It didn't bother me when the plant wilted as I sat breathing on it....
And it didn't bother me that I stunk like a sour dishrag....
But that sticking together stuff...that's tough to ignore.
Hot and cheesy stuff...hmmm...gave Hot Pockets a whole new meaning for me...
But yeah...I just couldn't stand it.
So at 6:22 P.M. E.S.T....I took a shower and did it feel great!
I doubt that plan would have worked anyway. I don't really know if the people who live with me even realize I'm here unless they need something. So a new plan formed in my head....
I could hide all of the laundry in my room and every time someone throws it in a pile without folding it, I'll hide that too! That's my new plan...heh heh heh...
I will begin my new strategy today. I'm going to go into my room and fold everything up, placing it in a trunk that normally holds blankets and wait for people to discover they have nothing to wear.
It might come down to this one morning but a woman's got to do what a woman's got to do....
Thank God Mr.Man has nice legs....I bet after he has to raid my closet a few times, he won't be throwing the laundry on the floor anymore.
I have a mind like a steel trap I'm telling you....
So today there is no school again. Yet another snow day....
What is it about a little snow that sends every West Virginian out to the grocery store to buy bread and milk? Are they worried about running out of toast? Does the urge to have a glass of milk hit whenever they're sitting at home looking at all the fluffy white stuff outside their house? That makes me want to eat marshmallows not drink milk! And who gives a shit about toast when you there are Pop Tarts? I don't understand it. Ever since I moved here I haven't understood it.
When I hit up the store my buggy is full of important things, like marshmallows and Pop Tarts, orange juice or cranberry juice (cause I can mix them with vodka) toilet paper (you can never have enough toilet paper) and a few can's of beans.
Oh yeah...batteries too...and not batteries for the flashlight either. If the power goes off I'm going to get bored real fast and laying in the dark like that, well it gets me thinking about stuff and well...never mind.
I'm sure you know what I mean...
The first year I moved here, Miss-know-it-all and Veggie Stick were just little tykes.It was 1993 and the first part of 1994, we were hit with a HUGE snowstorm.
Mr.Man had to go out and work in it for days and days(so a bunch a people could get their power back on)and I was trapped in our apartment alone with the kiddos.
We were ok for the first two or three days but then things began to run out....milk, bread, diapers and cereal.
So being from the northern tundra of Maine, I bundled the kids up in their snow suits and boots, scarves, hats and mittens and piled them on the toboggan I'd brought with me.
In West Virginia a toboggan is a knit cap. In Maine it is a wooden sled.*shrugs* we trudged away from the house, the neighbors watched with curiosity. A couple of them yelled out the door at me to get back inside my house "afore I killed them babies"..some even had a few choice words to describe me. Let's just say I wasn't immediately embraced by people when I first moved least not the people who lived near me. Can anyone say "Damn Yankee"? Let's say that I was considered somewhat of an outcast.
Regardless of their opinion of me it didn't take long for them to figure out that I was going to the store. Man did I get a different response from them then! I was stopped countless times as I trudged through the snow down the street.By the time I had made my way to Charles Avenue, I had an order to purchase over six gallons of milk and four loaves of bread and return home with all of it.
Thankfully I had brought an empty crate to put my stuff in and it was tucked in behind the girls, serving as a back rest for them as well.
I trudged through the snow and made my way to FasChek, only to discover they were closed. So off I went to Krogers, which was quite a haul with two babies on the back of a toboggan. It was still snowing and the streets were covered. I don't remember seeing anyone out driving and I was worried my trek to Krogers would be pointless. But they were open and I was able to buy supplies for all of 19th street..(Hillside).
It's a good thing the girls and I were all used to the cold...
Who would have know that the years of living in frigid temperatures would come in handy someday? Our contribution to the survival of the residents on 19th street during the blizzard of 1994 will go down in the history books now...
See? I'm famous and I didn't even remember what I'd done to get there. God I wonder if that's a side effect of drinking cheap Vodka? I'm going to have to stick to the good stuff from now on.
Today's word will be......"Can"...
Heh heh heh....
There is NO DAMN SCHOOL AGAIN TODAY so the screaming youth hormone sacks will be asking me if they can do things(unreasonable things) or if I can do impossible can I tell Miss-know-it-all to shut up or if I can stop Veggie Stick from annoying Miss-know-it-all...etc...fight...fight...fight.A freakin cat fight all day long.I don't know why they ask me to do anything. They don't listen to me...
Of course now, due to the power I wield known as "The Word of the Day", when they ask me if I "can" do anything at all,I will simply yell and scream and make a lot of noise.
Veggie Stick will be the first to pick up on it and Miss-know-it-all will get out the thesaurus to look for alternate words. Little Beatle just carries around a notepad and writes what he wants after the first word of the day outburst.He doesn't give me much trouble yet but of course he's not a teen-ager either. Wait until his voice starts cracking, then I bet I'll get more attitude.
