I'll be working on a new layout and hopefully a header(if I can figure out how to make one that looks halfway decent.)
Then I will redo my blog roll.
It might take some time but I'll get it fixed.
In the meantime it also allows me to get my head straight.
I wanted to write something fun this morning but my heart's not in it.
I feel like my escape has been compromised.
Yes, I am crude on here and rude and I make sexual innuendos. But it's all in fun. I exaggerate a little about running through my back yard in the nude all the time, but it's meant to be silly.
Fun...that's all this blog has ever been about for me.
I get up in the morning and I look for some humor in my life...in this world.
I don't want to stress over the economy or politics or the senseless killing.
I want to escape all of that and laugh. How much laughter is there in this world anymore?
You turn on the tv and it's reality shows revolving around drama and back biting. It's almost as depressing as the news.
And of course when one has been though some very traumatic things, regaining that carefree and fun attitude takes a lot of hard work.
Those pesky demons are relentless.
I've been through a lot in my life.
I CHOOSE not to re-live it and believe me, I have to work at it.
Once was enough for me, thank you very much.
When you've been in a shit pile, it's enough of a struggle to get rid of the scent of it that lingers in your nostrils once you've escaped.
So I focus on the fun, the unusual and try to maintain a positive outlook on things.
This is the place for me to do that.
And it's tough for me to feel safe doing that today.
I don't think when I write...I just do it and it takes me away to a place where I can be silly and stupid and laugh.
While it may seem egotistical, I come back to my blog when I'm down and laugh at my stupidity.
It might not make sense to anyone else but it makes sense to me. And it helps ME through some pretty rough patches.
So I'm not writing anything today that will make me laugh or anyone else.
I'm going to duck and cover instead,but I'll be busy working on the layout.
I need to reclaim my escape and I think a fresh start on the layout and stuff will help.
I'll be back soon.
all CX wanted to accomplish was to get a reaction and get people talking about CX.
ReplyDeleteI will be very depressed if the blonde goddess is anything less than what we have come to admire and respect.
be you. bottom line.
Isn't that why we all blog... for the escape? Keep on keepin' on and know that there's a bunch of crazy people out there on the web who think you are pretty damn funny. Embelish away!
ReplyDeleteAs I said to you in a FB note, I stopped over at CX's neighborhood. All I see are You Tube videos.
ReplyDeleteCX has nothing to say. Buh-bye.
Most of your readers "get it". We KNOW it's humor, and we like it. I support you, and will be checking back daily. Take the time you need to heal. We'll be here when you get back.
ReplyDeleteI'm very curious to see what you come up with for a new layout, Tammy. Your last one was quite interesting and I have no doubt that you'll continue to turn heads with your new layout.
ReplyDeleteI fully expressed MY opinion in a comment for the hard pill to swallow post. Summary: just don't swallow the damn thing!
ReplyDeleteThis is your little corner of the web, so you do with it as you wish. Stay true to yourself! And, if you need help on the layout, let me know. :-)
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more with the rest of these folks. This is YOUR blog...it can be whatever you want it to be. If someone has a problem w/ it, they don't have to read it. Simple as that. It's obvious they just don't "get it." Just don't let them get to YOU!
ReplyDeleteI've said it before, and I'll say it again:
ReplyDeleteWe love you just the way you are.
I have said the same thing about it 3 times I think. But I will say this again. We love you for you. Be who you are comfortable with. Those of us who enjoy you will continue to do so! Keep your chin up, sweetie!
ReplyDeleteAs the day has progressed, I am feeling much better. Thank you for all the votes of confidence.
ReplyDeleteI even made a funny about it over at Jeff's. (See? I can turn even the most hurtful things into something I can laugh at.)
Allow me to voice another vote of confidence, and also to say we are all hoping you come back soon.
ReplyDeleteI just did some catching up on your posts, and want to register another vote for "don't ever change." Consider the source, don't let the creeps/idiots get you down, etc. etc. etc. Oh, and thanks for taking us along for the ride.
ReplyDeleteTake all the time you need. You have a lot of people that care about you, and I am one of those peeps. We will be waiting patiently for your next great escape.
ReplyDeleteBTW, LOVE how you have your comments displayed now! Your blog is look fanfuckingtastic!
PS-Come to my birthday party later!
ReplyDeleteI would love to know who the asshole was who hurt my BG so I may go stalk said individual and harass them for sport and send other over to do the same. Spread the love and the vengeance! Wanna borrow my chainsaw love....you of all the crazy folks on here may borrow it. I know you will oil it properly when finished.
ReplyDeleteAs all the other stated. Ignore the idiots and be yourself. You are right. There is not enough laughter in this world. People take themselves way to seriously. Us wackos needs to bitch slap them around now and then and make fun of it all. If we don't, who will? If they don't like it...direct them to the nearest highway with instructions to play in traffic.
Be you, even if that is someone different each day of the week. We expect nothing less from you.
WHOAH!! i LOVE your new look! the header looks fantastic!
ReplyDeletethis is why we blog, girlie. stay true to you!
I'll be pulling for you.
ReplyDeleteyes...that was a masturbation reference.
You're welcome.
Looking forward to seeing the new design when it's completed. It already looks awesome.