Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sour milk, flying oranges and taking the blame for a giant that's love.

You never know what you're going to get when you come here, do you?

Sometimes it's insanity...other days it's raw honesty...It ranges from sad, mad, lonely, frustrated and scattered to horny, hungry, silly, sweet,heart tattered ...

You just never know.
I'm a lot like this I suppose...

You never know what surprise you're gonna get.

I try to be real...I try not to hold back. I mean, part of the reason I write in this blog is to learn to love myself for myself. I write in here so I can come back and read what I've written and maybe learn a little bit about myself.

(So far I've learned that I'm unstable and should probably be medicated.LOL) where is this all leading you ask?
It's leading to a glimpse from my past. Part of the reality that made me who I am.

Let's transport back in time to 1979...

I was 13 years old. It was my seventh grade year. I was one of 16 kids in my class. There were four girls and twelve boys. It was a small town, so beggars can't be choosers, you know? Our class shared a classroom with the eighth graders. There were four boys and seven girls in their class. So with both classes combined, we had twenty eight in the room. Our teacher was Mrs.Espling, who also happened to be the principal. She taught us everything except math. After lunch we'd change with the fifth and sixth grade classes to go to Mr.Ayotte's room. He was our math teacher.

He is actually responsible for my love of poetry. I HATED math and would struggle through it, not because I couldn't do it but because I hated it. I wasn't a bad student at all and considering that my mother never so much as looked at my report card the fact that I was mainly a straight A student tells you that school was relatively easy for me. I never made an effort.

Mr.Ayotte looked like an English officer.

He spoke with a slight accent but I never really knew what it was. It was there but ever so slight. In hindsight I have to admit, he was a good math teacher. IN fact he was an excellent teacher. But occasionally he would be talking about something and then he'd slam his book shut. Then he'd tell us to close our books and put out heads down on the desks.

Then he'd read to us.

He would read Edgar Allan Poe to us...the Tell Tale Heart, The Raven, The Black Cat and The Monkey's Paw...
I LOVED every minute of it. I mean, I still remember those stories and poems today and that was almost thirty years ago.
He would read Walt Whitman page after page...O Captain, My Captain! was my favorite. His voice would literally sing the words and he would seem to stand ten feet tall while reciting that poem.

Yeah...that's where my love of poetry began.

The boys in my class would hate it. They were rambunctious anyway and could barely stay still.
They were always in trouble.
For the most part, they all got along but there were a few they'd pick on every day. Dean and Ricky.
Dean and Ricky were the targets for every practical joke, every prank, every mean spirited thought.
You know how they say kids can be the cruelest?'s true.

The school I went to was kindergarten through eight grade. There was no kindergarten until after I'd finished first grade. So I actually didn't go to Kindergarten.
Here's a picture of me on my first day of school.

Guess which one is me?

The school was small. It was literally five classrooms,an office, a kitchen for the cooks to make our lunch in, bathrooms and that's it. No cafeteria, no library, no gym. We had recess outside, unless it was zero or colder. Then we could stay in and play board games.
At lunch time, each classroom would take turns picking up their trays of food from the window at the kitchen. Then we'd return to our desks to eat. The seventh and eight graders actually sat at tables, four to a table. The tables were round and had a small place for books underneath each seating area. Then we'd keep out books in a cubby hole (which we were all assigned) and we'd put out boots and coats and stuff in the coat rack area.

happened in our room...there was easy access to everything.

The boys would take it upon themselves to place chocolate pudding cups in Ricky's boots so he'd mush his foot into it at the end of the day.
Or they'd put chocolate X-Lax in Dean's milk.
Ricky's shoes ended up super glued to the ceiling.
Dean's books were filled with slices of cheese or ham.
Of course not all of the torment was targeted to Dean and Ricky.
Sometimes the boys would just do stupid things because they thought it was funny.

I can remember Paul climbing up the cubby holes and placing a container of milk on the top shelf where no one would see it. It soured of course and smelled NASTY. Mrs. Espling called her husband to come to the school and see if he could find the source. She thought it was a dead rat or mouse or something.
Imagine how pissed off she was when they discovered the sour milk.

Of course if you're going to have food in a classroom, then you're bound to have a few food related problems.

Ray had a crush on Anna. The problem was, so did Todd. So one day when Ray walked in from getting his lunch and saw Todd sitting in his seat, right next to Anna, he picked up his orange and beamed it at Todd's head. It missed and splattered all over the wall behind him.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and then the food fight began. Thankfully I was still in line and wasn't pummeled with SPAGHETTI like everyone else.

I didn't have to clean up either. Debbie, Brenda, Eugene, Greg and I all got to hang outside until the room was cleaned up. Thank god for being last in line..LOL.

