I was actually informed by yet another church person that I don't teach my children morals.
IN FACT, they don't teach their children to act the way mine do...
Do they video tape my kids and then have class, complete with video footage and a pointer, showing all of the faults my children have?
Are my kids their personal examples of what they are not allowed to act like?
You know...I used to like going to church. In fact, it was a peaceful and joyful time for me. I could go into the church and worship, do some self-examination and reflect on my life and my actions.
I always felt so much better when I came out of church.
Then I moved to good old West Virginia and guess what? The entire church experience changed for me. I didn't feel so great when I came out of church anymore. In fact, I felt like shit. I felt like I wasn't doing enough for the Lord! I worried about what other people were thinking and almost had a stroke at the mere mention that one of my kids had said something off color in the Sunday school class!
I felt cement weighted guilt if I wasn't at church every time the doors opened! I even compromised my own personal faith and beliefs because I felt I needed to have my children raised in the church!
I taught the high school on Wednesday nights. I taught them about self-respect and self-esteem and treating other people with respect, even if they didn't deserve it because it would say more about their own character than the character of the other person....I tried to teach them things they could use in their every day lives to make them feel better about themselves and motivate them to make something good out of their lives. I talked about sex and drugs and drinking, not in a condescending way, but in a realistic way that they could understand.
And I got in trouble for it...CONSTANTLY.
Of course our youth group was big...really big. The kids kept coming because they were finding a spiritual peace every teen-ager searches for. They had a place where they could be accepted by others even though they weren't popular or didn't dress in name brand everything...they were all friends.
I taught them about making their faith personal and not worrying about what other people thought. They learned that actions speak more loudly than words and quoting scripture means nothing if you're not willing to back it up.
I lied to myself and told myself that I was doing some good so it was ok for me to compromise my beliefs.
Hopefully the kids got something good from it but I felt myself drifting away from that inner peace.
Because I wasn't reading from the King James version of the bible (the only REAL version according to the elders) and used the NIV instead, I wasn't a 'good' teacher. And because I talked about taboo subjects like sex, drinking,drugs and even rock and roll...I was a 'bad' teacher.
The elders in the church gave me some 'suggestions' on how to improve my classes.
SUGGESTIONS MY ASS! They gave me an ultimatum and I couldn't abide by it, so I left.
I also taught the College and Career classes as well. You see, I'm very knowledgeable about my bible.Not because I want to run around quoting it to impress people into thinking I'm a good Christian woman...but because I wanted to read it for myself. The Lutheran church I grew up in, taught us that faith is a personal experience and you shouldn't base it on what other people tell you. You shouldn't base your feelings or thoughts on how others interpret the bible.
So I read the bible myself.
I went to catechism classes and we talked about what we read. Sometimes we all agreed on what we read and other times we didn't. Our pastor discussed all options with us but NEVER told us what we were supposed to feel about it. He told us to pray and meditate about it.
My faith has always been a very personal thing for me and I've never felt the need to walk around wearing it like a badge of honor or a shiny symbol of my superiority. I'm sorry to say this, but I've met a lot of people in this area who do those two things. It disgusts me too.
So...after compromising my own beliefs, I finally left the church I was going to and became one of the 'heathens'.
Has my faith changed?
Have I changed?
I feel free! I feel like I can be true to my faith and to myself. I am not perfect and I don't pretend I am. I drink, I swear and I tell white lies...I do.
Oh wait a minute...I forgot. The majority of the people who go to church down here don't do any of those things...(unless they're hiding it, then it's acceptable.)
The Catholics are realistic. They do smoke and drink and if they swear, they know lightening isn't going to strike them dead. I think they have the "I'm not perfect" thing down pretty well. I'd have to say that the Catholics I know down here are the closest to the peaceful church I grew up in more-so than any other church I've been to.
I like the Methodist church as well. I've been to it on several occasions and I even ventured to a couple in different cities. I've liked every one.
The Lutheran church down here is just as Baptist as the Baptist church and probably only slightly more conventional than the non-denominational churches I've been to.
