Speaking of insane...
I do want to say that appreciate the comments and emails with advice on Miss KIA and that situation. Plus I appreciate the new shortened and condensed version of her nickname thanks to The Original Jay.
After some consideration and self-reflection,I don't think there was anything wrong with Miss KIA calling Mama Happy.Miss KIA called to apologize and explain why they were asking to change days and tell her that she wasn't trying to be disrespectful to the original rules. Her concern was that if she didn't apologize for asking to change days and explain why they had asked in the first place, then she would be seen as being disrespectful.I don't see anything wrong with that and I'm proud of her for handling it so maturely. I don't feel it was disrespectful or manipulative.
Isn't it ironic that her concern about being respectful to Mama and Papa Happy is what caused this nightmare?
Fucking irony...
I should have explained how one sided this situation was.I was called often to be told all the things she disliked about Miss KIA and Happy's relationship.She's made numerous petty references to my parenting and mildly derogatory comments about my daughter.
We have always talked through it though and I've worked with her to reach a compromise. I've swallowed my pride on several occasions and taken the high road in order to keep the peace.
The reason for the drama this time, I believe, is because this is the first time I have voiced my displeasure at something.She's approached me many times saying exactly what was on her mind, yet the one time I say something, it's received with a very hateful and nasty attitude?
This past weekend was the FIRST and ONLY time I had voiced my displeasure with something concerning Miss KIA and Happy's relationship to her.
I think I handled it well considering that she called and accused my 16 year old daughter of being a manipulative bitch. I voiced my opinion on that,in a much more respectful manner than she deserved,and all hell broke loose.
I'm glad to be rid of her....I hope Miss KIA will make the same choice. I feel terrible for Happy, but this is one battle he needs to wage on his own and until he stands up to his parents, he will always be under their rule...even after he turns 18.
I didn't mean for this post to get into this topic again but like I've said before, I get up in the morning and whatever I'm thinking about comes pouring out here. I'm done with it now...
I did have a good weekend.
Friday night I shopped a little while and then stopped by to see an old friend. It was very nice. In fact, it was my favorite part of the entire weekend. The visit was way too short but I'm looking forward to making some time to hang out again.
When I got home I returned a call from ETW and we had a nice chat. I really need to make the time for us to get together and hang out and fart and what-not...LOL. She's such a great person. I'm so glad I found her through blogging.
Then Saturday was hectic. I got up and left the house around 8:30. I drove Veggie Stick to practice and then made my way to Little Beatle's practice with him. We painted back drops until practice was over, then it was a quick stop home to drop him off, grab a sandwich and then go to Veggie Stick's practice to do some sewing.
I left her practice in time to drop her off and go work Bingo for Little League.
Bingo...what can one say about Bingo?
It's entertaining to say the least.
There was one guy there who kept winking at me every time I'd sell him cards. Finally he asked me if I was married. His buddy, who was sitting next to him said, "Earl. Do you think that if she ain't married she's gonna be looking for a feller at the bingo hall?"
One old lady kept threatening to sick her lucky trolls on me. I finally said, "Go ahead. I think I can take them and I promise you...all that pretty pink and purple hair will be gone when I'm finished with them."
She stopped saying anything after that and wouldn't buy cards from me.I noticed the trolls were sitting right in front of her chest the next time I came around too.
When I got done working bingo, I went to WalMart with my friends Lisa and Susan, (who also worked bingo with me).
I walked into the bathroom and discovered that my pants had been unzipped the entire time I was walking around at the bingo hall. Maybe that's why old Earl was interested?
All I can say is thank god I was wearing underwear...whew...
Of course when I came out of the bathroom and told Lisa and Susan about it, they decided it was too funny to let go and kept teasing me about being unmarried if my pants were unzipped.
I kept asking them to check to see if I was married or not...usually if they were down at the other end of the aisle from me and I had to yell it at them...heh heh....
Maybe you saw or heard us Saturday night?