My friend Paul had a crush on Debbie. We all sat at a table together. Paul was my best friend. We did everything together. I was a tomboy so it wasn't uncommon for us to walk to the creek together after school to see what kind of trouble we could get into. We'd fish, ride bikes, play ball, climb trees...everything that two boys would do. And yes...I was 13. Boys were my buddies and I had no desire to deal with boys. Besides, my dealings with the male population at home hadn't really left me with a warm fuzzy feeling about boys, ok?
Paul was always getting in trouble. If something went wrong in the class room, Paul was the first one to get blamed.
We were taking a history test one day, when Debbie dropped her pencil. When she bent over, her ass exploded in a GIGANTIC fart.
Everyone laughed.
She turned completely red.

Mrs. Espling whipped her head around and asked, "Who did that?"
Of course no one knew, except for Paul, Debbie and I. Everyone had their heads down concentrating on the test.
Paul raised his hand and said he did it.
Debbie looked up at him gratefully.
Mrs. Espling said, "You know the drill."
He handed her his paper, which she tore up, and then he walked out into the hall.

When we left school that afternoon, they were holding hands.

Pretty romantic stuff huh?

I guess it's a good thing I wasn't terribly interested in boys. While my friends were wearing the latest fashions, I was wearing hand me downs from my cousins. I had yard sale shoes and one or two pairs of earrings. I did have the hemp bracelets, with wooden beads, but that's only because of the head shop crowd that crashed at my mother's house constantly.

I supposed you could say this is what I looked like at 13.

I don't have an actual picture or I'd post it. I suppose my mother might have a couple but I'm not sure.

Yeah...I was different even then.I was a free spirit...doing what I one restricting me from doing what I wanted. I was pretty much on my own. You'd think I've have gotten in more trouble than I did.....

Maybe a glimpse into my past isn't the most fascinating thing for you to read but it was nice for me to stroll down memory lane, look the devil in the eye and focus on the rainbow in the horizon instead.
It's important for me to do that once in awhile. It helps me remember where I've been and what it's taken to make me who I am.

With that said...this is my mood today....

Once again the demons from my past have tried to conquer me and once again I emerge victorious. I am a warrior.

It feels pretty damn good too...

Have a great day everyone.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The battle between sane and insane....

This here is a picture that Stew turned me on to. (Stew turned me on..heh heh)
I like this picture because it speaks to me. I am a wife. I can relate to this shirt.

And speaking from the wife's point of view, I'd have to agree that the washing and ironing and etc. wouldn't be so damn painful if there was more fucking involved.

I want that shirt.


I don't know if I'm ready to write in here yet.

I sat down this morning and thought about the stuff running through my head and decided it's just not that entertaining. I'm not feeling entertained by it one bit.
In fact, there's really nothing I really care to share concerning the things that are going through my head right now.

Although Buzzard Billy has offered to listen if I want to talk, I haven't called her yet. It's because I'm used to dealing with things on my own.
I normally shut down...I close up.

I'm trying to re-learn how to deal with things but it's hard to break habits you developed as a child.
As a child I learned to hide in my head.
No one can hurt you there.
Nothing exists but the fantasies you make up in your mind.
You hide.
It keeps you from crying and that's crucial.
Never let anyone see you just makes them want to hurt you more.

A sense of humor is always a great distraction. It seems to work for me and everyone else I know prefers the humorous me to the heavy me. So the heavy me doesn't exist except in my head...unless I'm having a weak day and I'm struggling with the humor thing. today for instance.
But normally the humor is good. It's a great distraction...that and general goofiness.

In fact I think I'll try that and see how it goes.

Today is Elderly Hell Day!
Did you know there is a pack of elderly men who roam the streets of my town?
I see them every morning, walking in their polyester pants and wind breakers, their DOW hats cocked back on their heads.
They walk like they've got a hairbrush stuck in their ass, talking a mile a minute, heads whipping around checking out everyone else's lawns.

Have you ever noticed how obsessed the Elderly Hellions are about lawns? About their yards? About YOUR yard?

We used to rent a house from this old sack of guts. She started out being nice, but the Elderly Hellion emerged slowly, changing our lives forever.

I really liked the old bat and felt like she liked me too. I'd go over and help her with her laundry and cleaning...I'd cook extra and bring her dinner, etc...
She and I got along great and we'd even sit and knit in the evening with the girls at my feet.
I almost felt like I had an extended family.

Then I got pregnant with Little Beatle and everything changed.

I didn't feel as good, so I couldn't get out and weed her flowers every other day and I had to rely on Mr.Man to mow the lawn. I had morning sickness really bad and it lasted all day for three months straight. all know how ambitious Mr.Man is when it comes to lawn mowing or household repairs...

She almost had a stroke over the four inch high lawn.

