Last night I got stomping and jumping up and down with both feet mad. I threw a fit, threw my phone and wanted to throw someone through the window.
I made up a few new cuss words too whilst on my tirade.
"Fushit" and "Dammitch"...guess my words ran together as I was screaming and pulling my hair.
So what is it that made me SO angry you ask?
I'll explain it the best I can...then I'll expect comments.
Miss-know-it-all has a boyfriend. They have been going out for over a year. Because he's such a sweetheart and a nice easy going guy, I'll refer to him as Happy.
He really is a sweetie. Anyway, as I said, they've been going out for over a year. He and Miss-know-it-all are not only boyfriend and girlfriend, they're also best friends. She helps him with his homework and they hang out with mutual friends. It's a good thing I think...
But what I think doesn't matter...apparently.
I'm not certain when things changed but things changed and Happy's mother decided that Miss-know-it-all and Happy were seeing too much of each other. I tended to agree with her. They saw each other seven days a week.It was way too serious and they needed time apart to spend with other people. Of course I was not consulted about this, I was TOLD how things were going to be and it was decided that their time would be limited to two days a week. Designated days at that. Friday night and Saturday. period.
At first it went as planned and the kids adjusted. Then after a month, there were 'things' that always came up to keep Happy from arriving when planned. He would be late almost every time. Then his curfew dropped to an hour earlier. Am I wrong to think that there was a plot afoot?
There was no compromise which meant that Miss-know-it-all had to plan her entire life around this no-compromise schedule imposed by Happy's mother and father.
Then things began to get better again. Happy was allowed to arrive when expected and Miss-know-it-all even got invited to church with him and his grandmother. I thought things were going well.
One evening when Happy had said he'd be over to pick up Miss-know-it-all at 5pm, she became upset when it was 7pm and she hadn't heard from him.
So she called the house. No answer.
She called his dad's cell phone. No answer.
She kept calling his dad's cell phone...a lot.There was no answer and no return calls.
I know she shouldn't have done it.It was rude and thoughtless of her. So I took her cell phone away as punishment. Of course she's sixteen and had plans with someone who hadn't shown up yet...and it wasn't just anyone, it was her she's going to do what any 16 year old would and call to try to find out what's going on. Hell..I know some adults that do that.
Finally around 7:30, Happy's dad called TO YELL AT ME! He bitched me out for a good fifteen minutes until I could get a word in edgewise. He told me that Happy didn't have to answer to Miss-know-it-all because they weren't married and he didn't owe her a phone call or anything else no matter how late he was going to be.
WTF? I was flabbergasted.
"What about consideration?", I asked him.
"They're not married!", he yelled at me.
So...I thought to myself...I'm dealing with a person here who doesn't show consideration for anyone unless he's married to them?
I bit my tongue trying not to drop the "FUCK" bomb on him along with a few other choice words.
"I'm an adult"...I kept repeating like a mantra..."Don't loose your cool"..."Breathe...Breathe..."
To make a long story short,I kept my cool and he finally calmed down enough for us to have an adult conversation.I felt like we had a good conversation about things. I actually felt we'd made some headway.
I didn't disrespect him. I didn't try to change the rules. I simply tried to introduce some mutual respect and consideration to the situation. And I did punish Miss-know-it-all for the harassing phone calls plus she apologized to him for calling his phone so many times.
So we got through that issue.
Then last night Miss-know-it-all told Happy about our upcoming trip to Ohio for weekend later this month. She asked him if he would ask his parents which days they could trade off for the two days she'd be gone. So Happy approached his dad and tried to ask him. Dad said no..without listening to him at all. He wasn't interested in any reasons or anything else...he just said no.
So then Miss-know-it-all was forced into a choice to either going with us or miss her two designated days with Happy.
Happy's parents are divorced, so Miss-know-it-all called Happy's mother, explaining the situation and asking her if there was a compromise.Happy's mother said she'd talk to Happy's dad about it.Miss-know-it-all said that Happy's mom was very nice to her about the whole thing and felt better because at least she'd had a chance to explain. She was fully prepared to accept any answer but wanted a chance to ask at least.
Then I got the phone call.
Happy's mother told me that she didn't appreciate Miss-know-it-all calling her and trying to manipulate the situation.
I asked her what she meant by that.
She said that when Happy's dad said no, that meant no, yet Miss-know-it-all tried to manipulate the situation by calling her and she shouldn't have called all. She said that she should have accepted the situation and let it go.
Then a nasty comment was made about how she wouldn't allow her child to call someone else's parents when the answer was no and try to convince them to change their mind.
