It's an award for "Powerful Writing."

I guess I've been pretty blown away by it....humbled mostly because in my eyes, Tiff is an excellent writer. Talented, funny, smart and interesting. She actually gives it some thought and the words flow from her widdle fingers to the computer to my poor feeble mind and sends me into shock from the mere awesomeness of it all.
I don't even BEGIN to place myself in the same category with her. In fact, I don't place myself in the same league with any of the other bloggers she nominated, or the people on my blog roll....I'm the ant and they're the giants.
Me talented?
I've been blogging for seven years. It's been a mish-mash of nonsense and thoughts. I've never made an effort to try to write something great or good...I just sit down and write for my own therapy or enjoyment.
It just so happens that there have been a few other people along the way who find something they like when they read my ramblings. IN fact, I think I am a secret guilty pleasure. I don't find my name on many blog rolls but that counter thingy that Tiff talked me into tells me there are a good amount of people who read my therapy pages almost every day.
I have fans?
I can't really blame people for not wanting to admit they actually read this.
I'm crude, rude, uneducated, silly, goofy, nonsensical, out of control, insane, pornographic and a disgrace to the talented blogging community.
But Tiff thinks differently about my abilities than I do....
(I'm still waiting for my head to shrink back to it's normal size.)
So...who do I nominate? I'm having some difficulty with that one. EVERYONE who is on my blog roll is talented and deserves this award. So I've decided that instead of nominating five people and giving advice on writing...(that would be like me giving advice on abstinence)...I'm going to pay tribute each day until I have paid tribute to everyone on my blog roll. I will tell you why I enjoy reading their blog and what I admire about them. Plus I will tell you about some of my favorite entries from them.
I'll begin doing that...tomorrow...
I know I'm not abiding by the rules, but I'm not a rule person...
Tiff had it right too when she said I'd make it more's uncanny how well she knows me just from reading my stuff and emailing occasionally.
Am I that much of an open book?
A few minutes ago, I had this feeling I was being watched. So I looked out my window and there was an elderly hell couple standing there STARING in my window at me!
They're probably looking at the house next door dammnit!
I would have pulled my pants down and shown them where the yellow M&M lives, but they took off once they noticed I saw them spying on me.
I should run outside right now with a beer bottle and start singing the Henry the 8th song, but I think they went inside.
Me thinks I shall put up this poster facing outside in my dining room so there will be no more prying into my personal computer time....
Let them have a gawk at THAT!
I'm stumped on a word of the day. I don't know...Veggie Stick won't be home until after I've left and really, the word of the day is no fun unless I can torment her with it. It's become a contest between us.
Speaking of contests...MR.Man went back to work today dressed in his good khaki pants and one of my Red Sox t-shirts (a little snug but still manly). He informed me that we needed to discuss the laundry situation when he gets home tonight. Miss KIA wore an outfit she washed that had been shoved under her bed and forgotten. I have NO idea what she'll wear tomorrow...
Should be interesting to see what happens, no?
Now...I have a question. If you were walking and found a bottle with a genie in it who said he'd grant you ONE wish, what would you wish for?
Wealth? Health? Fame? Love?....A brewery?
Little Beatle said one of his admirers asked him that very question yesterday and he had no idea what to say.(I said she was probably looking for clues how to capture his attention...
But I think it's a tough question and even I have no immediate answer. I'll have to think about it....
So what's your answer? One wish is great but three would be a hell of a lot better wouldn't it?
I'm going to wrap it up here but before I do...this is my mood today....
I'm in a silly mood..but I need to keep moving. Today I will constantly be busy but I want to laugh...So...I shall keep going but be silly while doing it!
Who doesn't LOVE Monty Python?