I finally gave in to the complaining and mowed it...throwing up in between mowing.
What could I do?
In the end before she evicted us (I was almost eight months pregnant), she spread rumors that Mr.Man was an abusive drunk and I was ungrateful and lazy and took advantage of her kindness to me.

That's a true story...perhaps that's where the old lady hate came from? She spread those lies about me and now they all hate me now? I don't know...Besides...I'm the drunk who abuses myself and Mr.Man was ungrateful and lazy and took advantage of her kindness. I mean come on here. If you're going to spread rumors at least get them right ok?

That ended up being a not so funny story. What the hell happened? I'm losing my touch...


Wait...I may have something here...

Mr.Man and his porn star hair during the time that we lived at the old sack of guts house. This was ONE of the occasions he decided to work out in the yard.

I LOVE that picture...ALWAYS makes me he's still wearing his wedding ring in it. I think it's on his key chain now but hey, at least he has it.

He would kill would be a slow painful death if he knew I'd posted this...He'd spank me silly...

Er...I give up. I got nothing today. Try me tomorrow. I think I may venture out to Krogers to see if I can get in a bitch-slap fight with an old lady or the lesbian manager. I feel aggressive so we'll see what happens.

With that's my mood for today.

I'm no superhero. I'm just like every other Joe Shmoe. I'm hanging on for dear life cause I'm kind of having a

I don't fly around with my super cape and flaunt my super powers. People create superheros and quite honestly, I wish they'd stop.

No one can live up to someone else's expectations.

Now...will I have the courage to post this or will I just not post anything today? If you're seeing it...I broke through the barrier and took a step forward.

Yes...I am certifiably insane.

Monday, April 28, 2008

When you love someone....

When you love someone - you'll do anything
You'll do all the crazy things that you can't explain

You'll shoot the moon - put out the sun
When you love someone

You'll deny the truth - believe a lie

There'll be times that you'll believe you can really fly
But your lonely nights - have just begun
When you love someone

When you love someone - you'll feel it deep inside
And nothing else can ever change your mind

When you want someone - when you NEED someone
When you love someone...

When you love someone - you'll sacrifice
you'd give it everything you got and you wont think twice
you'd risk it all - no matter what may come

When you love someone
You'll shoot the moon - put out the sun
When you love someone

But your lonely nights have just begun.....

These dreams...

The weekend was crazy. No...really it was. I was rushed and stressed. It began Friday night and went a hundred miles an hour through last night. It was so crazy in fact that there were a few people yesterday who said I looked like I'd been ravished.

So I when I'm rushed I look like I've had the bottom knocked out of huh?

Imagine that...

I'm going to have to make a mental note of that. I think if I kept my mouth closed that might help a little.

I had these weird dreams all weekend too.

I dreamed that I was dressed up in a black dress. Much like this little number...

I was riding down the elevator and when it stopped, I stepped out and there was a huge crowd of people. It seemed to be everyone I know.

Anyway, the elevator doors shut and the elevator begins to go up.Suddenly I'm pulled flat against the door of the elevator, my arms pinned against it while I'm being lifted. Then the dress rips away from my body, leaving only the sleeves and me in my underwear.
Apparently my dress was caught in the elevator doors.

So I'm standing there, in the sleeves of my dress and my underwear. In FRONT of all the people I know. They're gawking at me and I stand there speechless.

Then I yell, "OH MY GOD! THE ELEVATOR JUST ATE MY DRESS!" and I burst out laughing like a lunatic. I don't even TRY to cover myself. I just laugh like an idiot while they all look at me.

Yep...weird dream.
Oh least I'm wearing my good underwear in the dream...

Sometimes I'll have those crazy dreams. I don't know just happens.

I also dreamed I was in a wiener eating contest. I was drinking beer and eating wieners. And I was winning...

Then they brought out the world's biggest wiener. They were trying to make me lose but I was determined. I told them I could handle it. So I began to eat...and eat and eat and eat...

The damn thing seemed to go on forever. My stomach hurt...I felt dizzy...but I still kept shoving that stupid wiener in my mouth.

I ended up winning!

Guess what my prize was?

Yep...a lifetime supply of wieners...

What a stupid fucking dream huh?

Anyway...with that said...this is my mood today.

I'm in the mood to read. I think I shall plop down on the couch and say to hell with it all and read a book.

Hope everyone has a great Monday!

Friday, April 25, 2008 brain is fried day...

I think everyone is happy to see the weekend. I'm not even kidding. I went into Krogers this morning and everyone I talked to was walking around in a daze, either exhausted or medicated. Let's not forget that allergy season is here and those little allergy pills make us dopey and lethargic.

Yep...everyone is looking GOOD I tell ya. April is the month for pretty...

