Thursday, August 16, 2007

Working at the car wash....

I'm getting ready to leave for WalMart but wanted to share a pic of the car wash. Yep. Thanks to lovable old Sunny, I have a picture of me in action. The next car wash I expect some patrons!!! And no...I will NOT wash your car in an 'ahem' unique manner. It's a fundraiser for kids for crying out loud. I have some self-control you know! I'm not completely corrupt.

I will admit that I am a great carwasher and will do a mighty fine job at it. It's the farm girl physique and years of experience...I've been groomed to be a grade A, class 1 car washer.
HAHAHA!!! Yeah...I even make myself laugh...

That's all I have for now. But who knows? I may have something else to write about later.Something crazy may happen at WalMart. It IS WalMart and this IS West Virginia...ANYTHING could happen.



  1. You can always play the WVSR Wal-Mart Game!

  2. Brenda already beat me to the recommendation. We should both go once school starts (to the one on Corridor G - they have wilder patrons than the Nitro one) and see who gets the most on their game card!

  3. Tammie - I found WVSR through the Rock and Roll Confidential webpage. I would say it was about 3 yrs ago, but my sense of time is really bad, so it was probably 4 or 5 yrs ago.
