the poetry section, trying to decide which treasure I wanted to take home with me that day.
What happened to take me away from something I found so much pleasure in?
I counted the books I have in the bookcase just on poetry and there are 39 books for me to choose from today, although I know I have more other places in my house. I have two of Anne Sexton's books but I only saw one. Then there is three Pablo Neruda , but I only saw two. And my Naomi Shihab Nye book is missing too. My favorite poem by her is Kindness, which, ironically enough is not the book I bought of hers but her poetry skims along the rim of my soul...silverly and light...healing...
Ahem...I'm just rambling now so...it's time to read. See ya tomorrow...
Frick! All these ghost stories are giving me the creeps! LOL. Enjoy your day of reading. I'm trying to catch up on reading too (blogs).
ReplyDeleteYay on a day relaxing and reading poetry!! It's about time you relaxes a little I was getting tired out whenever I read your blog :)
ReplyDeleteI've heard that some people are just more open/prone to paranormal experiences. Lucky you :) I'm happy not being prone to them.
ooh, spooky.
ReplyDeleteI think I have zero sensitivity to ghosts and spooks.
Not that I don't believe in 'em... I've just never had "that feeling"
You must be supersensitive - that story about the ghosti nteh bathroom freaked me right out... Eeeek!
ReplyDeleteGood thing you lived to tell the tale.
I miss your "woman on the side".
ReplyDeleteI've never had that kind of experience and I would freak out.
ReplyDeleteI dig the profile pic - very Anna Nicole.
ReplyDeleteOMG I don't know where to begin scary ghostering or poetry and a big FU to people who are looking for others to do stuff for them (instead of doing it themselves).
ReplyDeleteOne place scared me so bad I wouldn't stay there. Just as I laid down in the bed, something came growling clear as day straight toward my head from behind. I was up and into my pants before my feet hit the floor. They sold that house. Good on them, I say.
Curmy's old house in Mass (1600s) used to have problems. First time I walked in there I thought it was very comfortable. Then we walked into a room where this old Victorian baby carriage was with an antique porcelain doll laying in it. Curmy couldn't get that thing out of the house fast enough to please me. I told him to sit it on the sidewalk and let anyone who wanted to to cart it off for free for all I cared. It was all peaceful from there.
Poetry. I'm going to have to do a post with a couple of clips of some of my favorites. I love Patti Smith and Charles Bukowski.
Hey Tammie,
ReplyDeleteHave you read Cormac McCarthy's 'All the Pretty Horses'? It's a novel, but reads like prose. It has its own rhythm and is a great story...
totally recommend it!
Wow! This is my first visit to your blog. My wife is working tonight, so it is just me and Miss T (my 18 month old girl) here tonight, and now I am a little spooked. I have had a few experiences myself. I'll have to post about them sometime.