Then there was the old man who kept shushing Susan when she tried to tell me I'd placed my stuff in his cart.
I was talking to Lisa and walked over and put my things in his cart instead of hers. Susan saw me do it but when she started to tell me, the old man who was pushing the cart, pushed her arm and kept saying, SHUSH...SHUSH...
Maybe he needed coffee creamer?
Anyway, they had a good laugh over that too and kept checking to see if I was married or not...I mean after all...the old man was old..not dead.
In the tinfoil aisle there was a guy who had a yellow M&M on his ass. But it wasn't on his ass, it was stuck more toward his balls and I didn't notice it until he bent over to pick up tinfoil. A little yellow fleck caught my eye so I was looking at it and his wife came over. She was as wide as she was tall...and believe me,I had no desire to get on her bad side.
So I mumbled something about sheets of tinfoil and mumbled something about WalMart not ever having what I need and she allowed me to pass her, alive and still walking on my own two legs.
Susan and Lisa howled with laughter at me, but you know, I was only checking out the M&M on his pants. This dude had a typical flat...no butt...man butt.He has the droopy drawers and everything. It wasn't an ass worth getting into a slap fight over. Seriously...
After that close call, they decided it was time to get me out of there, so we went up front to check out. The lines stretched on for miles and there were like three registers open. So while we waited I asked them to see if I was married again (because there was a nice assed cute guy in the next lane but I was married dammit!) and then I retold the whole M&M incident.
While I was leaning over and pointing at my ass to show them exactly where the M&M was, a cashier rushed to her register and pointed at us and said she'd check us out IMMEDIATELY.
Do you think it was the ass pointing that did it?
Regardless of what the reason was, we got out of there in no time flat and I was thanked and made fun of all the way home.
I sure do love my friends....
Sunday was just as crazy and hectic. More practice and more sewing.I ran again all afternoon and was exhausted when I got home. The sight of Mr.Man laying on the couch in my robe because he couldn't find anything clean to wear was enough to make me feel much better when I got home though....
The word for today is "sick".
Mr.Man is home sick today. He felt bad Saturday and then again on Sunday. I went out and got him some medicine and some soup and fluids. I warmed up a blanket in the dryer for him several times and snuggled with him and rubbed his back. I know he doesn't feel good and figured he needed some special love.
Veggie Stick is home sick as well. She has a headache and it's a doozy. She gets migraines and they can be pretty bad at times.
My mood for today is this....
It was a rough weekend. Someone kidnap me and take me away to get some relaxation!!!!
One last thing...Tiff gave me an award. I'm very honored and I plan to address it when I digest it all...for right now I'm still asking myself..." WHO ME?"...
I'll be back on Elderly Hell day!
Too funny about the yellow M&M. I love seeing stuff like that out and about. Makes shopping less boring. Thanks for the call too - I'd been worried about you.
ReplyDeleteWow! Sounds like you make shopping at WalMart fun. I think you should have told the guy about tne M&M though I mean it seems like the proper thing to do :)
ReplyDeleteYour WalMart is WAY more interesting than mine.
ReplyDeleteWalmart is a great place to people watch but man.... you're watching them a bit close, no? LOL
ReplyDeleteZomg... will never eat M&Ms again.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the new diet technique. Now write something disgusting about ice cream and girl scout cookies, and I should be golden.
PS My Wal Mart is the site of the former 2nd State Hospital for the Mentally Insane. Same clientele -- less interesting architecture.
I told Ron that he should go grocery shopping with you.
ReplyDeleteScratch that.
*I* want to go with you!
Can we all go sounds like fun.
ReplyDeleteI would kidnap you..but then i'd want to take you shopping with me...not because I love to shop..but because you seem like a blast to have around..even in a place like walmart!
ReplyDeleteI hope the sickly family feel better soon and that Happy's evil bitch mother becomes somewhat reasonable soon...unless she loves having her son hate her