Friday, April 11, 2008

More mind boggeling information...did I spell boggeling right?

Thank God it's Friday. Man...I know I don't work out of the house but for some reason the weekends seem to give me a little break. I'm spent. I've been on the phone so much that I want to run over it in the driveway. As for typing, I'm pretty burnt out on that too. If blogger had a feature where I could just record myself so you could play it and listen to it, I'd be doing that instead of typing. My fingers are the only skinny thing on my body and that's the reason. Anyway, I have a few more schedules to type up and another invoice for a sign I sold and I MIGHT be able to finally be caught up on my paperwork.

Let get started on the questions and answers shall we? Actually, I have received a few more questions which has prompted me to do three answering sessions. I'm going to answer a few more today and then allow more questions over the weekend for Monday's post. I doubt I can answer the remaining questions in one post, plus Stew asked me a few things that will require some poor little blond mind can't comprehend those big thinking questions Stew! You suck!
I'm going to do my best to answer them though. Plus...there are still lurkers and not everyone who reads my blog has asked me something. The weekend will give them a chance to ask or forever hold their peace...

HaHa...I'm such a dork.


Ron has asked me four good questions...

1. If you could ask a higher power any one question and have it answered what would it be?

Ron, I would ask why there is so much suffering in this world. I don't understand the nature of people and why cruelty exists. I've read the Bible...I've heard the explanation that it's the Devil and evil and all that, but I don't know if I believe that. If there is a God,which I do believe, and He has power over all that's He's created, including the devil,which is what it says in the Bible, then why allow the suffering? That's what I would ask Him...

2. If you had to eat the same meal for the rest of your life what would that meal be?

It would have to include bread. I'm a huge fan of bread and bread is mostly responsible for my sticky-out ass and boob propper. So what else would I eat with it? I really like turkey and dressing and mashed potatoes but turkey makes you sleepy and if it was the only meal I could eat, I'd be sleepy all the time and dopey and well..that probably wouldn't be good. So...after careful consideration, I'd have to say that I'd eat, eggs, toast with jam, hash browns, bacon,a hunk of cheese, milk, juice and coffee. I'd eat breakfast for the rest of my life. I'm a huge fan of it and it would offer more variety.

3. If you could travel back in time for a moment and shout one piece of advice to you at age 10 what would it be?

I don't know if there is any advice that would have helped me. Maybe it would be to not stay alone at home on June 5, 1980. But then again, you can't change what course you life is going to take, good or bad. The events of that day probably would have still happened, just on a different day.

4. Do you have any single slutty girlfriends that are going to be in West Virginia next week? ;)

I am the only slutty one in my group and I'm taken. Sorry...I even thought about people who are only acquaintances and I wouldn't wish them on you. You're too sweet!

The next question came from bossinjo...: "Did you give in and let your Man purchase the $250 item?"

Well...I explained to him that we didn't have the money and he made the decision not to purchase the item. To be honest, I don't ever tell him he can't do something. I give him reasons why it's not a good idea but if he wants to do something, trust me, he's going to do it. It's funny too because he always accuses me of wearing the pants in the family but I don't. I'm the more practical one but I'm definitely not in charge.

Scott asks:

"Does your husband read your blog?"

You know...I don't know if he does or not. He knows about it and where to find it but he has never mentioned it. I tell him about it and we laugh over it, but really I think he's too busy to read it and figures he already knows everything about me so why bother?

"Does he get jealous?"

Mr.Man is one of the least jealous people I know. He is the one who is always the most shocked when someone's wife accuses me of trying to steal their man. You have to understand, I am flirty, for lack of a better word, with and women both. Of course that doesn't mean I'm slutty. I'm not like that. Although I love sex and I'm very in touch with that part of me, I won't allow a man to touch me or be with me in that way unless he possesses something that makes me feel connected to him. I have to trust someone before they are allowed to be with me that way. There have been only a few men who have been invited to be with me in that way in my lifetime. Mr. Man knows this and I don't think he feels threatened by anyone I talk to so, No...he's not jealous.

"Are you so open with your kids that they know about your toys?"

I am very honest with my children about sex. We have talked about sex and valuing your body, the urges, STD's oral sex know...the honest to God truths about sex. I want my kids to grow up being informed about it and feeling good about themselves so they can have healthy relationships with their partners, but do they know about my toys? No. That's personal and would only serve to embarrass them. Freya knows I have a few things but that's just because she's 26 years old. Her friends wanted me to have a toy party and she asked me if I would but that's the only reason she knows I have some. She doesn't know the details or how many I have.

"Which is your favorite season of the year? Color? Number?"

My favorite season used to be winter, but that's when I lived in Maine. I loved the cold brisk air, the bright snow covered fields and the cornflower blue sky. I loved the "shush shush" sound of my skis as I made my way though the forest trails...snow heavy on the pine boughs...the cold air stinging in my lungs as I breathed it in.
It made me feel so ALIVE. I miss that feeling.
Since moving down here, I HATE the heat and humidity. It's stifling. It makes me feel like I'm fighting to stay awake all the time. favorite season since moving here would have to be fall. I love the brisk night air/ After suffering through the sweltering heat, it feels so good.I adore the colors of the hardwood forests, which are much more colorful here than they were in northern Maine, where the forests are mostly fir and pine trees. favorite season here would have to be fall.

My favorite color is green.

My favorite number is three.

"Excluding your children, what is your biggest accomplishment so far in life? Your biggest regret?"

