Here it is almost 12:30 and I have done jack shit today.Well that's not exactly true. I just haven't completed the things I've started yet...
They make me feel a little bananas...
I thought BuzzardBilly might like that little icon thingy...
ANYWAY...I had no time at all to finish anything ALL WEEKEND! Please forgive me for not calling you Ron, but by the time I got through the day, I fell into bed exhausted. Today is more of the same and quite honestly I don't see an end in sight until next week...maybe Tuesday.
I need to TRY to squeeze in a call to my grandmother...maybe while I'm sitting in the parking lot waiting for Little Beatle to get out of practice. The place he's been practicing at on Monday's is an insanity asylum of inmates who all drive SUV's.
I'm dead serious.
There is limited parking so I go early and read or as is the case today, I will make a phone call to my grandmother because I haven't spoken to her for almost three weeks.
Now that's TOO BUSY!
But I'm remedying that...things will slow down and then perhaps I can concentrate on booking some parties for my sales. I've intentionally refrained from booking anything because of my crazy schedule. Then of course there were the snafus that caused a few tense moments.

SHIT!Who am I fooling? EVERYTHING I attempt is always riddled with land mines or some other irritation to make it nearly impossible. Nothing is ever easy for me and believe me...I'm a goddamn idiot for plugging away at things and finishing them anyway.
I have still been plugging away at that post I wanted to put on know...the one bragging on all the things I like the best about all of you? I am worried it'll never be completed. I'm trying and TRYING to get it finished to where I like it and I am not happy with it.
I think I'm too spontaneous to undertake a project like that on.
My writing is like masturbating.
I can only do it when I'm in the mood and it's not something I plan. I just get the urge and it happens. I feel better and I've released some stress (among a few other things)...
It just all comes flooding out of me...
Today I have this feeling that I'll be running around in circles getting absolutely nothing done...well...completed. I'll still have all these half finished things to do this evening when dinner is done and I'll be wondering which one to tackle first.
Can someone give me a job?
No really...I'm serious. It doesn't look good for me. I don't think I could get a job if my life depended on it.
I think maybe a part time job with some structure might help me out.I need to start saving for when Miss KIA goes to college.
Of course I'M not college educated...I barely graduated high school and even then there's some controversy. I used a correspondence course that was relatively new and sometimes it says I'm a high school graduate and other times it doesn't. Around the time I received my diploma in the mail, I was separated from my ex-husband...who threw it in the trash. Several attempts to get a copy have resulted in my being told that I didn't graduate then being told by the former teacher who oversaw the entire program that I HAD graduated. I know I worked my ass off for my diploma. It was hell to try to work, raise a baby and hitchhike into town once a week in sub-zero temperatures to take my tests and have my work checked. I worked HARD for it and I still have yet to see one or get it cleared up.
So who knows what I'll discover when I go to apply for a job.
I might have a diploma and I might not...depending on the day.
And as if that's not enough crap stacked against me...then there's my work experience.
Hmmm...there's the factory job I took when I was 16 to support my newborn daughter.I worked nights and took care of her during the day. It was piecework so I was able to get some extra money on my checks for exceeding my quota. Even at 16 I was a hard worker.
I've cleaned houses and baby sat,(which I started as early as 13) and I've shoveled manure and worked just about any kind of job that exists on a farm, including driving the tractor and big trucks.I've painted, helped put on vinyl siding and shingles. I can drywall as well.
I've waitressed and hostessed.I have done sewing alterations, flower arranging...
That's about it for work history.
So what would I put on a resume?
It would include my sordid past and then what? What could possibly help me?
I taught myself how to type after we got out first computer in 2001. Until that point in time, I had no idea how to type or how to use a computer. I read books on how to do it and taught myself.I practiced typing until I thought I'd lose my mind.
I went on to teach myself how to use all the programs on the computer...reading up on the programs and how they worked.
I did this because I hate not knowing how to do something. So I pick up a book on it or have someone show me how to do it and I learn.
After learning how to type well enough to get by (I still don't use the right method for typing) I was stupid enough to volunteer to head up the yearbooks at two schools.I did that for three years in a row...two schools...almost 800 kids...
So I bought a camera and taught myself how to take pictures. Then I learned how to edit them,catalog and organize them into a system. I created themes for the yearbooks and then proceeded to make sure that every child in each school was in the yearbook at least once.(a lot of checking and rechecking...I was very thorough).Then I pasted cropped and edited pictures onto the layout boards,(between the two schools there were almost 80 pages. I used papers and illustrations to turn each page into a book, complete with a theme and even a story line. Then I edited and proofread everything and submitted it for publishing.
A BIG job to say the least...
I'd never touched a scrapbooking kit in my life before I volunteered for the yearbooks, so I had to teach myself that as well.I think creating was fun and I really enjoy doing that.
Rubber cement was my special friend.