Let me go off on a tangent for a moment...Every time Happy's mother gets upset with Miss-know-it-all, she attacks my parenting.My parenting skills do not include an all-seeing, all-knowing controller beam that bends the will of my children to do my bidding. If it did, then I wouldn't be hiding my fucking laundry or washing my own damn dishes.It's petty and hateful and vicious but I guess that's how she is...Miss Perfection and don't you forget it.
End tangent...
Getting back to the phone conversation, she kept going on and on about Miss-know-it-all and her manipulative scheming and I literally blew up. I told her that I felt my child had called her for help and because she though she could talk to her about it. I didn't think she was being manipulative or disrespectful about it. I told her I was tired of every action being twisted into something bad or evil and how she vilified my daughter every opportunity she had.
Then she brought up the conversation I had with Happy's dad and gave me the same old, "They're not married bullshit."
What the hell is wrong with these people??? Do they not know what it means to be considerate of someone you're not married to? And if they're both on the same page with this, then why the hell did they get divorced in the first goddamn place???
I tried to be calm and I tried to be rational but I just had had enough. I didn't tell her to go fuck herself or get fucked or crawl in a fucking hole and die...
I didn't say anything nasty or crude.
I was firm but respectful and calm.
So she hung up on me...very mature...and I responded maturely by throwing my phone at the wall and yelling a few choice cuss words.
Later she emailed me. It was a very nasty email and once more she attacked me and my daughter.
Let me tell you, this woman is not right in the head.
So what do you think?
Am I wrong to be upset about this?
Should Miss-know-it-all have not called and just accepted their unreasonable and ever changing terms without trying to work out a compromise?
I think Miss-know-it-all handled it very calmly and maturely, considering the constant barrage of problems and insults.
I mean, it's their decision but it also affects my family. I don't think it was handled very rationally or fairly. I tried to be supportive and respectful of their choices although I didn't agree with them and I made every attempt to try to compromise.
Yes, there was one day when Happy was here, that I told him,I agreed they were seeing too much of each other,but I felt that going from seven days a week to two uncompromising days was harsh.
Somehow...when she heard him tell her that, in HER HEAD it got twisted around to me telling him that I said it was stupid.
Oh yeah...and now she's decided that they can't see each other at all.
This is due to my so-called remark,that I didn't even make, and Miss-know-it-all's manipulative phone call to her.
So what do you think?
What would you do?
I really would value some input on this.
Thank GOD that Happy will turn 18 this summer and then there will be no more conflict over whether he can see Miss-know-it-all. When I mentioned that I couldn't wait for that to happen, she accused me of wanting to get rid of my daughter.
I don't get it...what's the connection there?
I just need to stop writing about it or I could go on all day...Just please some one tell me I'm crazy or I'm not crazy or whatever....
Next time I rants. And thanks for listening to me bitch...
Hey Tammie,
ReplyDeleteJust protect your daughter.
They are obviously wingnuts and you can't fight them. They don't work on the same rules, hell, they don't even work on the same plane of reality the rest of us are on. And you don't have the power over time and space to change them even if you wanted to.
The cool part is that your daughter is old enough to make her own judgements about it, you won't have to explain a thing.
Oh, and you are crazy, but not out of line.
I love the bit about not being married. So, you can treat each other with complete disrespect and without consideration, unless you're married. What, then you have to?
I think the "getting rid of your daughter" thing had to do with him turning 18 and legally being able to be married, IOW, you would get it in their heads to get married, sign the paperwork for her and be able to wash your hands of her. Not true, not fair and completely off base, but this woman doesn't seem to have much sense.
ReplyDeleteWhat does Happy have to say about all this? Is he okay with it or does it make him not-so-happy?
Wow... total nutjobs. If I have a plan to meet anybody and I can't make it I call. If I don't call and don't show then start checking the hospitals because I find it totally disrespectful of anybody to leave them hanging like that. And how much power do they have over Happy? My god if I have been seeing someone for a year and got cut down to 2 uncompromising days a week, well there would be rebellion and utter disregard for said rules. Keep your distance from crazies because you cant change them just avoid them and worry what unseen crazies Happy has. Hopefully things work out well for your daughter.
ReplyDeleteHappy ain't happy. Of course he wouldn't say anything about it because being able to see Miss-know-it-all was something they hung over him to motivate his complacency with it.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what they'll do about that now?
He is really such a sweet boy, I don't know whether he'd stand up to them or not. He says things will be different when he turns 18 and moves out, but until that time, I think he feels he must comply.
She just emailed me another nasty message. Should I get a restraining order?