I think one wish would be for true happiness. Now that's not the happiness that is found in a pill bottle or any other bottle for that matter, but the happiness that is from having the things in life that are most important to you. Now if I had a second wish it would have to involve the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders, but I won't get into that just now. Oh and I'm a daily reader and don't know what I would do without a daily peak into the life of the Blonde Goddess.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't wish for anything for myself. I'm healthy, happy and comfortable and have pretty much more than I need. There are a few toys or gadgets I hope to acquire, but I can save and pay for them myself. Things mean more to us that way. The folks I know who have more stuff aren't any happier. One who is wealthier than I could ever dream is completely falling apart right now, in fact.
ReplyDeleteLike some pageant contestant, I would wish for world peace and freedom from want for all.
Indeed, who doesn't love Monty Python? You should run outside with beer singing the "Bruces Song" in tribute to MP. That would have them running in terror. LOL.
ReplyDeleteFirst are not uneducated nor are you a disgrace. I think you're pretty damn cool and wise as well. So there.
ReplyDeleteThe one thing I would wish for is mental health stability. If I were healthy mentally, everything would be better. I would function better in every way and I could be the good mother I aspire to be and my son would have a better life.
The classic answer, Tammie: more wishes! (or maybe not having to see Burtie naked!)
ReplyDeleteA well-deserved award, truly.
ReplyDeleteOne wish? Impossible.
And just because I like you,
a gift.
It helps if you right click that link and select "open in new tab" or window or whatever.
ReplyDeleteOr, just cut and paste this:
ReplyDeleteRebecca is wrong. You are an uneducated disgrace to the blog world.
ReplyDeleteIf I had a magic bottle I'd wish for some writing skills so that I could receive blog awards and be the envy of all my blogger friends and not just some wannabe low achiever.
Nothing better than being at a party and having an impromptu "Sit on My Face (and tell me that you love me)" sing-a-long from "Live at the Hollywood Bowl."
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the award! It is well-deserved. Writing is about a person's heart as much as anything and yours is a great heart--free and unfettered. That's how writing should be.
Darling Tammie - you write because you NEED to, and that's only part of why you are nominated. You can be erudite when you want to be, you're certianly stunning in your forthrightness, and the blazing red heart of who you are is evident in every single post.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the wonderful work that's straight from the sixgun of a fabulous human being, and all will be as it should be.
Also? BB? "Sit on my Face" is a fabulous song. Much loved among those I know. Hee!
I had no idea you've been blogging for seven years. I've been reading you for the past couple months or so, and I really admire your honesty and openness. Way to go on your RAWR!
ReplyDeleteSagacious, I'm glad to help you out with a taste of what your life could be like if you weren't as educated as you obviously are.
ReplyDeleteI love it that you always agree with me. Where else can a woman find a man like that?
I love the Monty Python link! And the song suggestions...LOL.
ReplyDeleteI don't need awards. Awards mean nothing really...but friends on the other hand...they're priceless and I think I'm pretty wealthy in that area.
Thanks...for the friendship.
ReplyDeleteAlways here to help, admire and give you my total devotion.
That's so cool! It's a Major Award! (my only fav. line from the Christmas Story)
ReplyDeleteI need to update my blogroll. Rest assured, when I do, you'll be on it. I've been neglecting mine like crazy lately. I don't know why.
You are one of the consistently funny and entertaining.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to nominate you for the most damage done by uttering "Meow" on a blog. lol
Hey, congrats!!! I think your blog is a great read, so I can totally understand why you were nominated. I have to be sure not to be swigging my morning cuppa when I read because every post has the potential for screen-spray laughter.
ReplyDeleteGeez, if I could wish for one thing... I think Ron stole my idea. Happiness. I just want to be happy. Right now I'm going through a slump feeling overwhelmed with housework and boring stuff and not having enough time to really have fun, or even just clear my mind a little... so I really appreciate how far a little happiness can go.
That and Johnny Depp in eyeliner.
Good award you got here Goddess! You are a talented writer and your accompanying pictures do make me laugh so.
ReplyDeleteOne wish? That's easy...Unlimited Wishes!