It made me feel VERY CREATIVE...LOL many employers are going to consider my wealth of self-taught skills an asset? Hmmm???
I've taught myself how to make baskets and cross stitch, among other things...I've designed costumes for many of my childrens's activities. Last year alone, I made five complete costumes and altered over 100 others.
I was the president of the PTO for five years. I was a Girl Scout leader for several years and I managed the monies and paperwork for both organizations.I was involved with the LSIC and attended many meetings, acting as secretary for one school and co-chair for the other.
I've looked over Title-One plans and attended meetings as the parent representative.
I taught classes at church, making my own lesson plans and activities each week.I didn't agree with the books they gave me so I made my own. I think anyone who's taught realizes the time and dedication involved in making lesson plans.
I've volunteered at the food pantry, shelters and nursing homes. The only place I haven't volunteered is the hospital and that's only because of time constraints.
You can't accuse me of not being motivated I guess.
And now...I'm the secretary for the Little League. This includes tons of paperwork, phone calls, business letters, invoices, rosters, not to mention keeping track of fees collected and filing everything. Plus I'm learning how to get the website up and running. I'm still learning how to do that. Hey...I've posted pictures I took over the past summer so I have been able to incorporate that skill into this volunteer job as well...
Being the secretary for little league is practically a full time job right there...except I don't get paid.
I've organized and overseen the planning and execution for many large events and done fund raising as well. I'm not afraid to ask for donations and help.The worse thing that can happen is for someone to say no. of course there are so many good causes out there and businesses are overwhelmed with solicitations that you're bound to get a no sometimes. You just can't take it personally...the businesses are trying to help as much as they can afford to. They have to adhere to a budget like everyone else does.
I doubt that a resume with a section that says something along the lines of this will help me get a job...
"Give me a book on how to do something and I will be able to learn it 95% of the time. This is how I learned how to replace my speed sensor in my car and save four hundred dollars fixing myself with the help of Mr.Man."
I don't think they're going to buy into that one, do you?
I don't know why I'm blathering on and on this way but I think I'm a little worried. I've lived my life staying busy with my children and now I'm worried about paying for their education. I will have to go to work but I have no experience. I have no degree.
While I don't regret my decision to stay at home with my children, I'm terribly concerned that I won't be able to get a job when Miss KIA begins college. I might be able to get a job someplace that I'll have to work evenings and weekends, but if you're thinking I feel I'm too good for that, it's not true. I can work anywhere and I will work my ass off to give it a hundred percent. of course I'm hoping that I will find a job that will allow me to still be able to be as active in Veggie Stick and Little Beatle's lives the way I have been for Miss KIA.
I'm going to stop writing about all of this garbage for now because quite frankly it's depressing me and I can't have that.
There's too much to get finished this depression or worry will be tolerated...
The word for today is going to be sacrifice.
I've made a lot of sacrifices for my children. I have no regrets either. I'd do it all over again, even working all night and sleeping a few hours during the day if necessary...(and that might be my only alternative).
My children are EVERYTHING to me and I'd dig ditches if necessary to make sure they are cared for.
They are the reason for everything I do...they're my reasons for living...
My little Freya...

Miss KIA....

Veggie Stick...

And Little Beatle....