I don't do revival.
Revival isn't something that should be scheduled. You should be in your own personal revival every single day. What ever your personal belief, you should be intimate with it and incorporate it into everything you do...every day. Going to the church every night won't make it stronger if you're not already in touch with it.
I don't believe in hell.
I really don't. (Yeah, I've been told I'm going there and if there is one, then I'm sure I'll see most of the people who have told me I'm going there waiting on me when I arrive.)
I guess that being attacked in my own home, countless times by people telling me that I'm a bad parent because I don't go to church, has just pushed me to the breaking point.
I'm SICK of the Jesus police in the state and would appreciate it if they would check out the beam in their own eye,instead of pulling out the magnifying glass to look for the mote in mine. (Matthew 7:1-5 in case you're interested)...
The way I see it, is if everyone would just concentrate on themselves and take care of working on their own faults and trying their best to be a good and decent person, there'd be a lot less bullshit in this world and a lot more harmony and love.
I'm being the best parent I know how to be, but that doesn't mean my children will be perfect. Remember the free will thing?
In fact, I can think of several big church people I know who have pointed their finger at me in the past and wagged it in my direction with the "you're a bad parent" lecture who's children are in very bad places right now.
I feel sorry for them.
I think it's terrible that they have to go through that.
I hate it for their kids that they're having such a rough time.
I don't throw it in their faces and gloat over it!
What's the point of this whole rant?
There isn't any point. I'm just venting. It's annoying and irritating. I'm sick and tired of it!
And just so you know....when I was confronted yesterday I turned the other cheek and went about my business as usual. There are just some people in this world you don't attempt to defend yourself or your children to. You want to, but it won't do any good and most times it'll just make things worse.
Besides...it's not the Christian thing to do now, is it?
Be patient with me again today...I'll get back to the funny stuff tomorrow....I NEED a good laugh!
I agree with everything you just said. You should have your own faith in what you believe and don't let anyone tell you differently. When you start compromising to please other you are not true to yourself. And personally if I had kids I would be proud to send them to any class you would teach about religion. Of course I'm a heathen myself so you have to take what I say with a grain of salt.
ReplyDeleteAmen, sister.
ReplyDeleteTry being a home schooler in a predominately Christian community (The HS community)
I constantly get snide comments about our "affiliation" (which is ZERO now because of.. well... lots of reasons)
I'm (according to all the Bible bouncers in our HS group) supposed to have my nose in the good book 24/7 and if I don't teach a Bible sermon every frickin' day then I'm just a horrible HS mom.
Oh geeze,, I have to stop, I could on an on about this for hours.
I'll sum it up by saying that I'm a follower of Christ but we don't align ourselves with any denomination or organized religion because in WV,, it's a crock. I got the same guff you did.
Real f'in Christian like isn't it?
Jesus loves me just the way I am. Fbombs and all.
I'm in the bad mommy club too.
About halfway down your blog, I was thinking, "She should be Catholic." Christthe King Catholic church is over your way or you could come to St. Francis (where I go). :-)
ReplyDeleteAh, the judgemental Christians.
ReplyDeleteI dislike them intensely. See, what I'm thinking is that folks of any denomnation should be accepting, always in a state of growth, able to learn from one another, open to new ideas, supportive, and humble.
You did right to leave that church. They don't much sound like Christians. Don't sound much like terribly good people, either.
Spritual doesn't equal pious, and pious doesn't equal good. I'm just syaing, is all.
Things aren't much different in the land of Fried Chicken and Derby. With the possible exception that our Methodists are more like Baptists. My oldest dates (ok, lives with) her Baptist boyfriend. He is nice enough. Her cursing doesn't bother him, but taking the Lord's name in vain makes him crazy. Fair enough. But his family likes to gang up on her about being Catholic, and spread all the same crap. She actually got into an argument with his aunt over religion on a family vacation when the old bat started in on her about the "fake" Catholic bible.
ReplyDeleteI am proud I am a bad mom. I relish it. Wear it proudly, because your kids probably talk to you and don't fear your reactions.
