I dragged myself out of bed this morning a mere ten minutes before I had to drive the kids to school. It was a tough morning. I woke up with a sinus headache from hell. Everything hurt and it literally felt like someone was trying to push my eyeballs out of my sockets.
GAH! The pain!!!
I did manage to get the kids to school...although I'm not sure where they actually sat or who rode with me...
It didn't matter that much though. I just closed my eyes and drove so they didn't bother me much.
There was some wordtard who drove forty miles an hour in the fifty five mile an hour zone. I couldn't get around him and by shit, I wished I'd stolen that monster truck when I'd had the chance. I'd have crushed his turtle crawling balls this morning...
People like him...you know they work for the government.I'm on to them!
When I got home I walked into the kitchen to get my medicine and a drink of water. Apparently Mr.Man replaced two of the burnt out light bulbs in my recessed lighting without me knowing.
I think I need to dust.
I usually wipe down everything with bleach cleaner after I cook and several times during the day but there are three shelves that hold an antique tea pot and two antique planters my nana gave me...Them shelves are an inch deep in dust.
I made a mental note to put that on my list of things to do when I got rid of my sinus headache.
I began to feel VERY sleepy...you know...like someone who gets hypnotized.Have any of you ever been hypnotized? I've never had the experience myself...except with medicine head..
So I went upstairs to lie down for a little bit and give into the medicine.This was around nine...
What a waste of a perfectly good day. Yeah I know the entire day isn't completely over yet, but my head is all groggy and crap. I can barely think. It's the medicine head I know, but shit...I feel like I'm a Miss Teen American contestant.I can barely tell you my name...
I have yet another meeting tonight. That absolutely sucks! I think they should offer courtesy vans to and from these meetings. It would make the whole experience much more pleasant for me, ok? I could sit down right before the meeting and take some 'medicine' to help me cope with the bullshit they discuss and my life would improve by leaps and bounds...
Oh yes... you know how I like my medicine...
Well..you know what I mean. I like the right kind of medicine...not this sinus shit that makes me feel all limp and useless...
Speaking of limp and useless...

That's a self explanatory picture...
I think we may be getting new neighbors. I've seen the old ones over at the house, cleaning and moving boxes. Too bad it's not warmer out. I'd like to break in the new neighbors right away. Waking up to me running around the house in my bathing suit with a squirt gun is probably going to give them the best indication of what they're in for...I used to do that with the kids when they were younger. We'd put on our bathing suits and run around the house, having squirt gun fights. It was SO much fun! Of course now that they've grown up, I see no reason to stop doing it just because I'm all by myself. After all..people walk by my house all the time. Then there are squirrels and birds to squirt...myself...yeah...good times...
Today's word is going to be bastard. I know this guy who is a self-centered bastard who brings nothing but misery to everyone who loves him.(which dwindles with each passing year). I feel so bad for his family you have no idea....You know he's a selfish prick, incapable of loving anyone but himself, if my own kids are saying that their father is ten times the father this guy is. I love Mr.Man but he's pretty selfish sometimes...This guy...well..his priorities are pretty worded up. Hope he plans on his job visiting him in his old age, because that's the priority in his life and his kids sure as hell won't be.
I have only one more thing to say on that topic...
"He who blinded by ambition, raises himself to a position whence he cannot mount higher, must thereafter fall with the greatest loss."..Niccolo Machiavelli
Did you know that Tupac's name Makaveli was inspired by Machiavelli?
I read that in the Urban Dictionary which you can find here...
My mood today is this....
I feel dopey and I don't feel like talking to people. I'd make no sense anyway. This stupid medicine is kicking my fuuu...wording ass and I'm annoyed.
I'll be back tomorrow...minus the cement head...
oohh sorry you are feeling so crappy. The time of year doesn't help any either...I feel dopey most days from Jan - April.
ReplyDeleteI could use some of that 'medicine' from Absolut. Man! I had no idea they had that many flavors...that's like a vodka fruit salad.
I hope you feel better and for the record I'm not that self centered... I think...
ReplyDeleteNyquil is my favorite.
If Dopey don't talk non, you'd better find another dwarf to emulate. ;)
ReplyDeleteFeel better soon, please.
I kinda enjoy the dopy you. The problem is I followed every bit of it... Guess that tells ya who I am.
ReplyDeleteOMG love the grammar on the Dopey poster.
ReplyDeleteThe only guy I've ever known who practically ignored his family for work was having a string of work-related affairs with women that eventually ended his marriage (and all that money he'd been so proud of making). Let's hope his wife does the family banking ;)
Maybe the new neighbors will turn out to be fun. You could always take them a housewarming present of squirt guns for every member of the family and an invite to squirt gun wars when the weather breaks. If they have kids, the kids will love you.
Get better soon. We really need to plan that lunch date! :-)
ReplyDeleteOi, I feel your pain. Benedryl is my Friend. Strangely, doesn't make me sleepy during the day, but it helps at night.