Anyway, I'm in Krogers, making trouble like I normally do. I went to buy some chicken and when I leaned in to check the prices I hit my head on the bag dispenser. So I told my friend the butcher, just to give him a hard time. We joked about it and he told me to go ahead and rip the dispenser down. Then he said he'd block the camera so I wouldn't get caught. I told him I wasn't afraid of the camera and then I smooshed my boobs together to make cleavage right under the surveillance cameras and touched my nose with my tongue...just to be silly.
Well SOME people can't take a joke.
The short dumpy manager comes over to me and asks me to please stop doing things beneath the camera.
I stared blankly at her and asked what she meant. I don't know her like I do everyone else there but I figured someone put her up to it and she was joking with me.
Yeah..well she wasn't. She said she'd been watching the screens and said I was distracting her, which was preventing her from catching shop lifters. She said that gave her the right to ask me to leave the store.

There were maybe eight people in the store.


It's not like I had jumped up on the beer display and started stripping. I showed cleavage and I stuck my tongue out. Two seconds total. Oh yeah..and then I laughed.

When I told some of the others who work there what had happened they suggested that maybe she was attracted to me because she prefers "Meow Meow Meow" to "Woof Woof".

I can't help that I'm smoking hot now can I? If that's the case then me just being in there is distracting and damn...she'd better get over it.
I don't have a problem with anyone preferring "Meow Meow Meow".
As for me? I personally prefer the "Woof Woof."

Give me a big dog and I'll be happy. One with a leash like that would be pretty awesome too...A leash would come in handy.

I have called or texted a total of thirteen people in the past two days and they have all ignored me. No...I haven't needed anything terribly important but I did ask questions. Yet they all decided to not respond.

Perhaps I'm living in a vortex where no one can hear me?

I feel myself feeling depressed so I'm going to stop for today. There's no reason to discuss it and it's pointless anyway so I'll just tune it out instead. My IPOD and some cleaning and it will be pushed to the back of my mind.

I think I just need to go home to Maine.

Have a nice Friday...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wonking the Willie...

I flew out of bed this morning, half awake and got ready in ten minutes. Took the kids to school and then headed down to help with Little Beatle's play.

What a fucking nightmare...

There are roughly five million children all hyped up on sugar coated sugar pops and only four adults to keep them in line.
I screamed until I couldn't speak anymore and then I just started grabbing them and beating them down with eachother...except the OOMPA LOOMPA'S and that's just because their goddamn make up is too hard to get on.

I just have one question..


The OOMPA LOOMPA make up is orange. Are those little bastards orange in the movie?

Oh...ok..they ARE actually orange but more of a cheap-fake-tan-in-a-can orange.
You know...the vice principal kinds looks like Gene Wilder...CRAZY...anyway...The orange make up I dealt with today was more like this kind of orange.

This is how they looked after I got finished beating the stupid out of them. I swear the orange make-up sucks all the brain cells out of their head. And it stains! Nine of those little punks, including my Little Beatle will be stained a shade of pinky orange until it wears off. And that stuff doesn't wear off so easily, ok?

Just ask old Veggie Stick about it. She got the bright idea to color with permanent markers in her bed one night and fell asleep while using the pink.
I was smart enough to capture it on film. I woke her up and ran to get the camera. Am I smart or what?

It took at least four to five days for that to wear off. Thankfully she was only in second grade and she looked like all the other kids in her class...

It's things like this that make my children love me so much.

Speaking of love and special things...

Did you know that my family had a meeting, without me, and decided that I fly off the handle WAY too much for their liking?

Oh really?

Believe me...I was ready to snap Mr.Man's dick off and take a bite out of it.

I don't know what to say in response to their decision about my flying off the handle either.
They decided that I need to be medicated.


I get upset and stick up for myself instead of letting them walk all over me like a welcome mat and suddenly I need medicated?


You would probably kill me if someone was actually nice to me. A thank you or maybe a compliment once in heart would stop..I swear it would.

With that said...this is my mood today...

It's almost one in the afternoon and I haven't had a cup of coffee. I'm going to make a pot of it, sit on the porch and drink it. I may or may not put clothes on because I really don't give a shit what my neighbors think anymore AND then I'm going to see if the field needs mowed. I'll mow it if I can get the stupid mower to work.

I'll be back tomorrow...probably stained orange. Did I forget to mention there are only four more performances to get through before Saturday?

Special...SPECIAL times I'm telling ya. My kids better never say I don't do anything for them....

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A brand SPANKING new award...

I have this knack of talking too much. Not only that but I seem to say the wrong thing...or maybe it's just that I confuse the signals from other people. I say things, thinking it's ok with them and then find that afterward I've made them terribly uncomfortable and I've crossed that line.

Then I feel like shit.

So...because of my stupidity I have made a new my honor no less.


Yeah. That's what I thought too..

Feel free to use it as necessary won't you? I can't be the only one who does stupid shit...I hope.

