Apparently I picked up a virus from my friend, which was totally worth it, but I'm a wreck now.
I was going to begin praising my blog roll friends, but I'm putting it off yet again. I just won't do a half ass job of it, so it'll wait until I can really put my heart into it.
Today my heart is in my ass and both are dragging on the ground.
Did I mention that I feel like shit already?
This weekend consisted of lots of sleeping and sleeping, a little sewing and cleaning and then working the spaghetti dinner fund raiser for Veggie Stick's extra curricular activity at school.
It was all a struggle. I attempted to be kind, be gracious and be helpful but I'm sure I came across as a stoned hooker because between the medicine-head and my state of dress, I doubt anything I said or did made sense.I was probably slack jawed and drooling on myself as well.
That was ok as long as I was home but when I was forced to go out in public, I think I was probably wearing an expression close to this one...

I also discovered half way through the afternoon that my shirt had been unbuttoned right in the tight boobie area and my black bra was peeking out at everyone.
I bet the church folk who came directly from church loved that!
They put me in charge of "Greeting people" too. Those sick bastards! I was one of the first things people saw when they entered. I saw a few guys whip out dollar bills and then hastily put them back after the "do you want to live to see another day" glares from their women.
After the church crowd came a lot of that stopped though...
Speaking of church and whatnot...
Does this picture make you think "Frontier Jesus"?
Hmmm...savin critters and varmints where ever he goes....
When I got home yesterday, I decided to sit on the love seat and watch a movie. I opened a beer and got ready to relax.Within ten minutes I had relaxed myself into a snore fest and a partially spilled bottle of beer in my lap. I missed the whole damn movie too.
Thankfully we have the movie on DVD so today while I do some sewing, I will finish watching the movie.And as for the spilled beer on my pants,'s not the first time I've had to suck beer out of my jeans before. Waste not, want not...SEE?..I paid attention in Sunday school.No one can ever accuse me of being a waster...
I need to shower then go out and run a few errands.Then I will hibernate this afternoon.
The word of the day will be shit. I feel like it, so I might as well use that to get Veggie Stick. The word of the day has become this "thing" between us and she tries to figure out what the word is and avoid saying it. It's becoming a battle of wits between mother and daughter....
That's all for now. I'm going to lobsterize myself in the shower and then run those pesky errands.
My mood for today?

I feel like a lazy cat. The picture is courtesy of my kitty Sven. He's the laziest cat I know...
I'll return tomorrow...
Sorry you're feeling bad. And my god woman do you ever slow down. I force myself into the public for 2 hours over the weekend and totally wears on me. And perhaps the church goers knew what they were doing when they sent you to be the greeter you probable drew more men in the door.
ReplyDeleteI hope you feel better. It sounds like the crud I had a couple of weeks ago.
ReplyDeleteAnd, by all means, drunkeness and nudity are my regular MO. Can you imagine if we were neighbors? LOL.
I hope you feel better soon
ReplyDeleteDrunkness? Nudity? Count me in!
ReplyDeleteI hope you feel better after the lobestrizatio nand nappitude. There's almost nothing a nice long nap can't least partly.
Yes, this virus thingy going around is truly awful. Whatever it is....I've had it....and just when you think it's's back.
ReplyDeleteGetting sleep is the tough part, and I hope you start feeling better.
Awww, I'm in love with Sven kitty. Does he curl up with you for naps? Best part of any sick for me is when the cats pile up in the bed with me and purr me asleep to dreamtown.
ReplyDeleteHope you get to feeling better.
BTW, I think I could hear Frontier Jesus singing "let fringe come back in" to the tune of the "let the sun shine in" part of "Aquarius". Least I'm pretty sure I heard it. :)
"I picked up a virus from my friend"
ReplyDeleteWas that your fuck buddy?
Who's the goofy looking buckskinner wannabe?
Maybe you need to back off all the extracurricular activity. Whenever that BS came up I wrote a check.
These extracurricular activity organizers need to simply learn how to say "could you please write us a check?" They'd get more money and be able to spend more time involved with the extracurricular activity rather fund raising.
I'm sorry. I hope you feel better soon.
ReplyDeleteMight I suggest one of those little hard hats that has the beer holder on top of it with the tube that goes into your mouth like a straw? That way, if you fall asleep, you won't spill any, and if anything, you might subconsciously continue drinking, adding to the pleasure of your nap.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'd just point out that it would look kind of cool to see a bunch of nekkid women-bloggers running around their backyards in nothing but skin and hats with built-in beer holders.
Show that to the folks at church!
awwh man, I'm sorry you feel crappy! Did you sneeze all over your hands before you greeted folks at church? (tee hee)
ReplyDeleteYou MUST tell me if the dumplings are any good "veggie style" I think the chicken broth is what made it good!
The first thing I thought of when I saw the fringed Jesus was "Hair" too.