Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Short and to the point.....

Do you have ANY idea how many sweet little kitties have been slaughtered on my account?

That's all I'm saying today....fuck it.


  1. I don't think you have killed more kittens than the rest of us and certainly less than many other people. I've seen this same picture before, but the phrase was "Every time you masturbate god kills a kitten. Please, think of the kittens." If that statement were true I find it hard to believe that kittens aren't extinct. :)

  2. Ron...Tiff....I'm not surprised you both thought the same thing when you saw that picture.
    You're two peas in a pod.
    I posted that little picture thingy even though I knew I'd seen it about the masturbation because it fit my mood (which was feeling STUPID and being unable to stop doing stupid things).
    I was feeling pretty bad and I wanted to try to lighten up my mood a little. So I posted it and it didn't help much but I thought I have saved everyone from a depressing blog.
    It was a tough morning...and I feel stupid and pathetic and angry at myself. The picture was an attempt to prevent myself from wallowing in self pity.

    It's just that I keep repeating the same destructive patterns in my relationship, over and over again.
    I settle for scraps when I know I deserve fillet mignon.
    I don't understand it.
    I don't know how to stop myself.
    I strengthen my resolve and I'm fine with it and then all it takes is just one thing and I'm putty...PUTTY!!!!
    I don't know why it's so hard to love me.
    Maybe because I make it too easy to use me?
    This should have been my post today but I was feeling too damaged to write it.
    Now I'm just beyond that and wishing I was unconscious.

    Now...I will go cry some more and beat my chest in despair. It should provide entertaining pictures for tomorrows post.

    Think along the lines of King Kong meets the Abominable snowman from that Christmas show...

  3. HUGS!! We all do things that we think are stupid at times, I certainly have quite a list of things I have done/do :)

    Take care of yourself


  4. DAMMIT TIFF. You stole MY comment!

  5. UMMMMM....but contrary to what you are saying, YOU ROCK!

    The only reason we do stupid things is so we can blog about them. Didn't you get the memo?

    PS that little kitten picture is tugging at my heartstrings.

  6. Tammie, I hope things are better and yesterday is just a bad memory for you. I feel your pain, as I suffer through relationship issues myself. Here's hoping yours get resolved to your satisfaction.