My mood today is protective...afraid...uncertain...
I have made sacrifices for my children but what if it's been the wrong thing to do?
I'm going to have to get a job to help them through college and I have nothing to offer an employer...
Guess I'd better pull something out of my ass, huh?
First, no worries on the call. Second, you just wrote more work and job skills in this post than are in many people resume. Just because you didnt get paid for it doesnt make it any less of a job. Certainly find the diploma since you worked for it and deserve the recognition, but realize that a piece of paper does not mean the world. You have undertaken projects and learned how things work on your own a very valuable skill. Give yourself the credit you deserve and don't sell yourself short. You go girl!
ReplyDeletePut this all in resume form. Life experience counts, darlin.'
ReplyDeleteIt's not wrong ot make some sacrifices for your children. Loving them, teaching them, being 'there' for them can't be wrong, as long as you don't forget about YOU.
Y'all will figure out something for your kids' continued education. A a little newsflash - it's not all your responsibility. Part time job for the kids, a little grant money or loan money, a work-education plan at school, community college to start, etc etc. School will be there for them, not matter what; it's just a matter of figuring out where and when.
Hey Tammie,
ReplyDeleteI'll 2nd on what Ron and Tiff said, your organizational skills matter greatly out there.
As far as generating the second income, the toy biz can probably generate entry level second income money, plus you get to make your own hours and use those qualifications for yourself. May not make a ton of money, but it'll help and it'll be all on your terms...
I've got two in grad school and yes, it's not easy, but there is a lot of money out there you can lay claim to, loans, grants, parent plus loans....
been there, doing that!
Anybody that read this blog would hire you in a second. Ok well maybe without that part about the masturbating lol. You are an amazing person. Somebody that needs an office manager to organize and keep their office running would jump at you. I agree with all above. Put this in Resume' form and something good will happen.
ReplyDeleteMy life's been easy compared to yours, Tam. BTW, you should upload a bigger "silly" picture of you on here. I love the expression on your face. Nice shirt too.
ReplyDeleteListen to everyone else on here. If you want to draft something up, I can help you design your resume (we have all the design programs). Or, I'd be happy to proof for you.
ReplyDeleteI'd be willing to bet that some of those parents you work with as secretary of the Little League will have real job leads (maybe even at their businesses).
ReplyDeleteEmployers are not as hung up on degrees as you would think. Hard work goes a long way. Having some of those people you've worked with through volunteering be references for you does.
"My writing is like masturbating."
ReplyDeleteGee, you write a lot. :)
Terrific advice given above. You can do it, there's no doubt. Trying to do it with the other kids will be the tightrope. Federal aid for college in Sen. Byrd's home state?
Oh, yeah.
Some colleges provide a free education for children of employees.It's not all office work either. Government work, all types of jobs, some with different shifts too. Maintenance, 911 centers, Parks, offices, not to mention you as Mayor. I'd like that.
If you'd be interested in being a home health aide, I might be able to hook you up with a lead!
ReplyDeleteI guess it goes without saying, most us guys would like to watch you "writing".
ReplyDeleteVideo is okay.
Ditto, ditto, and ditto again.
ReplyDeleteJust given what I know of you from your blog, you are light years beyond many people with a degree.
You know what? Sometimes you just gotta jump in and do it. Apply for jobs, snag an interview, make one hell of an impression, and then do it all over again. Eventually, something will break and you'll find yourself down that little road we call a career path.
ReplyDeleteYour skillz is mad, baby.
Take that to the bank.
I cannot believe I forgot to mention how much I love animated avitar Freddie. I think I'm going to have to swipe it to head a "Your Inner Freddie Mercury" list on my side bar. Mhm. That's exactly what I'm going to do. Tomorrow. If I remember.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Ron! You have a boatload of experience. You even know your way around a computer -- that's more than a lot of people, even today! (Seriously -- I work with someone who tried to move her computer to the other end of her classroom and then plug it into a regular phone jack and couldn't figure out why she can't log in.)
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't mention Elderly Hell, though. Heh!
I LOVE the bananas icon, by the way! Where do you find this stuff!?!?!?
ReplyDeleteGo to YouTube and search for "My hands are bananas".
Actually, here:
Circly Square!