Awhile back Renn even posted a blog on it.
So this morning I decided to check my counter thingy, which I really never think much about and I discovered a few special google searches that took people directly to my blog...
A few of the key phrases that took people to THIS blog entry was...
"the boob goddess"
"goddess of boobs"
"freakfest boobs"
"flopping boobs"
"flopping breasts"
AND last but not least one google blog search for a "floppy boob blogspot"
That's a WHOLE lotta searching for boobs. And to think it all comes back to my little old blog.
Do I discuss my boobs too much?
Just wondering...
Of course THIS post got some attention as well but wait till you see the search inquiries that brought people to it...
"me squatting"
"I got horny while watching my brother"
WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ALL ABOUT??!!! (and yes...I dropped the "F" bomb on that because 'word' just wasn't going to do it, ok?
Shall we continue?
Then there is THIS post, which I believe was one of Tiff's this is the blog where the Angry White Guy from Jeff's site and I began our friendship...
Some of the searches that brought people to that post are....
"sweaty pits"
"titty whipping"
"Don Johnson"
"blonde rubber"
"perky twins"
"mangled freak"
Yeah...that's some weird stuff...
There were a few other interesting search hits on my blog but I think you get the general idea, right?
So once again I have to I discuss my boobs too much?
I know there are some guys who think that women are thrilled to have boobs and really, I have to admit...I love my boobs. I hold them gently as I run down the stairs so as to not damage the tender things.
I fall asleep holding them close to me so they feel secure.
I spend lots of extra time washing them in the shower....
I even adjust the 'knobs' to get better reception (like a radio)when listening to Mr.Man blather on and on about some musket or powder horn he saw somewhere...
My breasts are my best friends and I love them...
Today's word is "pervert" because if you believe for one second that women grope themselves because they love their breasts, then you're a pervert.
I hope no one took me seriously... one except Mark, but he can't help it.

I was going to bitch about things today and then I decided not to give into it. I COULD say a lot of negative stuff about people who are FUCKTARDS and make my life miserable...yes...miserable...miserable because I think they enjoy tormenting me and I'm stupid enough to love them and care about them...BUT LIKE I SAID...I'm not going there...ok?
With that said...this is my mood for the day...

God I hope the weekend isn't going to be a huge bullshit fest...I think I'll get drunk!
Quite an inspiring post today. Does your new counter register those typing with only one hand? From the key phrases you list, I suspect many of the lurkers fall into that category.
ReplyDeleteHave a great shower, er, weekend.
I really find it so immature that men focus on breasts so much. Yeah... totally immature... OK I'm going to stop commenting now and go google tits :)
ReplyDeleteI call mine the "Jugs of Fury". They have a mind of their own. Let's face it, everyone loves boobs.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised that nobody has asked for pictures yet. ;)
ReplyDeleteSTILL love the boobs post. And yep, I agree with ETW - everybody loves boobs!
LOL..... I get lots of searches bringing people to me, but they are for "Kukla, Fran and Ollie" and
ReplyDelete"Whipped ocean" and tame stuff. You have ALL the fun!
I like the video, Tammie, and I don't think it's possible to talk about boobs too much. Too little? Sure. But not too much.
ReplyDeleteI have become addicted to checking out the search words that lead people to my blog. We have a local weather lady in San Antonio named Jennifer Broome. I once made a comment that it looked like she may have had some enhancement. Now, most of my hits come from Google searches of "Jennifer Broome Boob Job" or something related.
ReplyDeleteThat's fine I suppose. But then one day, I found that a web page had linked to a blog where I posted a picture of my wife and I sitting on scooters. Nothing sexy about that, I assure you. It seems as though I'm getting lots of porn search hits for, "My sexy neighbor" or "My neighbor's wife", "I'd like to leave a big load of jizz on the lady that lives next doors' big tits" and other entertaining searches.
How nice.
Us men are dogs.
Your boob post is also my favorite.
ReplyDeleteFunny, funny stuff. [Sadly, it is also true for me!]
Just the word "Goddess" is going to get you more hits than anything I could think up.
ReplyDeleteWhen my youngest was a toddler he called my boobs 'jelly beans'. Um okaaaay thanks for reminding me how small they are - now go clean up your toys!
ReplyDeleteLove them anyways, my boobs that is...and my kids too.
*dies laughing*
ReplyDeleteI'm so going to have to look at my site meter dealio more closely!
ReplyDeleteI know the blog I did that gets the most visitors is the first "Your Inner Freddie Mercury" I did. Then, when I did the second installment, I felt like shit and totally forgot to add the correlations to hillbillies. Hey, I'm sure Shakespeare sucked when he was under the influence of the liquishits too.
I probably get the poo-obsessed now that I think about it. Above paragraph is point in case.
lunch lunch lunch lunch. This week?
I believe I'm site meter challenged. How do you find the search phrases deal?
ReplyDeleteBuzzardBilly...I clicked on the "By Referrals" link on the side bar. Then if it said a referring page was the result of a google search,(web or image)I clicked on it and it shows you what the search words are that brought them to your site.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to do lunch but it may have to wait until next week. My plate is awfully full this week. I think I need to get a job if I'm going to stay this busy so I can at least get paid for all my hard work...LOL
ETW can give you my cell phone number or you can email me and I'll give it to you.
Next week's good by me. I'll talk to ETW and see what her schedule's like.
ReplyDeleteIf you subscribe to sitemeter (I'm on their lowest plan for like $6 per month) you get a link you can click that tells you what "search words" brought people to your site when you go to the report page. Otherwise use "referrals" and it will show you your last 100 hits (subscribers get unlimited ability to check I think).