I would have preferred to feel orgasmic or intoxicated but NO! I got to feel cheap and somewhat embarrassed instead.

"Face it dahling! You're a blog whore and you've stooped to being an attention slut!"
I am so ashamed...
Meh...I'll live. And just for the the record, I'm not high maintenance like Malach said....
Imagine my delight yesterday when I stepped out into the back yard and saw old Moana outside. She was walking through her backyard, sporting tightly curled pig tails and stretchy pants.
She turned her back to me and then bent over to pick up something.
That's when her pants split along the crack of her ass revealing her "I've been saved and I'm going home to Jesus" white as snow panties.
(I made a mental note to wear a hot pink thong the next time I got in a "mood" and decided to get drunk in the backyard and undress.)
She stood up and walked into her house, never turning around to see if I was still there or not. I used the opportunity to go inside so she wouldn't see that I'd witnessed her disgrace.
I only appear to be a bitch.
I'm not actually one...or at least I try not to be.
Of course I just got a mental picture of her in a devilish red ensemble and I think the angelic white is better...

"Moana decided to surprise Pedi with her new "Sinner Red" lingerie."
You now know the visual that will accompany the moaning I hear from next door the next time it happens.
Yesterday I was waiting at the pharmacy for a prescription. I sat down across from another lady and picked up a magazine.
Then the SMELL hit me.
It was enough to make my eyes water.
Imagine a can of rotting sardines mixed with a shit sandwich and you're almost close to the nasty odor that tormented me.
Then all of the sudden, the smell went away.
Then a few minutes later it came back...JUST LIKE THAT!
I looked around and wondered what the fuck was going on.
That's when I noticed the woman across from me uncrossing her legs and leaning back with them open.
She crossed her legs...no odor...
I wanted to say something to her, but because I'm so fucking nice, I decided to wait until I could blog about it instead.
I mean...maybe she had something wrong with her "meow meow meow" and was there to get some medication for it.

"I ate some fish but that shit sandwich really fucked me up!"
Yeah...maybe a vinegar and water mixer would have helped you out there miss "meow meow meow". My kitty gets one once in awhile, you know?
The Little Beatle has poison ivy and it's spread to his balls.
While I can't help but chuckle,I do feel bad for him.
He's laying in bed with his legs spread underneath a sheet trying to air them out and keep it cool.
The other night when he discovered it had spread there, he put the same lotion on that we'd bought for him to put on the rest of his poison ivy. It's a special mixture one of the local pharmacies makes and not only does it stop the itching but it dries it up too.
That wasn't a good idea apparently, since there is menthol in it and it set his balls on FIRE!

"Great balls on fire!"
I woke up to the sound of him squealing and water running in the tub.
Let's just say that we got him something from the doctor yesterday to help him out. I'm sure he'll be fine in no time at all...
Well anyway, I have got to get off here. The whole post reminded me that it's time to give my "kitty" a refreshing vinegar mixer and a haircut. It is swimsuit season after all.
Have a great weekend!
Let's hope she was at the pharmacy getting something for her kitty! EEEWWW
ReplyDeleteLOL... It's also important to remember if you pull a groin muscle that Ben Gay will NOT help with the pain.
ReplyDeleteI really wish you'd quit looking for "demo" photos of Moana. You're giving me nightmares. This last one looks like two rubber bands on a blob of spackle...
ReplyDeleteJesus, woman....what a life.
ReplyDeletepoison evey on the balls?
i cant even think about that on a friday.... i could ruin my weekend!
Rotten crotch is the worst. I probably would have lost my lunch from that stink.
ReplyDeletePoison Ivy- I had it last year, not on my balls (I'm all woman) but pretty much everywhere else. I used Fels Naptha soap and an assload of Benadryl. In a few days it dried out and I could wear a bra again.
One more thing. My husband raided my Google reader and now is a regular reader of your blog. After reading each post he tells me how messed up you are followed by "She rocks!"
I need a douche for my eyes.
ReplyDeletePoor baby! But it is freaking funny!
ReplyDeleteHa! @ moannnnaaaa...splitting her pants, I would have died laughing...just cuz I am a bitch like that.
So much for my shrimp dinner that I have been craving, looks like I am staying away from fish tonight! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI have to side with Dave today on the demo photos. I am not entirely sure I will get to sleep tonight.
ReplyDeleteI could curl my whole body up inside those panties. Not that I would ever do that. Because that's gross. And invasive. And red is totally not my color.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is ONE OF A KIND !!!!!
ReplyDeleteha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :-)
It hit you from across the room when she uncrossed her legs?
They should have contests for that shit.
I only meant your sexual appetite was high maintenance, and I am jealous
ReplyDeleteMaybe what Stank Va-jay-jay needs is a regular bath.
ReplyDeleteThat is the craziest thing that I have read in awhile! You should have told that woman to bath her cooter. It would have been a public service, ya know?
ReplyDeletePoor Little Beatle. I can only imagine the agony. But it is funny!
I have to agree with the other posters. No more photo's of "moana", that last one made me vomit in my mouth a little!
I was told that picture of me in my red nightie would not get out on the blogwaves...curses!
ReplyDeleteI love your humor. Reading your blog always puts a smile on my face.
ReplyDeleteI just threw up in my mouth and laughed until I snorted in a 1 minute span. lol.....thanks for that. :)