Some people don't understand polite and reasonable and actually enjoy conflicts like this. They obviously believe that children should be under total control of the parents at all times. These are the kids that when turned lose as adults have the most problems adjusting to having to make important decisions as they have never had any experience doing so. Good Luck
ReplyDeleteHi Tammie: The e-mail bitching is bothersome. You could block her, but a restraining order is probably too much. I don't think it is too much to ask for a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship to have consideration for the families involved. That's really all you're asking for: A phone call if Happy is going to be late. After all, Happy's family is the one that imposed this inflexible schedule.
ReplyDeleteSo far as the weekend away is concerned, maybe your daughter will just have to do without seeing Happy? Is this impossible?
I really have enjoyed reading your blog since getting the link from The WVSR.
Dude - theose poeple are kind of bonkers. WTF is it with people like this?
ReplyDeleteIf your daughter and Happy are still together after a year of stupid like this, then good for them. Married or not, they know how to treat one antoher.
Ye gods, just because tyou're married doesn't mean you treat the other person well, and THEY should know that, bein' all DIVORCED and shit.
I know this is completely off topic but Jay, what makes you The Original Jay?
ReplyDeleteJust curious...always curious in fact. It's an annoying trait of mine, but one none-the-less...
I'm glad to meet you and appreciate your advice. As you can plainly see, I need help. LOTS of help..
I'm forwarding all her emails to her husband, (current husband). I think she'll grow tired of it or he will. Then it will stop. Who knows? I have better things to do and I'm sure he does too.
I sure wouldn't block the emails from this psycho. Just file 'em for future reference.
ReplyDeleteMy main concern would be that your daughter step back and keep Happy as a friend -- nothing else. Hopefully she has an idea what life would be like with "in-laws" like this.
I'm wondering why you are so involved in other people's shit?
ReplyDeleteHappy's parents say he can only see your daughter twice a week. OK. that's that. none of your business, is it?
Your daughter does a typical teenager thing and calls the parents. . . wait, that aint typical. What's she doing calling the parents and second guessing them about their decisions concerning their son?!
Oh well, she did, so inform her that it was unacceptable and go on.
The other paretns are "nut jobs" or whatever? Not your problem. If you don't like the way they talk to you, you don't have to talk to them.
Sounds like there is a huge sucking sound coming from your post and it's you being sucked into a bunch of bullshit that is nothing more than teenage drama.
Take a deep breath, shake off all the bullshit and have a nice weekend.
Tammie: I changed from simply "Jay" to "The Original Jay" sometime over the past two years on The WVSR after some other guy named Jay started posting there. It's that simple.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with Miss K-I-A. There are no clear answers in this situation, but one clear strategy: This, too, shall pass. Keep your wits.
SagaciousHillbilly I'm already having a nice weekend. In fact after I ranted here, I felt like a million bucks. It's amazing what getting something off your chest can do for you.
ReplyDeleteI will not be dealing with these people any more. I was sucked into the drama but I've pulled myself out of it.
Miss-know-it-all was at fault then?
And me as well?
OK. Thanks for your input. I will think on it and take a good hard look at my way of thinking. I wouldn't want to be accused of never putting myself in the other people's shoes.
In this day and age it's nearly impossible to avoid being drawn into some kind of teen-aged drama. If you have teen-agers, unless they live under a rock, there will be drama. It spills over into your household and you end up getting pretty fucking sick of it. So you try to make a peaceful resolution, because that's what you figure the best solution know...trying to work out a solution.
So I'd say that I'm not involved in other people's shit as much as I am trying to resolve my own shit.
I agree somewhat with Sagacioushillbilly but let me preface it with saying that you and little Miss need to get as far the hell away from those freak-a-zoids as possible. Heavens forbid she should end up marrying into his f'ed up, overly dramatic, disfunctional, clusterfuck that they call a family. He's probably the sweetest thing now but we all turn into our parents you know. God help us.
ReplyDeleteThese idiots decided they didn't like YOU or Miss a long time ago. They also decided that you were going to be their focus for drama. You can't put your foot down and forbid Miss (she's obviously too old for that) but you can suggest strongly that it needs to be over with him. It's sad, I hate loosing a good friend, but it happens to everyone.
What is wrong with these people that they have to be so stupid about it all? Did your daughter kill their dog and burn down their house or something?
ReplyDeleteGAH! Stick up for your daughter and let them stew in their own shit.
I agree that the other party consists of a bunch of whackos. The problem with that is there is NOTHING you can do about their dysfunction. Yup, they're fucked up and that's their problem.
ReplyDeleteSure, we'd all like to drop a one ton bomb on people like that. Give it to them right between the eyes with a big bag full of resentment and distain. All that does is make them more whacky and agitate our own whackiness.
