I was expecting things like this....

OR this...

And I even thought this one would be the most popular picture chosen to describe me...

Instead people actually said NICE things about me.
I feel loved.
It feels good.
I like it....almost as much as feeling freshly fucked and slightly intoxicated.
Awww....and if you participated in answering in the comment section of my last post then the naked pictures will be emailed to you promptly.
So there....no nudie shots for you!
I stayed busy all weekend.
I did all the boring,"Gee,I feel like ripping all the hair out of my body and getting liquored up",mommy stuff that I'm obligated to do.
It's not enough that I carried them for nine months!It's not enough that I stretched my body all out of proportion and now I piss myself when I sneeze and I can use my tits for sling shots....
I have to fucking drag the little bastards all over creation and buy shit for them, feed them, etc...

One of the THINGS I did for them this weekend is work at the Bingo Hall.
I know I have explained about this before in an earlier post, but I'm too fucking lazy to look for it so I'm just going to let you do that if you want an explanation.
But yeah...I worked it.
The people were fucking assholes and I wanted to set the building on fire.
There were a couple of fuckwads that almost got their lucky troll dolls shoved up their goddamn asses.
I just felt annoyed and abused the entire time I was working there.
This one old goat sat there with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth, screaming "TIP GIRL! TIP GIRL!" every time I was standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER!

Her voice sounded like a combination of someone running their fingernails down a chalkboard and a car peeling out of a gravel driveway.
She had rollers in her hair.I wanted to gouge her eyes out of her head with the pins holding them on.
Needless to say, when I left that place I was bitchy.
That's when one of the fat bitches called me and accused Frowie and one of Veggie Sticks friends of being drunk.
I had STUPIDLY agreed to let my children go to a party where the fat bitches were going to be chaperoning so it's my own damn fault.
I should have fucking known better.
Of course I couldn't go to make sure there was no trouble, so I finally gave in and let my kids go. I mean, why shouldn't they be allowed to go?
I think I set a new land speed record after I hung up with Butt Butt(one of the fat bitches).

I pulled the old station wagon in on two wheels and practically leaped forty feet from the car to where the fat bitches where camped out in their chairs.
Butt Butt and Jowl Woman sat there, looking smug and fatter than usual. (Probably due to all the cake they'd just crammed down their throats.)
In their condescending voices they explained that some of the other kids had come to them and informed them that Frowie and Veggie Sticks little friend were both drunk.
When I confronted them both about who it was that had informed them, they told me they didn't want to say.
They didn't want my confronting the other kids who'd said something.
So it's ok that you accuse my kids of BEING drunk, but I'm not allowed to ask the kids what they were doing that made them appear to be drunk?
I pitched a fit.

A full blown FUCK FUCK FUCK fit.
By the time I was finished EVERYONE thought I was an insane bitch on a killing rampage.
And in case you're wondering, NO...Frowie and Veggie Stick's little friend were NOT drunk. Hadn't touched the stuff in fact.
The fat bitches had no idea because they don't get drunk.
Since I am the resident alcoholic, I can tell.
Maybe they need to get drunk?
And fucked!
They need to leave me the hell alone!
I don't know what their problem is, but they need to stop.
Even though I know I'd look hot in prison duds, I don't want to go to jail.

I like dick WAAAYYY too much to get tied down in a tongue-twisted-twat-twosome...or trio.(Three is my lucky number)
So I ended the weekend completely stressed and I was unable to trick Mr.Man and restrain him for sex. He's a foot taller than me and weighs at least 80 pounds more than me. I have to trick him or I can't possibly get him tied down.
I was forced to masturbate and get drunk all day Sunday.
Luckily for all of you, this means I can do a sex toy review for my post tomorrow.
Until then...
Really if the fat bitches are chaperoning the damn thing shouldn't they get in trouble if someone is supposedly getting drunk on their watch? I say beat them over the head with a sledge hammer.... ummm... OK that may end up with you in jail, but in my defense I love those women in jail movies.
ReplyDeleteSexy toy review? Was my post today your inspiration to enlighten?
ReplyDeleteHow is it that you lead such an exciting life that you have blog fodder handed to you on a frickin platter every day???
ReplyDeleteNot fair I tell ya!
Yeah, I totally agree with Ron, they were the freakin Chaperones! It is their problem to deal with. Stupid jealous women.
Totally cant wait for the sex toy review.
I lead such a borrrrring life...
ReplyDeleteTrisha aka Mrs. Wally: I agree that both of them dumb bitches need to get laid and hammered...not necessarily in that order. I honestly think it might help.
ReplyDeleteThe Daily Gripe: I'm still laughing at the "smear cake and frosting on the sex toys" part of the comment. I'm seriously thinking about leaving a cake with a vibrator placed inside on their door steps. It would have to be a rum cake though.
Mary Moore: We can trade for a week. I think your life is more exciting that you think it is. My life is not exciting as much as it is stressful, drama filled and freak filled.
They flock to me like flies on shit.
Well Shit! My weekend consisted of running to the bathroom alot and having the trot-N-squirts. Not much of a blog post there.
ReplyDeleteI love kids! The only problem I ever found with them is that grow into teenagers! I survived and my son is off at University. Ahhh, two more months of bliss before he comes and invades my house for the summer.
BTW, my favorite jail-house-girls movies starred Linda Blair.
Except for the drunk part, you've described my Sunday exactly.
ReplyDeleteAnd, actually, every Monday through Saturday as well.
Since about 1996.
There's a thought: demonstrate for Mr. Man just how horny you are. If you get as far as the sex toys, try letting him know that you wish one (or all) of them was him.
ReplyDeleteJesus Christ woman, you're great!
ReplyDeleteAnd I want a detailed review...
ReplyDeleteThe Evil Twin is always "up" for a good time. And that dude is getting ooooollllddd.
ReplyDeletedamn I just got here!!
ReplyDeleteMy first trip and I get hollard at!
Glad to know I wasn't the only one committing THAT sin on a Sunday. Twice for good measure. :-)
ReplyDeleteAny chance of us getting some covert pics of the fatties?
ReplyDeleteGive me another chance to get the nudie pictures! I learned my lesson...please...please...please..
Mooooog ia killin me. And tonight was girls night, babysitter's gone, girls sleeping, hub's still working and I'm off to my room to play with toys.
ReplyDeleteThe both of us should be allowed to throw rocks at the fat b*tches in our lives.
ReplyDeleteBut just me and you. No one else.
P.S. It's me - Shila.
ReplyDeleteThe more of your blog that I read, the more I SWEAR we must live in the same neighborhood, even though I'm sure we don't. Butt Butt and Jowl Woman sound just like two of my neighbors, except I don't write about them because I lack your ability to take annoyances and turn them into hilarious stories for your blog.
ReplyDeleteAnd the names! Whooooo!!! I am so gonna use those.
Just the pictures alone are hilarious.
ReplyDeleteNow where is my Nudie,pic? JK-JK!!I havent gotten ill enough with men to swing that way yet, and am way too lazy to be a WOMANS bitch...geez!
I also dont want you to have to go to jail, although an ORANGE jumpsuit (pink if your a sex offender,ha ha) would be very flattering with your hair color!
i think my favorite line is 'combination of someone running their fingernails down a chalkboard and a car peeling out of a gravel driveway"
ReplyDelete*ooof* i can hear it in my head.
Honey bunny, adjust your meds. Not much, just a tweak. I can share some of mine. We are probably on the same shit anyway.