I's almost noon. I should mix up a pitcher of margarita's and say fuck it. I could sit in the back yard and get pissy drunk.

Besides...a consolatory drunk would do me some good. I've apologized but I still feel pretty fucking stupid.

What else is there to do on a Wednesday?

Er...ok. So there's always something to do. Right now I'm waiting on the doctors office to call me and tell me the paper I need is filled out. Miss KIA was one of two girls chosen to attend a camp over the summer from her school and they needed a medical form filled out. She just had a physical back in April, so all they needed to do is copy the info from her examination records and sign it. Then I can run it down to the school.

This weekend is going to be hell. I have too many things to do and not enough time to do them. I still haven't figured it all out. I guess I can figure it out as I go.

I'm getting fatter.
I feel yucky.
Mr.Man assured me that, "No. You're not getting fatter honey."
But the clothes don't lie man...the clothes don't lie.

My ass is smooshed into my jeans. IN turn, the love handles are smooshed upwards and I now have them pushing out over the sides of my belt. ETW refers to that as "muffin top."


I wonder if I can channel that crap up a little know...

HAHAHA...I crack myself up.

Unfortunately I doubt I can make my tits bigger with my gut fat. I'm probably going to have to eat less and exercise more. And drink less...bastards. No one wants me to be happy..I'm convinced of it. And contrary to what you think, it's not so much a vanity thing as it is a "I hate to shop" thing. I have no desire to have to shop for new clothes because I've outgrown the ones I have already.
I fucking hate shopping.

Look...I'm too distracted to write in here anymore.

This is what I want...

I want a drink and a man to take it out on.

Meh...I'll be back tomorrow...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Men VS is a HUGE difference...

Today has been somewhat shitty.
I'm over-tired, sexually frustrated and I've single handedly managed to piss off my entire family.
I came home last night after Little Beatle's game to a mess. I had cleaned up everything and made the effort to tidy things up before I left the house. When I got home, the sink was full of dishes and the house looked like it had been inhabited by a troop of drunken Roman soldiers. sent me into orbit. I think I actually set a new world record for saying "fuck"...but only in my head. I was silent...just stood there and stared at the retards that live with me.

What I wanted to do is rip my clothes off and scream wildly, swearing ever other word, but you know...I don't normally do that unless I know there is a cage and a tranquilizer dart waiting for me.

Now don't get me wrong....I'm not June Cleaver.

I don't really give a shit if my house is spotless or not. I know that it's unrealistic to expect it and dammit, it makes me bitchy. If I had my choice between being a bitch with a clean house or being pretty fucking wonderful like I am now with a cluttered house, I'm going to choose the clutter. I don't care about it. We live in our house and dammit, I don't give a flying fuck what other people think about my housekeeping skills. I'm a loyal friend who will drop everything to help you out. I think the messy house is forgivable.

But in this situation with the family, they are not stupid. They know how to take care of things and there's no reason why I should have to slave myself for them.

The only acceptable kind of slavery for me is being a sex slave.

That is fun. Cleaning up after lazy slobs is not fun.

Men seem to have an easier time dealing with shit. They have a bad day and then they kind of tune out...or they have sex. They might be thinking about the craptastic day they just had but can shrug it off thinking about the premium dick sucking they got at lunch from their wife or girlfriend or whatever...

Women can't do that I guess. They're not wired the same way men are. Well...most women aren't wired that way.
I am wired like a man. I could definitely be distracted by sex if I'm having a shitty day.
I'm telling you...the roles are reversed in my house. I should have been a guy. I'm not even kidding.
I watch the sports, drink the beer and want to get laid every night. There's something wrong with me.

Speaking of things that are wrong with me...
Don't get mad, but I can't help but wonder what it is that keeps me out of the loop. Is it because I'm so much like a guy that prevents me from being included in stuff?
I was at Little Beatle's game last night and you know, the women who are in the clique act like they like me. They talk to me and seem to be enjoying being around me. So what is it that keeps them from calling me or inviting me to stuff?

I don't get it.

They SEEM to like me...honest they do...but then I get excluded from the things they do together...a lot.
I just don't understand it.

I just can't figure some women out, you know?
If they really don't like me, then why are they nice to me?

Speaking of is ETW's birthday. So why don't you go over there and wish her a happy one?

I'll be giving her a call later on and discussing plans to get together with her and BuzzardBilly. (They can't stand to be away from me you know. It's my fascinates both of them...really it does..)

I got my phone wet this morning. I called a friend of mine and he called back sooner than I expected him to. I was dripping wet in the shower and held the phone up to my ear. It got soaked. I told him to wait until I dried off but it was too late. As soon as I got off the phone with him, it was acting funny. I put it in a baggy with rice to see if that would help dry it out.

