I am otherwise occupied in the morning and since I get up and write this thing after the kids have gone to school, it can't be helped.
I suppose I could start actually planning what I'm going to say on here and write it the night before or the day before, but I've tried that and it's just not me. I have to be spontaneous.
Anyway, one of the first things I have to clear up here is that the picture of the wet t-shirt and luscious TaTas were NOT my luscious TaTas. Sorry but that's taking it a bit far. While the Goddess here is pretty wild, I prefer not to show my body parts in that manner and won't post anything sexy like that here.

This is a crazy woman's blog. With crazy pictures. If you want porn, go somewhere else.
Little Beatle and Veggie Stick were both home sick with the flu yesterday. They're home again today...
I spent yesterday cleaning up puke, rubbing backs and sitting and cuddling to keep sick babies warm. When they're sick, they let you still do that stuff, even though they're not babies anymore.
It's the same kind of flu that I had back when I thought I was dying and my asshole was on fire. I was very sympathetic because I remember how bad I felt.
I don't think they're as sick today as they were yesterday. Today they just want to sleep. I think that's the best thing for them both.
I did have to run out yesterday to Krogers and the doctor's office...ON ELDERLY HELL DAY!
Yes...it was just as special as you are picturing it.
I walked in the doctors office and it was PACKED with fucking old people. What the hell? There was no one else there who was under the age of 80, I'm not even shitting you.
And speaking of shitting, some old man sat in the waiting room and literally shit himself.
His wife began yelling at him and I actually felt bad for the old dude. She looked like the kind who beats people into submission with wooden spoons and house shoes. I could picture her chasing him through the house with a flowered house shoe, hitting him on the back of the head and yelling about something.
Poor guy...

"If you shit your pants in public again Harold, I'll beat you within an inch of your life!"
"I only shit myself because you've ruptured my lower intestines with your giant purse beatings Beatrice!"
In the midst of the shitting chaos, they managed to skip me and I ended up waiting for over an hour just to get my blood drawn.
While I waited,I sat in the corner and tried to use my vast mind over matter powers to make myself invisible.
Of course it didn't work and eventually an old lady started talking to me and then that led to "The Question" everyone who lives in this state asks....."Where do you go to church?"
The little old lady looked so sincere and sweet. She was all alone and didn't have one of those huge ass MawMaw purses I've been clobbered with on so many occasions.I wanted to believe she was a sweet little old lady who would be nice to me. Of course I knew that once I told her I didn't go to church anywhere she'd make the sign of the cross and burn the rubber off her walker wheels trying to get away from me.
So I fibbed a little.
I told her I was Lutheran.
And really, since I used to go to the Lutheran church for years and years, it really wasn't a fib.
She wasn't impressed but at least she didn't flee and she didn't make anymore conversation either.(She was probably secretly praying for my soul anyway.)

"I met a Lutheran today. I almost tore the wheels off my walker while trying to escape."
After I left there, I came home and checked on the kiddos. Then I made a popsicle and drinks trip to Krogers.
I was fully prepared to be attacked...maimed...maybe even killed.
I walked cautiously into the store.
Fifty Elderly Hellions whipped their heads around to watch me.
Why do they put the over-ripened, reduced in price banana's right in the front of the store? A woman can't even sneak in for christ's sake.
I strolled in with my shopping cart, even though I really didn't need a cart. I decided that I'd better have some kind of weapon or line of defense so I took one anyway.
The first two isles went by relatively without incident.
I even got through the Jello section and was able to get Jello without a blow to the head from a stray can of beets.
I was feeling pretty confident about the whole trip.
Then I saw the old woman who looks like she has a goats head. She snorts at me and tries to run over me with her cart whenever I run into her at the store. She's even tried to hit me with her car in the parking lot. I think I wrote about her before because she looks like a goat and she never speaks...just snorts.
She was standing by the cake mixes.
I needed sugar which was across the isle from her.
I considered waiting until she had moved but I saw her standing there and KNEW...I KNEW...she wouldn't leave.

"Ethel tells her sister Mable about her encounter with the Blonde Goddess as they enjoy a piece of cake."
It was a waiting game.
I slowly walked toward her, keeping the backs of my heels toward the shelves.
I heard her snort.
Then I remembered how I'd thwarted all those old bitches the last time I was at Krogers on Elderly Hell Day!
I stuck my hand down my pants and waited for her to look.
As soon as she looked at me, I pulled it out and smelled it.
I didn't know that old goats could move so fast.
I saw cake mixes flying as she sped in the opposite direction.
Needless to say, I continued to scratch my ass and smell my finger through the rest of the store.

"My finger smells like mothballs and dirty feet."
I have finally truly discovered how to walk through Krogers without harm on Tuesdays. And you were all here to witness it.
I'm going to end up today with sending you to a couple of places.I got tagged for a MeMe by...Brianf . I'm really terrible about doing awards and MeMe's and even commenting so I'm trying to be better about it...even if I'm not getting around to actually doing it.
I also got an award from Jade, which I'm ashamed to admit, I forgot about.When you click on the link and see how long ago she gave me this award, you'll want to beat me.
(I'm fond of spankings so I can take it...)
My brains falls into a Vodka bottle on the weekends and is pickled. I'm entitled to do stupid things...
Sorry Jade...here's a pic of the award...