All YOU can do is look at the part you played in the mess, resolve THAT with yourself and go on to enjoy the weekend.
Hope you have a great weekend Blondie! Take Little Miss out for lunch, shopping, or whatever you two might enjoy together.
Hey, I heard that trish.
ReplyDeleteAlso, please quit calling me "bitch" BG. Putz or peckerhead is more appropriate.
I think you should go weird on them. Agree with every fscking thing they say. Even if it's nonsensical. Be sweet and pleasant and start interjecting the word "ass" into your sentences. Like, "Hello Mrs. Happy, how are you this fine ass day? Isn't this weather ass weird? Makes me ass sleepy."
Then when she asks you why you're saying "ass" you can tell her, "You must have misheard me, I didn't say ass."
Also, see if you can get other people in on it. Imagine the fun you could have with the ass people if you have conversations, repeating the ass comments periodically with someone there to deny you're saying it.
I think you could have some serious fun with this.
Dr. Stewy
PS Please note; I have a rich supply of cat recipes as well.
PPS Oh and it's probably illegal for her to send you email that you perceive as threatening. It's not illegal to be an ass, but it is to threaten someone in writing. That's assault. Check the Codes for your state. Google {your state} legal code
You will be astonished to find out what's illegal. Not that you have to do anything with it, but you might get the ass people to seriously rethink being assinine. (sic, hehe)
ReplyDeleteSooo much to deal with all at once.
I know that state law varies, but would Ms. K-I-A be staying home alone while you were in OH? Since she is technically a minor, it may be against the law.
I gotta tell you. When I was sixteen, my parents would have laughed to pants-wetting if I told/asked to stay home while they travelled out of state.
Just a thought - and good luck.
THe parents are control freaks. The kid is almost 18 and they're forbidding him from seeing her? Limiting him to seeing her two days a week and then calling other people to deal with his social problems? What, do they cut up his food for him, too?
ReplyDeleteIf I were you, I wouldn't spend much time being offended at this. It sounds like the parents are just nuckin' futs. I hope Happy plans to go to college somewhere far, far away where he won't have them controlling his every move.
There is nothing wrong with Miss Know It All wanting to speak her piece. I don't even see a problem with calling Mama Happy when Papa Happy blew her off -- she wasn't trying to manipulate the situation, she was only trying to be heard and he wasn't willing to hear her question.
Poor kid! I hope Miss Know It All can get in a decent conversation with him to find out what's going on -- without his parents' speaking for him!!!
Jackasses. Both of them!!!
Those people have some other fish frying somewhere. I don't know what their problem is - but you can't fight it.
ReplyDeleteI would ask Happy himself what is going on. He may have decided that he doesn't want to be so serious with Miss KIA, and he put it to his parents to fight the battle for him.
Tammie, go ahead and bitch slap them both for being so controlling and stupid.... Naw that won't work, damnit! How about a new bumper sticker? :
ReplyDelete"I am a dick to my child"
You can't win on this one without going behind their backs and spiking their Iced tea with anti-freeze........
Good luck with this one..... :-(
OK...Here's the update. Happy is looking for a place to live. He told Miss that he was going to get a job and save money so he can move out as soon as he turns 18.They are very controlling and it's escalated over the past several months.They can still see each other at school, but Mama and Papa have forbidden them to have any other contact outside of school. No more visitation or phone calls.Actually we were told to never call, her or I, ever again.
ReplyDeleteShe is insane. It's plain to me and I'm staying away.
Miss KIA may want to have a serious think about whether she wants to be a part of this family dynamic... that is... if she plans on a long-term relationship with Happy.
ReplyDeleteUnless, of course, Happy plans on never seeing his whack-Job parents ever again.
Because, you know, if Happy moves out of his house, those parents WILL be blaming Miss KIA for that fact... it OBVIOUSLY couldn't be anything to do with them.
Of course, teens being teens, they could break up next week and all this would mean nothing.
Miss KIA and you are BOTH better off losing those parents' phone numbers. CRAZY!
I never knew such piss-poor excuses for parents existed until I had a child of my own. It sounds like Happy is making a good decision to get out from under their regime as quickly as he can.
ReplyDeleteThe sad thing is, your daughter loves someone who is part of this freakshow of a family. She'll have to balance her need to have him in her life against the hell of dealing with those asshats on a regular basis. It's not a good position to be in.
I hope it ends up well.
Does Miss KIA and her being involved with someone in a crazy tumultuous situation bring back any memories?
ReplyDeleteHoly Moly. I'm so incapable of dealing with children. I don't know how parents can do it. Just the idea of other parents affecting your kids would turn me into a basketcase, Tammie. God give you strength!