It did...well I'll be damned.

I hate being a slave to electronics but I couldn't live without my cell phone, my IPOD and my computer. I'd absolutely go insane. They're my lifeline.

With that said, THIS is my mood for today...

I'm friggin tired today. What's worse is that I'm all out of laundry detergent and it's Elderly Hell Day. I'm NOT going to the grocery store until after 3...they seem to go hide in their moth infested hovels after that time of day...

I'll see ya tomorrow...peace out.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Got stress acne? Use Clear-As-Hell...

Saturday's post was about this...

It wasn't about the cliquish women I know. I have accepted that I'm different and I'm not included. They like me ok I suppose but unless they need me to do something for them, I won't be called and I won't be invited. I got over it. I can deal with being lonely for friends in my kid's activities circle...

Well...kind of...most of the time. I just stay busy working and reading and walking.

Of course it would help greatly if Mr.Man made a little more effort to be...oh I don't adult? A friend?

I hate to bitch about it because I do love him. I will spend the rest of my life with him and we'll grow old together, spending time with our grandchildren and shitting ourselves...
But I do get tired. Let me put it like this...if life is a relay race and he and I are on the same team, I've been running all the relays. He keeps telling me he'll get the next one and he never does. I just keep going...

He feels perfectly justified in doing exactly what he wants and then seems terribly annoyed with me when I don't conform to his plans.
It's not as if my plans are actually for me. MY PLANS usually consist of running the kids where they need to go. Or working for one of their organizations...or events...or fund raising money for them.

I don't make plans. I stopped doing that a long time ago.

This morning, I've already gotten the kids up, made them breakfast, taken them to school, done three loads of laundry, gone to WalMart, ran to the high school to bring Veggie Stick medicine for her arm (she pulled something at practice), washed the breakfast dishes, typed up four waivers and answered four phone calls for ball.

It's 10:30 A.M.

I feel like I've already put in a full day and I haven't even taken a shower yet. I won't do that until I put those boxes under the house. What boxes you ask? The boxes I asked Mr.Man to put under the house for me on Saturday when I was at the ball field from 8:30-5:30. It's not like I was laying around doing nothing all day. In fact I came home exhausted and still was expected to fix dinner, wash clothes and clean the house. The girls were gone and Mr.Man was lost in his third gin and tonic, getting ready to watch a Dr.Who marathon.
The house was a disaster because Little Beatle had two friends stay over night on Friday and Mr.Man didn't make them pick up anything. So I had that waiting for me too.
I didn't see the girls or I would have asked them to clean up before they left and I have to admit, they've been better about helping me.Miss KIA told me that she felt sorry for me, whatever that means, and cleaned up the down stairs for me Friday.
Veggie Stick cleaned the bathroom Friday after school. But it doesn't take more than half an hour for everything to be a disaster area again.

So...Sunday morning I just shut down.

Of course I still had to answer phone calls from people on the Board, and run paperwork to them...I'm always making sure I'm taking my responsibility seriously.

Then Mr.Man made a remark about how I always say I'm going to be home at a certain time and I always run late. He commented on how much time I spend at the ball field or on the road with the kids.

I went ape-shit...

I'm not going into details because it's not important for me to rehash it and make either one of us look like assholes. We fought and that's all there is to it.

When we were done, he went upstairs and took a shower. He came down all dressed and sober and left.
I thought maybe he was leaving me.(I think that every time I get up the courage to stick up for myself.)
Instead he went to the store and bought stuff to make dinner. He came home and started the dishes and cooked.
He spent time with me.
We talked...
He was affectionate...

And get this...I felt GUILTY for complaining. Because he was so nice to me after I got mad at him and told him how I felt about his absentee fathering and husbanding (are those real words?)...I felt GUILTY FOR COMPLAINING!

I'm a real winnah, you know?

So's Monday. I'm already wiped out and I have tons to get done. I feel drained and I just want to be held. would be so nice to have someone brush my hair or hold my hand...maybe watch a movie wrapped up on the couch together in a blanket...cuddling up together.

Yeah, I'm feeling kind of vulnerable but maybe it'll pass.

I think it's time to throw myself into work and forget about it. That helps you know...

I bought another poetry book on Friday. Charles Bukowski (who is also a favorite of BuzzardBilly).
So...I'm going to leave you with one of my favorite poems by him today...
No...I'm not a man but I can relate to this's the connection thing I've talked about....

