Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Medication...schmedication...what has it done for me lately?

This medication sucks the big hairy one. I'm not kidding. I am still in pain, I'm just dizzy and incoherent now that I've taken the damn stuff. Bleh..there has been no pain relief...NONE!!!
I figured that if I broke down and took the meds, I'd get some relief. I'd be able to drink a cup of coffee without screaming loud enough to break windows and maybe, MAYBE, I'd get something to eat today. But no...chewing is still not an option.
And I'm hungry!!! It's been several days without real food and I'm ready to eat something.
I read about Tiff's bagels this morning and drooled so much I look like a teething baby. I could have my own wet t-shirt contest.

So I'm in a bad mood. I'm hungry and in pain and dizzy. Oh yeah...then there is the issue about not being allowed to drink alcohol while taking this useless medication.
THAT really pisses me off. Of course I won't do it because I'm smarter than that, (really I am even though it seems like I'm not) I've decided I'm going to have to stop taking the pain meds so I can drink. not really. I'm just upset that the pain meds are doing nothing for me. I hate taking pain meds anyway. Especially USELESS pain meds...

I need to make phone calls today and make sure people know about an event on Saturday night. Apparently a few people who were supposed to call people have not called anyone about it and since I'm the dope that organized it, I need to double check and call people.

Should be interesting, considering my speech is jacked up due to all this mouth pain. this is all I got today. I'm too dizzy and pissed off to think about anything else.

One last thing...THIS DIDN'T WORK FOR ME...

I tried # 6 several, SEVERAL times over the last 24 hours and it doesn't was just a short distraction. No real pain relief...
Who knows? Maybe I'll give them all another shot...right now I'm planning on # 5 and then # 8.

OH yeah...this post has been written courtesy of # 10...thank you and have a nice day...


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry!! Mouth pain is the absolute WORST.

    You have my sympathies.

  2. I threw out the pain meds. I'm drinking Vodka. It's helping...A LOT!!!

  3. Camiseta PersonalizadaAugust 9, 2007 at 4:20 PM

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