Thursday, December 27, 2007


This will be a short post. Miss-know-it-all has a term paper due and she needs the computer today. But least I'm able to write something, right?

Last night I felt like crap. I was in bed before nine, which is unusual for me. Mr.Man was very sweet. He rubbed my neck and shoulders and cuddled to keep me warm.I think I might have been over-tired from my mother's visit. She can be very demanding. Besides, the girls were telling me how mean she was to them during the visit and that's upsetting. I suppose I'm used to her demeaning remarks but the girls aren't. She kept making comments to my oldest daughter,whom I will refer to as "Freya", about how she needs to stop eating so much and stop smoking. Yeah Freya is a little overweight and I'm not happy about her smoking, but don't ride her about it. She's twenty five and very capable of making her own decisions.
Miss-know-it-all said that she was told she needed to lose weight too. Of course she is a little overweight as well, but hell...she's almost six feet tall and carries around 44DD boobies. I'm thinking she needs a little extra heft to help bear the burden, you know?
Veggie Stick had to hear about the benefits of eating meat and was basically made fun of because she is a vegetarian. Apparently my mother ignored me when I told her that I cooked vegetarian dishes several nights a week and always made sure that Veggie Stick had an alternate source of protein at meals if I prepared meat.
I don't think my mother does well if she's expected to change to accommodate others.Regardless, my daughters were all very upset over it. I knew they appreciated me more but had no idea they felt attacked and humiliated by their grandmother.

My son is oblivious. Of course he is a boy. It seems that my mother prefers the boys in the family to the girls. My brother can do no wrong. His three sons can do no wrong. My son can do no wrong, although he is not favored as much as my brother's boys. The girls see this and it hurts them. I'm used to it and my poor brother has no idea she does it.It's just been a fact of life for me for as long as I can remember, but so has a lot of other things I've been through with her.


But that's enough talking about my mother and those things.

It was very nice to be babied last night by Mr.Man. It makes me wonder...if something were to happen to him, would there be anyone else out there who would take care of me the way he does? He has his faults, really he does, but then again, there are times when he wraps me up in his arms and makes the whole world disappear.
I really need that sometimes.
I hate always having to be the strong one...the understanding one...the one who makes the sacrifices...etc...

I'm admitting it...I like to be babied and pampered and told I'm pretty just like any other woman. I like the attention.

So there... that's all there is. Miss-know-it-all is chomping at the bit, ready to write her A+ term paper (and it will be an A+).

My mood for today is sleepy and achy. I might give into it and wrap myself in a blanket and find a movie to watch. I'm too blah to have a word of the day. You make up your own...maybe use "Boss" if you're at work and see what happens...heh hehe..(let me know how that works out for you if you do it, alrighty?)

I'll return tomorrow....


  1. My Mom criticises everyone as a metter of course.

    If you called her on it, I bet she would have NO IDEA she spends so much time telling people that they are overweight or their hair is messed up or their shirts look funny. Seriously, I don't think she even knows.

  2. I'm sorry your mom's visit was stressful. I'm glad you're taking some down time for you - you need it. Rest up and you'll be up and at 'em tomorrow and beyond. :-)

  3. Told you are pretty? My goodness, don't you have any mirrors in that house?
    Give the kids a can opener and go snuggle up with Himself under a blanket and don't come out till tomorrow.

  4. Sounds like a typical mother from hell. I'm sorry to hear your kids have to deal with that. Especially when it comes to the weight thing. I think it is rather common that a grandmother(depending on her age) talks about the grandaughter's weights like that. It is shitty and can cause eating disorders. My grandmother is like that. Anorexic and bulimic as well and taught one of my cousins how to purge "properly". Fucked up.

    I do hope you feel better though.

    And you are beautiful!

  5. Well at least you're more appreciated now.

    Thanks by the way

  6. Dude - my Mom can be like that too. I often hear about how things "ought" to be, but she's nowhere NEAR as bad as your mom seems to be. You have my sympathies, you really do.