Charles Bukowski

once in a while

it is only
once in a while
that you see
someone whose
and presence
matches yours
at that

and then
usually it's
a stranger.

it was 3 or 4
years ago
i was walking on
Sunset Blvd
toward Vermont
a block away
i noticed a
figure moving
toward me.

there was something
in her carriage
and in her walk

as we came
the intensity

i knew her
entire history:
she had lived
all her life
with men
who had never really
known her.

as she approached
i became almost

i could hear her
footsteps as
she approached.

i looked into
her face.

she was as
as i had
imagined she
would be.

as we passed
our eyes fucked
and loved and
sang to each

and then
she moved
past me.

i walked on
not looking

when i looked
she was

what is one
to do
in a world
where almost everything
worth having
or doing

I went into
a coffee shop
and decided that
if i ever saw
her again somehow,
I'd say
"listen, please
i just must
speak to

I never saw her

I never will.

the iron in our
society silences
a man's

and when you
silence a man's
you leave him
finally with only
a cock.

I'll be back tomorrow...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

How many licks does it take to get through to the brain of an idiot?

Rejection is not a word I understand the meaning of.
The definition of the word reject I found in the dictionary says this:

1. To refuse to accept, submit to, believe, or make use of.
2. To refuse to consider or grant; deny.
3. To refuse to recognize or give affection to (a person).
4. To discard as defective or useless; throw away.

IN my pitiful mind, I define the word reject like this:

1. The indifference of someone that encourages me to make me want to try harder to please that someone or make them love me.
2. The bad feeling that makes me wonder what is wrong with me.
3. The encouragement I need in order to hang on to the hope that someday I will be accepted.
4. The affirmation that I must have done something to make someone mad or upset with me.

I'm a sick fucker...I need professional help.

So tell many times am I going to keep doing this to myself?

Friday, April 18, 2008

IN the land of unicorns....

Have you ever met someone that you INSTANTLY didn't like? I'm talking the moment they opened their mouth to speak to you....the second you laid eyes on just didn't like ANYTHING about them...

I met someone like that about three years ago. And guess what? I saw him again last night.

Veggie Stick FINALLY decided to play softball...She had been flipping back and forth on whether to play like a fish on the deck of a boat, but last night she called the coach and I took her to practice.
That's where I saw HIM again.
It's not like I haven't seen him around on occasion. The last couple of years I've seen him at ball games and I have seen him around. He used to live here in town, grew up here in fact, but lives in another town near here now.

Let me tell you about this clown.

I met him at a ball game three years ago. His team was playing against our team. Veggie Stick played against his daughter, who was living in another town at the time. He and his wife are divorced and apparently she has moved back here to live. That's why his daughter is playing here...
Anyway...the first time I met him, he walked over to me, all cocky-like and spoke to my breasts.
I'm just not having that ok?
He not only openly undressed me with his eyes, he propositioned front of other people. I mean, I have witnesses for god's sake. He was obnoxious and full of himself.He kept winking at me and touching his crotch. It was disgusting.
He actually said, "Once you had a taste of old "(his name)", you'd never want anyone else baby."


I walked away from it because I didn't want to punch him in the nut sack right in front of the kids. But he's persistent. Every time I saw the son-of-a-bitch, he came on to me.

I finally had to put a stop to it and blast his ass. I didn't embarrass him in front of other people or humiliate him, as much as I wanted to, but I did tell him in no uncertain terms that he was to NEVER speak to me again. I said I was married and even if I wasn't, I would never be DESPERATE enough to fuck him. I told him that I've found that most men who have big egos like his normally have little dicks they don't know how to use and give a woman a full "thrust,thrust,thrust before prematurely squirting their pitiful drippins."

It worked. He left me alone...for the most part. I'd still catch him looking at me, but he stopped talking to me. It really wasn't a problem because I didn't see him that often. But now...

I will be seeing him all the time.
I mean I'm glad that Veggie Stick is playing ball. She has a natural talent for it and I hated to see her not play.
So I suppose this will be a thorn in my ass I'll just have to deal with. When he saw me last night, his eyes lit up and he practically ran over to talk to me. I had just gotten out of the shower and my hair was wet. So what's the first thing he says?
"I knew I made you wet."

Whatever....what a fucktard. I didn't laugh and gave him a warning look instead. He threw his hands up and backed away.
Then as I was leaving he walked up beside me and asked if I was going to be at Veggie Stick's practice.
I asked him why he wanted to know.
He said it's because he knows I used to play softball and he thought maybe I could help practice the girls. He said he'd be staying to help the coach practice.Then he winked at me.

It's going to be one hell of an annoying season, I can tell right now.

Speaking of annoying...tomorrow Little Beatle has a ball game. So I asked Mr.Man if he'd go over in the morning and help rake the field and get it set up. He just gave me this blank look.
You know...there's about as much chance of him going over there to rake that field as there is me waking up tomorrow with a dick growing out of my forehead.

Wednesday night we had a game and he almost had a stroke because he had to get Little Beatle ready for the game because I had to be there early. He was so pissed off in fact that he hung up the phone on me.
I swear...
I don't know what he expects from me sometimes.


