Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Something to pass the time that's not alcohol related...

I'm getting ready to get on the road.
That's right folks!
I'm getting ready to leave for Maine!!!

Of course this is not going to happen without some difficulty.

My neighbor is being TOTALLY unreasonable and plans to have the HUMONGOUS tree in her front yard cut down while we are gone.
She's hired a complete RETARD to do it and he given me three sleepless nights because of it. maybe the guy above isn't a retard...just a reprobate...but the guy who's been hired to cut the tree down IS a retard.
If my house is destroyed while I'm gone, then the Goddess here is going to have to get very nasty.

If I do something that I can't get off on with an insanity plea, please send a cake with a dildo...maybe even a strap on. After all, I'm not going to be someone else's bitch in prison..I'll be calling the shots.

This Goddess is bad ass I'm telling you...

OK...well anyway. This is all I have for you today. I have a trillion things to do and I will be updating and reading blogs to the best of my ability.

Freya and the Caveman will be staying at my house so I suppose I could ask her to update for me, but she tends to be a pessimist and honestly she doesn't have the same twisted humor I do. In fact I don't think any of my children inherited it..

Damn...I might have to work on that...



  1. Have a safe and relaxing trip! Hope a tree doesn't fall on your house while you are away :)

  2. Tammie- have a wonderful, restorative time in Maine!! Have a lobster roll or 7 for me.

  3. What?? You're going away??

    Nooooooo. . . .

    Oh alright then - go!

    Have a great time, we'll miss you.

  4. Last weekend I had a few beers, and was walking around, all I had on was a pair of baggy shorts, not even any underwear. Standing there in my drunken haze I had the strongest urge to take my shorts off too. Did I mention I was in my front yard at the time? Apparently I am very impressionable, maybe I should stop reading your blog, before long I might start having evil thoughts about the sweet old ladies in town.


    I hope you have a great vacation, get your batteries recharged! And don't forget your toys.

  5. Have fun, BE SAFE and thanks for leaving us the dirty picture of the guy with the big woody up there!!

    You do realize that if god forbid something happens, that guy will be your legacy here?? :p

  6. Take a notebook, so you can jot down notes about the festivities. You won't remember anything after you wake up, naked, in the forest, with a hangover. (hee hee, just teasing!). HAVE FUN!

  7. Enjoy your time away!

    Yaaay for The County!

  8. Have a GREAT vacation. We'll be awaiting your return.

  9. Your are going back to Maine. What do you miss the black flies??? The 8 pound mosquitoes??

    Have fun...

  10. Just wanted to say that I loved reading your posts, you make my cooter happy! :)

    Ummm...err...was that too upfront especially since we don't know each all?

  11. When you get back, I'll try to help you make payments on your gas bill, which you know is going to be phenomenal. Or are you flying?

  12. I hope you have a wonderful, rejuvenating vacation!

  13. Hope you had a lovely trip to Maine. I have always wanted to go but never made it that far north before.

  14. Hope you are having a great time!! some of us are suffering from Goddess withdrawl, but I'll be ok... I'll survive...

  15. Damn, are you still in Maine? Do they have computers there? LOG IN

  16. I hope you have a fabulous trip and return with newly twisted vigor!

  17. You are STILL IN MAINE??? Ummmm, have you been drinking too much to drive home??? I'll come get you, sweetie!!

  18. Welcome Back!

    I always wear mascara - even if I'm doing dirty work, or home sick in bed.

    If you wanna know more quirky things like that, go to:
    Because You've Been Tagged