And with all of that said...this is my mood for today...
I feel like playing in the snow!!!! I wonder if my station wagon would do some good donuts in the old Ames parking lot? If I get caught I could lie and say I was sliding. Who'd think that a 41 year old woman in a station wagon would be doing donuts on purpose?
And why didn't I bring my cross county skis with me when I moved down here? My stupid brother talked me into giving them to him!! The hell I say!!! Every time it snows, I kick myself for listening to him...*shakes fist at brother in Maine*
I'm probably just going to get stuck making an x-rated snow sculpture...HMMMPPPFFFTT!!! Oh well...I better make the most of it.
Very sensible to get batteries for the radio too. Not a lot of people think of how important getting news updates are if there is a power outage... The batteries were for a radio? right... :)
ReplyDeleteI suspect that after a few more hours stuck in the house with the kids, you're going to lose all interst in those batteries--and maybe even life itself, Tammie. I hope your weather clears up soon!
ReplyDeleteI understand the entire city grinding to a halt down here because of snow.
ReplyDeleteBut I would think up there in the mountains there wuld, ya know, be plows or something to get them kiddies off to school!
Blondie, I don't know why people these days tend to make a big deal out of every little inconvenience. I find that it's life's inconveniences that make it interesting. A big snow, a flood, a power outage or whatever. Breaks the boredom.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the fresh batteries. They wear out so quickly with a girl like you.
I have a crank up need for radio batteries either...*wink*
ReplyDeleteI would NEVER lose interest in's too unpredictable!
I live in the city. Dunbar is on the outskirts of Charleston and this is actually a bigger city area than the area I grew up in. I don't know why it's so difficult to get things plowed, but I have noticed that they only salt the roads and do not add sand to allow traction on snow packed areas.
A girl like me? What's that mean? LOL...
I remember that year - it was awful. The Evil Twin and I would trudge to the 7-11 in South Charleston to buy beer and supplies.
ReplyDeleteWell, fudge. I was looking forward to this Test of Wills in your house. The offers, the counter-offers, threats and counter-threats.
ReplyDeleteIt's kinda fun when it's at someone else's house. I don't see why you would need to go out for milk, character.
I had to stop at Hot Pockets and recover my wits. Holy SHIT that was funny.
ReplyDeleteI nominated you for first girl guest-poster at The WVSR. Sure hope you get the job!
please send a bit of the snow this way please.
ReplyDeleteI wish I'd been on a beer run that cold feel a song coming on...
ReplyDeleteBEER! BEER! BEER!'ll save it for later...
The test of wills will continue in my house, just in a less odorous way. The first time Mr.Man comes down stairs wearing my wind pants that are inches too short and my 'Cleverly disguised as an adult' t-shirt, I'm sure there will be changes...BIG changes...
Tiff...are you out of your ever loving mind? Maybe you guys find me quirky and bizarre but there's no talent involved. I'm like a terrible car wreck in progress. You don't want to watch it but you can't help need to see what's going to happen next.
Kenju mentioned that honor should go to YOU. So whadda ya think of them apples?
Brenda, I'd send you some snow if I could but mine is melting. this weekend we probably won't have any left.
How about a bottle of baby powder and a fan instead?
I remember the first time I heard someone refer to a sled as a toboggan. I was like, "they're going sledding? In a HAT?!?!? WTF?!?!?"
ReplyDeleteYankees are weird. ;)
BG - I went to college in WV, and encountered much curiousity regarding my comments of 'riding a toboggan'.
ReplyDeleteThen again, I found it odd that I was asked to SWEEP THE CARPET at work. I shrugged it off as 'West Virginia oddity' and got out the broom.
They accused me of being drunk.
The "Yankee Hate" is worse here in North Carolina. Odd, considering we have 4 military bases within an hour drive radius...
It took me four tries to read this. I kept getting stuck laughing my ass off then had to explain to Jen why I was laughing so hard. Damn that was funny.
ReplyDeleteI remember going out in the car with my boyfriends and making donuts on the ice. If my momma only knew.....LOL
ReplyDeleteI thought they salted and dropped coal dust on the streets - at least they did when I lived there.
I'm from WV and when I moved to Florida they called me a Yankee. There is no winning.
ReplyDeleteCurmy (a fellow New Englander to you) wears a stocking cap almost every day of the winter just so he can correct people when they call it a toboggan.
I can't believe you let a "hot pocket" ruin your goal to stank. That's why the French are so hip on the bidets: clean cootches whilst stinking. You could've just taken a PTA bath (pits, twat, and ass) cleverly leaving the pits part neglected.
Thanks for you wonderful comments on my post this morning. That's a lot coming from you.
"I'm like a terrible car wreck in progress. You don't want to watch it but you can't help need to see what's going to happen next."
Keeping us entertained!