My biggest accomplishment would have to be overcoming the hardships in my life. There have been things I've lived through that could have influenced me to be a much different person than I am now but I've pulled myself out of depression, low self-esteem and self-hatred to learn how to love myself. I still fight the demons from my past but I haven't allowed them to influence my life.That's part of the reason I began blogging. I found an outlet through blogging that not only helps me to be honest with myself about the person I am and the person I strive to be, but it had helped me to put myself out there and say, "Hey. This is who I REALLY am." and not be afraid to be honest and open about it. I've been able to look the ghosts of my past in the face and not fall apart and wither into nothing.
Learning to love myself when I thought I wasn't lovable has been my biggest accomplishment.

My biggest regret was to wait to fly home when my Pa was dying. I was living here and Little Beatle was only a year old. Freya was still in Maine with her dad and Veggie Stick was four, Miss KIA in kindergarten. I wanted to take Little Beatle and fly home to be with him, but we didn't know how much longer it would be before Pa passed away. I had to try to make arrangements for the girls and without family here, that was close to impossible. I finally found people to help while Mr.Man was working, but I didn't want to take advantage of them so I waited. I finally booked a flight because my Nana called me and told me he was getting really bad, and he died two days before I was due to fly up there.
I wish I hadn't waited. I wanted to say goodbye to him and it's the biggest regret of my life.

"Which part of the world would you like to visit, all expenses paid?"

This one is easy. Scandinavia. I would love to see where my relatives came from and meet the family I still have living in Sweden. They are extended cousins but they write to my other cousins here in the US.

"Do you have any interesting scars? (Every scar has a story)"

I have several scars on my face. One is near my hairline on the right side and the others are above my left eye and under my left eye. When I was five, I was bitten in the face by a German Shepherd. We were visiting my mother's friend and I reached down to pick up a comic book. It must have startled the dog because it reached around and bit me. I can still remember the sight of the bright light at the hospital room and the prick of the needle as they put stitches in.

I have a small pebble on the left side of my hip. I wrecked on my bike when I was doing some stupid tomboy daredevil stunt and skinned all the hide off the left side of my body. I limped home, bloody, with half my clothes torn off and Nana helped me clean up. Apparently it was a mess. When things healed, I discovered a pebble underneath my skin. It's kind of cool actually.

I have a few other scars, all from bike wrecks, falling off snow mobiles or motorcycles. There are several scars where I burned myself while cooking. And I have two cat scratch scars, one right in the cleavage on my right breast and the other on my arm.

"What color are my eyes? 8-)"

You know I couldn't remember if you'd ever filled out one of those MeMe things or not, so I'm going to say brown. I think in the pictures I've seen they look brown.

On to another question from Tiff...

"Snickers or Mars Bar, and why?"

Tiff, I'm choosing the Mars bar and here's why. I had a TERRIBLE dentist when I was a kid. He was an alcoholic and he messed up almost all my back teeth. Needless to say as an adult I've had to have major work done. In spite of my efforts, I have lost several back teeth and have to wear a partial. Well partials are not kind to nuts, thus Snickers are an occasionally treat and Mars are much more Tammie friendly.

Next question...

Jerry in WV asks...

"How did you end up in Dunbar?"

Mr.Man is from Dunbar. He grew up here. When we made the decision for him to get out of the Air Force, he looked for a job in New England but the economy was stagnant. He couldn't find anything. So we moved down here and he got a job.

"What did Mr. Man do in the USAF? I was also in the USAF and spent most of my time underground. Go figure!"

Actually Mr.Man did the same thing in the Air Force that he does now. He was in Exterior Electric. Essentially he was a power lineman and he also took Electrical code courses to learn Interior Electric as well. He just never became certified because there was no need to and he got out of the service before that happened.

"Coke or Pepsi? Choc or vanilla?"

COKE...I'd rather drink warm piss that drink "Pisspi"...BLECH!

Vanilla...I like variety and I can always add exciting stuff to it.

And last one for today. The rest I will answer Monday.

From ETW...

"Okay, will you come over next week and join me for knitting and coffee? Such an easy one..."

I would say yes, but you're already going to see me on Tuesday for lunch. How about the week after? You might get sick of me if you see me twice in one week...LOL.

Ok...That's all I'm going to answer for today. There are still some questions left and I'll work on them this weekend. In the meantime, if you've happened to think of something else you're just DYING to know...ask and you shall receive an answer...

Have a great weekend!


  1. Great answers! I'm a firm believer that when our loved ones pass they can watch over us and certainly understand the difficulties that exist in life. Your Pa understands anything you would have said to him especially your love for him, so you should have no regrets :)

  2. another question: Boxers or briefs? You will probably say commando.

  3. Great answers! I swear to God I left questions. I went to reread them (since they weren't answered) and saw that they are not there at all. I hate when my comments end up in an ether burp rather than the comments sections.


  4. The week after is fine too. That'll give me something to look forward to two weeks in a row!

    Great answers, again!

  5. We have some things in common; my dad died the same day I was driving to Chas. to see him, but I got there 2 hours too late. My favorite color is green too and breakfast is my favorite meal (I could eat it 3x per day!)

  6. OH YAY! I haven't totally missed the questions!!!!!!

    1. Where would you like to retire to?
    2. If you can reincarnate after you die, would you rather come back as a woman again or try out being a man?
    3. Do you have a hidden talent?
    4. If you could choose to have one superhero power (i.e. leaping tall buildings in a single bound, being invisible, having spiderwebs shoot out of your butt), what would it be?
    5. Would you still have sex with Johnny Depp even if you found out he had herpes?

  7. Very nicely done! I'm loving these Q&A's going around. Some interesting revelations coming to light!

  8. Heh, I like Mars Bars better too. I just find that nuts in chocolate bars and ice cream get in the way - they're like seeds in a good piece of watermelon.