I think I will spend today cleaning around the house. I need to go out and pick up some shirts for my son too. The poor kid is busting out of his shirts. I noticed his pants were high water this morning too. Of course he was already walking into the school so hopefully his coolness will prevent him from being the subject of ridicule...

With that said, this is my mood for today...

I'm in the mood for a Popsicle...A yummy delicious Popsicle. Maybe I'll get a nice sweet one some time this weekend?

I sure hope so...

See ya Monday...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Today I'm being a copy cat. Don't be a "MEOW MEOW MEOW" it dammit!

Today is suck-assed Thursday. I'm feelin highly aggitated and I don't really feel like going into detail about it so instead I'm going to copy other people from my Blog Roll and do a few thingys instead.
I'm starting with Tracy. She practically begged her readers to do this. Apparently she will get money or get laid or something like that, so I'm doing it. I'm all about getting money and getting laid you know...

1. Describe yourself without the use of any vowels (treat “y” as a vowel).

Fckng crzy nmph wrtng blg 4 thrp

2. Write a short paragraph about a truly horrifying encounter you once had using the words “sippy-cup”.

When Miss KIA was a mere nine months old, we took her to a Chinese restaurant. She sat in her high chair and ate noodles until they were coming out her ears. She had them draped all over her head, the table,etc...
Apparently this bothered the staff and they sent over a waiter to clean up the mess before we were finished eating. We thought it was terribly rude and Miss KIA didn't appreciate them destroying her creation either. So she poured the contents of her sippy cup on the waiter's head.
This upset him...and he went ballistic!
NOT ONLY did he go off on us in Chinese, but the ENTIRE staff went nuts. It was a scene straight out of a Bruce Lee movie...I shit you not.

I haven't been able to watch a Kung Foo movie since...

3. Which of the following is the worst baby name: Monkey Winkle, Fetus Cheese, or Swaberpoo Deliciousness? Discuss.

I'm going with Fetus Cheese. I have actually seen all four of the cheesy little creatures that have emerged from my womb and the visual is one I'm not crazy about. Love the kids to death but BLECH...too much visual association with that name.

4. Complete the following word association: cookie, ladder, penis, regret…

Vodka...or Tequila...yeah either one of those.

5. You move your weasel to sun level three. Your opponent counters with whimsy to caveworm seven. What is the best counter move?

OK. I moved the weasel the hell out of my house. I lost the house, got joint custody of the kid and had to work two jobs to support us but it was totally worth it. With the weasel being the actual opponent, he did counter with a whimsy to the caveworm seven but I wasn't concerned. The caveworm wasn't anything to brag about and believe me...worm is a good definition of it. The whimsey wasn't so fucking great either. As for the seven...well I think that's the number of guys on the local base that she DIDN'T fuck.
(my ex-husband was lovingly referred to by my friends as the weasel...hehehe)


This quizy thing I've seen on PLENTY of other people's blog thingys. I think it may have started with RON but I don't know for sure. I did it just for the hell of it. I figured, "How accurate can that thing be?"
Ummmm...what do you think?

Your Five Factor Personality Profile


You have high extroversion.

You are outgoing and engaging, with both strangers and friends.

You truly enjoy being with people and bring energy into any situation.

Enthusiastic and fun, you're the first to say "let's go!"


You have high conscientiousness.

Intelligent and reliable, you tend to succeed in life.

Most things in your life are organized and planned well.

But you borderline on being a total perfectionist.


You have high agreeableness.

You are easy to get along with, and you value harmony highly.

Helpful and generous, you are willing to compromise with almost anyone.

You give people the benefit of the doubt and don't mind giving someone a second chance.


You have low neuroticism.

You are very emotionally stable and mentally together.

Only the greatest setbacks upset you, and you bounce back quickly.

Overall, you are typically calm and relaxed - making others feel secure.

Openness to experience:

Your openness to new experiences is high.

In life, you tend to be an early adopter of all new things and ideas.

You'll try almost anything interesting, and you're constantly pushing your own limits.

A great connoisseir of art and beauty, you can find the positive side of almost anything.

Yeah...yeah...yeah...I'm fucking incredible. It can't be helped.

I tried and tried to pin down a song for my theme song. Most of what you see of me in my blog is all stupid shit and goof-assery crap, but honestly...I think my theme song would have to be more serious.
There's a lot to the Blonde Goddess that remains unknown. You get the HAHA version of me most of the time. The BooHoo exists and existed long before the HAHA. That's why I'm choosing this song as my theme song...I'm a survivor above anything else... now it's back to being a nut job. I have to get busy doing stupid shit I don't want to do today.

With that said....this is my mood for today...

I'm not sure why but my damn Kool-Aid has drained out of my "OH YEAH" today. It SUCKS!

See you guys tomorrow....