"I think special thoughts and then I touch myself."
Seriously...I see where other people allow someone to interview them and while the thought kind of scares me a bit, I figured that it might serve to be interesting.
But how in the world would I choose only one interested applicant?
I mean, I'm sure that there are many people who would chew off their arm at a chance to interview me.
So that's where the idea of putting up a poll to vote on who's going to interview me came in.
I think that would be the only fair way of doing it. Of course you could get people to vote for you if you wanted to and as long as you're the one to win, I'll answer any questions you might have.And depending on who wins, I could be in trouble.

"Moog demonstrates the correct position to the Blonde Goddess for her interview with him."
So...if you'd like to interview the Goddess, tell me in the comments and then after a couple of days I'll post the poll for voting purposes.
May the best person win!
I feel like I'm auctioning myself off here. Maybe I should post a boob shot?
How about a hooker shot?

"The Blonde Goddess on her way to work."
HAHAHA! Actually that's my Halloween costume from a couple years ago. Too funny. Although having sex for a living sounds like something I'd enjoy...yeah..I said it. I'm a shameless hussy. I love sex. I'm a whore. Shut up!
Today I plan to clean out my cupboards. I realized there is a problem when I went to make dinner last night and gave myself a concussion. My stewing pot flew out as soon as I opened the cabinet door and conked me in the noggin.
I swore like a sailor and then realized Mr.Man was on the phone with his mother.
Not good...
Not good at all.

"I can't believe you just said FUCK in front of my mommy!"
Yeah...Mr.Man was pretty upset with me.
Oh well.
It hurt like a son-of-a-bitch and I just blurted out every cuss word I could think of.
Shit like that happens sometimes.
Now if you want to know who the king of swearing is, I'd have to say it's none other than my friend the Bread Beast.
Get in a car with him and watch the cussing commence!
We were visiting him and the Gucci Gal one summer.Their family was having a birthday party and we were on our way there. Mr.Man didn't really want to drive though Boston, so the Bread Beast said he would.
I sat in the front with him while Gucci Gal, Mr.Man and the kids sat in the back.
I get car sick so I needed to sit in the front.
While I didn't get car sick, I did almost shit myself.

"Dear God I think I just shit my pants!"
He drove at breakneck speed,practically parallel parking at ninety.Swerving in and out of lanes...tailgating...I'm talking two inches between our bumper and theirs.
He had this wild look in his eyes and as he drove, he'd lean over me and shout out the passenger side window. "WHAT THE FUCK PECKAH-HEAD! GET IN YOUR OWN GODDAMN LANE! FUCK YOU! NO! FUCK YOU!"
Had we been in West Virginia I would have worried that someone was going to pull their shot gun off the rack in the back window of their truck and blow a hole in the side of the car.
Mr.Man made a comment about the Bread Beast having a little road rage.
Gucci Girl replied, "Oh no. He's being good today. You're not getting the whole show."
Jesus Christ! What more could their be?

"The Bread Beast prepares for his commute to work."
Who knows? We may get the whole show if we visit this summer.
All I know is that if we go anywhere near Boston,I'm wearing a depends. I'd hate to mess up my cute little summer skirts.

Besides...since they wouldn't let me join that stupid club, I've got an entire box if giant crap catchers sitting around. I might as well use them.
Well that's all I have for now. Leave a comment if you want to interview me. I'll give it a day or two and then post the poll for voting. How many days should I leave it up? I'm thinking through the weekend at least. Then we'll find out who the lucky winner next Tuesday.
In the meantime I'll prepare mentally....