You are raising awesome people and authentic Christians.
In closing,
from Kentucky
The Episcopal Church Welcomes You. :) Truly!
ReplyDeleteI gave up on religion a couple of years ago and I have never been happier in my life. I also found out that I don't need religion to be a good person or to be nice to others. Good luck on your path to personal growth.
ReplyDeleteYou're right about the Catholic church. Their members are people (though you'll find some snoots in any group of 25 or more people regardless of affiliation).
ReplyDeleteOne of my profs who left the Catholic church because she divorced a he-demon joined the Episcopalians and she loves it.
Personally, I've always had an interest in the Uniterian Universalists, but I've never gone because I grew up in Boone County and the only church I went to was just one step this side of snake handling--laying on hands, speaking in tongues, no make-up, no pants, no haircuts for women (but extra short ones for the men), and a super double dollop of judgmentalism with a side of everyone who isn't just exactly like me is going to Hell.
I hated them.
I don't believe in organized religion because of them, but I see where lots of folks get a wonder experience from their churches and I don't dog them for it one bit.
wonder experience should be wonderful experience
ReplyDeleteBuzzardBilly, I knew what you meant...LOL
ReplyDeleteActually I had a wonder experience...as in...I 'wonder' what the hell I was thinking putting up with such a terrible compromise for so long.
I also agree that there are plenty of people out there who have had great fulfilling experiences in churches and are very happy.
I used to be one of them....sadly I just haven't found that here yet.
(notice I said yet...I'm hopeful..)
Why do you even fuck with these moron pricks? I tell any "good Christian" that crosses my path in any sort of intrusive manner to go fuck themselves and shove their sky pixie mythology bullshit up their ass.
ReplyDeleteAnd anyone who questions my parenting skills is going to get worse than that. These days I challenge anyone to match their grown kids and the way they raised them against my grown kids and the heathen, unholy way I raised them.
Of course, that's just silly me.
Do you actually let these pieces of shit bother you?
SH, I can ignore a lot of things but when someone comes to my home and attacks me, it's difficult to ignore. There is a lot more that goes on and a lot more that's said, but it's outside the sanctity of my home.
ReplyDeleteWhen they come to my house to confront me or condemn me, it's hard to ignore them and it leaves me in a position where I have to make a choice between telling them to get fucked or setting a good example for my children.
I choose to set a good example for my kids and teach them that you don't have to have your head shoved up some church's ass in order to be a considerate and kind person.
It pisses me off but in no way does it dictate my actions. I don't try to conform to what they think I should do, neither do I lose any sleep over it. I get mad...I vent...it's done.
What the hell?!?!?!? No, you're not a bad Mom!!!! Ignore those asshats.
ReplyDeleteI once had a parent of one of Joseph's best friends call me to the mat because I let him play with guns. She invited Joe to her son's birthday party and then had the audacity to call me and explain that "we WON'T be playing Army, so tell yer boy to leave his guns at home." She then attempted to soften the blow by adding, "We're a non-violent home, here." As if we beat the hell out of each other at my home or something.
And you've got to understand, my Joseph, although he is really interested in anything military, is really a sweetheart. When he plays "Army," it's usually about rescuing his buddies or protecting his fort -- not about blowing the other guy to smithereens!
You know Neitzche said "Hell is other people," and I really believe it. Maybe we're in hell right now, and heaven is a place where people are friggin NICE to each other.
As a child of a God fearing mother, I was dragged to church every Sunday for most of my life.
ReplyDeleteNow, I've passed by the pastor and his wife, separately on various occassions at different locations...
They would not lift their eyes to meet yours to save their HOLIER THAN JESUS SOUL.
They have their 'cult' and if you aren't part of it, they don't acknowledge you.
Now, here in is the problem I have with 'organized religion' such as this...
Isn't it taught in scripture to go out and spread the word to everyone?? How the hell can they spread the word if they won't even look up from their can of chili to speak???
Sorry... ranting over here...
Love the post. Nail on the head.