Thank you Jade!
Since I suck at awards I'm just going to say that everyone on my blog roll deserves an award. Maybe I should make my own award thingys and give them out for out of the usual things? Moog got one I made just for him...The official "I Do Stupid Shit Award".
Ron got a "Witty Comment" award I made him. Maybe I just need to be original and do more of that stuff.
I'll be thinking about it...see ya tomorrow.
Thanks for the post. Since your day is going just about as good as mine, I may just post a link to you today so I don't even have to write a god damn thing. Perfect.
ReplyDeleteWay to go on your scratch and sniff defense technique!! What will they think of to get you now??
ReplyDeleteI didn't really think the picture was of you; I just had to tweak you a little about it. :-)
ReplyDeleteOMG, I sure needed that laugh today. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI can't tell you how much I hate seeing old bats yelling old men.
ReplyDeleteI do kinda feel your pain. Instead of old people tormenting me I have college students and their stupid parents. Wanna trade for a day?
ReplyDeleteOur grocery store is right between two big medical office complexes, also known as old people hangouts. Just getting in the parking lot is dangerous. Big Buicks and cataracts don't mix well.
ReplyDeleteI've never hit Kroger's on Geriatric Day, but the Oldies never make contact with me. I must not be as approachable as you! Plus, I'm always moving at light speed to get the hell outta there. I like to keep my mundane role of 'Wife/Mother/Caregiver' as concise as possible so I can get back to doing the bunch of nothin' shit I love so much...
Wow, where do I start. The ass-fire flu, is my biggest fear in life. Not really, but lets put it this way, I would rather have both legs broken. No joke!
ReplyDeleteAs for the old people day, well, I feel sorry for ya! I bet it took you another hour to get out of the paking lot bc they drive so slow. "I am sorry as hell if you are taking your sweet time because you want to enjoy every last second until death, but I have places to go!!!" I don't think anyone who is incappable of pushing there foot hard enough on the gas to drive the MINUMUM speed limit should be allowed to drive!
So, I feel really sorry for ya, but at least you got the last laugh (and whiff) and gave me a funny story to read. I hope your sweet babies feel better soon! Spray Lysol, you dont want it again!
At least she didn't ask if you'd accepted Jayzus as your personal savior. That translates from fundamentalese as "I'm fixin' ta SAVE yer SOUUUUULLLLL from eternal dayumnashun! Here, drink this kool aid."
I hate it when people ask me where I go to church or what I believe. I guess it's because I'm a liberal Piskie, my husband is agnostic, and I work in a Catholic school, so no matter how I answer that, someone's going to get upset.
At least she didn't ask if you'd accepted Jayzus as your personal savior. That translates from fundamentalese as "I'm fixin' ta SAVE yer SOUUUUULLLLL from eternal dayumnashun! Here, drink this kool aid."
I hate it when people ask me where I go to church or what I believe. I guess it's because I'm a liberal Piskie, my husband is agnostic, and I work in a Catholic school, so no matter how I answer that, someone's going to get upset.
I totally want to go shopping with you. What with all the finger sniffing and antics. Perhaps next time you could go for the dirty sanchez. (sorry couldn't help myself)
ReplyDeleteAs far as the inquisitive church lady, I loooove messing with the Jehovah's Witnesses that come to my door on Saturdays.
Just start saying you're Jewish. They'll leave you alone after that. That's what I told Jehovah's Witnesses who would ring my doorbell at our old house (no one wants to climb our driveway to hound us now).
ReplyDeleteMY award is a BG Original?!?!?
Maybe I should change the "Buy it now" price on Ebay.
I have never tried the hands down the pants approach to getting shitheads to move in the grocery. Of course, living in Memphis I deal with a slightly different class of people so I don't know that it would work. I long ago learned to adopt the 'charging bull' approach, which generally just involves ramming their carts out of my way and letting them chase their junk while shouting at me from behind. For all their feigned outrage, I notice they're once again blocking the isles when I see them next so clearly they do it on purpose. Either that or they have no long term memory of any kind. Either is equally likely here in Crackville.
ReplyDeleteWay to use the stink-palm!
ReplyDeleteLOL! LOVE that sticking-your-hand-in-your-pants visual. you're hilarious!
Have I told you lately that I love you?
ReplyDeleteI may just have to blog my answer to ye olde "which church do you go to" question because it's a doozy. If you've seen my magnum opus comments to Ron lately, you'll understand that when I say it's a long one, it's a looooong one.
I did a special award for Angyman. Can't say it was particularly creative though since it took me so long to figure out how to operate Paint (yeh, I aim high) on this craptop. I need my tower o' power back.
I have only one question: Did you dare do a butt dig, then squeeze the vegetables for freshness?
Just think of the Google traffic you are now gonna get with the use of ta ta's and porn!! Your PR may go up!
ReplyDeleteI ♥ sick love. The kind of love you only get when they are sick.
When my ♥ tank is feeling low..I take my kids to the walk in/ express care place and make them lick all the door knobs...and WA-LA sick love in a mere 24-48 hours. Depending on the incubation period of the particular bug!
K - the sniff my finger pic caption cracked me right the hell up.
ReplyDeleteI can't go into Kroger now without thinking of you. And you know what? We have three major chain groceries plus a WalMart with groceries in our smallish town and Kroger definitely has the critical mass of oldsters.
ReplyDeleteWow! I'm famous now! Thanks for the link BG!
ReplyDeleteI've got to remember that scratch-your-ass move. I stupidly go to walmarts grocery store, on occasion, on Saturday afternoons. 98% of the customers there speak Spanish and little to no English. The best part is, who would think that this red-haired, white guy speaks Spanish.
I tried shopping at Kroger a few weeks ago "for deals".
I loved it when I lived in WV, but that was over 15 years ago...
They haven't locked you up yet?
ReplyDeleteI have to go shopping with you one day!