That's the only way to describe it.
I'm trying to get the person in charge to listen to me and she won't!
Let me put it this have several people assigned to do the job of twenty. I know that those of you who work can sympathize with me and probably wonder what I'm bitching about because you put up with stuff like this all the damn time!!! RIGHT!!!
I don't get PAID for my clusterfuck headaches and furthermore, no one seems to be in charge!!!
If I were to stop and masturbate I'm sure I'd feel a little better.
I considered doing that and then I decided to write in here so no one would think I'd been abducted by secret service agents and whisked away to a top secret location to be admired by my stalker, GW.
I have five million kazillion things to do....
How come no one else is asked to do things?
I'm just being a bitchy bitch with creamy bitch filling...ignore me...stop listening to me rant and I'll quit.
Speaking of quitting...what do people give up for lent? Do people even do that kind of thing anymore? I don't think I've given up anything for lent for years, unless the time I didn't sleep because it interfered with partying and work counts.
Veggie Stick says she's going to eat meat for lent...
HUH? What the FUCK???
I don't understand the youth of today. They frighten me with their inability to name the capitals of every state and the apparent need for constant stimulation.
I think we're raising an entire generation of geographically impaired technology junkies and it's frightening.
I can see it now....I'll be strapped into Miss KIA's minivan and driven for days with nothing but re-runs of "Tila Tequila" to watch because Veggie Stick will be living in the capital of Nebraska and no one will know where that is!!!!
Perhaps the tattoo craze could be used for educational purposes?
I'm hungry and nothing appeals to me.I guess it's that crud that's hanging on.Anyway...this is short, confused and written in typical me fashion but that's how it's got to be today...
The word of the day guessed it! "Clusterfuck!"
Somehow I doubt I'll get Veggie Stick on that one.
Here's my mood...
I'm gassy as hell. I sure hope I don't shit myself when I'm out working this evening...
See ya tomorrow...
You decided to write INSTEAD of masturbate?? Oh God!! I'm really worried about you now! You will be in my prayers (if I prayed). Hang in there I'm sure you will find a make things right with the world somehow. I give nothing up for lent, but I know people that do and then suffer guilt when they fail. Try to have a good day.
ReplyDeleteI suppose I could give up masturbating for Lent...
Sorry...I think I was out of my head with fever there for a minute...
At Lent, you're supposed to make a sacrifice or give up something you truly love (lots of the little kids give up chocolate). I gave up bread one year and lost an incredible amount of weight.
ReplyDeleteAnd, just repeat this mantra and you shouldn't have any embarrassing poop explosions: "Never trust a fart."
People still give up things for Lent. One of my former supervisors always gave up chocolate. She turned into a snippy little tweak between Ash Wednesday and Easter, too, don'tcha know. When I was a kid, they'd give us little coin banks -- little milk cartons with slots, like "pennies for UNICEF" or something -- to put in the money we saved by not eating candy or whatever it was we gave up for Lent. Then we were supposed to put the money in the collection plate at Easter Mass. These banks were always purple with yellow crosses on them. I never saved more than a quarter. But since I've given up most of my vices already and not really ready to part with many more -- and since I've long given up on the Catholic Church -- I don't have much to relinquish during Lent these days. Maybe I'll give up swearing.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Ron, I hope by now you've reconsidered your decision and that is why you cut short your post.
ReplyDeleteThe cowboy dude seems to have a bad gas problem as well. But he seems happy with it, more power to him.
I guess I could give up chocolate. I like it and consider it to be medicinal during one week of every month but I think it could be considered a sacrifice.
ReplyDeleteAs for giving up swearing...well...I hate to think of it as swearing. I prefer to think of it as"crude adjectives" instead.
And no...I didn't reconsider Scott. I have been working my fingers to the bone...and not in the good "working your fingers to the bone" way either...
I hope you feel better, Tammie. And be careful with that finger--you don't want to wear it out. Think of that movie "Evil Roy Slade" and you'll realize your danger.
ReplyDeleteI hate days like that! I've been known to completely loose it and just yell "would you people just pretend I'm dead for a few days??!??! GAH!" What the hell would you do if I died? Do it yourself? That's what I thought, now go forth and do it yourself!
ReplyDeleteFor me, I try to take something new on for Lent -- something to better myself. Har!
ReplyDeleteI remain in absolute awe of your ranting ability!
Are you a classy, gassy lassie?
ReplyDeleteI know, it's horrible, but I couldn't resist.