You know, I think I'm being paid back for something HORRIBLE I did in a past life.
It's got to be that because I can't think of any other explanation....
It's not that I don't enjoy PARTS of these trips.
I certainly enjoyed the drinks I had with dinner and I even enjoy watching some of the shows.
I just don't enjoy the drama.
that's right.
The drama.

I have been fortunate enough to escape the drama simply by not associating with the people who are normally stirring the shit pot.
That was a smart move on my part and I'm thankful I did it.
Now I can stand on the outside and watch it all happen, untouched for the most part, and NOT the topic of discussion as I had been in the past.
The only issues with the drama that I really had all weekend revolved around the bus trip up and home again...
The bus broke down in the freezing cold on Friday night and one of the shit stirrers was a chaperone on the bus. The bus broke down around 8 PM and I was almost already at the hotel with the friends I was riding with. The bus was two hours behind us, so it's not like we could have just gone back and picked up Veggie Stick and Frowie (her boyfriend).
We were told that the kids were safe at the local Ponderosa and someone was coming to fix the bus so we didn't worry about it.
Well...they ended up not being able to fix the bus and said it would be at least three hours before another bus would be there.
So they waited and when Ponderosa closed, they KICKED ALL THE KIDS OUT INTO 5 DEGREE WEATHER!!!!

Veggie Stick is the green Popsicle child in the picture...
So they traipsed through the snow to Taco Bell, but Taco Bell isn't really big enough to accommodate almost 60 people so it was a tight squeeze.
But get this...when they were going to close THEIR lobby, THEY KICKED ALL THE KIDS OUT INTO THE COLD TOO!!!
Don't you think there is something VERY WRONG with kicking a group of kids out into the freezing cold???
What the fuck is wrong with people???!!!!
As if that wasn't bad enough, the shit stirrer convinced the person in charge of the kids that they were "Just fine" sitting on the bus and there was no need to call the police or anyone and ask for help with shelter until the bus got there.
She said it would be an "Adventure."

Yeah....I was kind of a little bit mad about it.
Of course what could I do? For some unknown reason this woman is allowed to make important decisions and the person in charge goes along with it.
So the kids got to their hotel around 4 in the AM and were exhausted. They didn't do as well we they normally do and they were happy when they heard they didn't make it to finals and we could go back to the hotel.
And I can't say that I blame them.....
The night in the hotel proved to be an interesting one.
There was a group of DUI boys there who had to attend this conference or go to jail for DUI.
Some of the spandex hell girls thought those little juvenile delinquents were cute and we had issues with trying to keep them in their rooms...
It was special.
Then the next morning, the manager allowed one of the people in charge to view the tapes from the security cameras. There were kids roaming the halls all night long. It was incredible...
Then lo and behold, who should come walking into the lobby and tell everyone that she walked the halls all night long and the kids had been in their rooms the whole time?
That's right....
The shit stirrer.
She bold face LIED and completely ruined her credibility.
I guess that just goes to show you that if you give them enough rope they'll hang themselves...
I did want to mention something I found interesting...
Remember the John Douche guy?

Well he wasn't wearing the hat this weekend!
He ALWAYS has that damn hat on!
I don't know what happened to it.
For a split second, I thought that maybe he'd read my blog and wasn't wearing it because I'd made fun of it, but then I realized that couldn't be true.
He doesn't have the time to do that.And even if he got a minute, he doesn't give a rat's ass about anything I'd have to say...Besides...he's too busy working...

You know,no matter what attempt he might make or how hard he might try to be nice to me or talk to me, I wouldn't give him the time of day. Not even if he were the last man on earth.
He helped with the stage crew and the girls said he was standing and watching them change when they had costumes changes. They said they were going to tell the person in charge about it. There are other men back there but they don't stand where they can see the girls. Mainly because they probably know better and this idiot doesn't. I don't know if he's guilty of being an asshole, pervert or he's just oblivious but I suspect it's a little of all three.
Things were relatively uneventful until the ride home.
Then a boy that Veggie Stick goes to school with called her a "Fucking Whore" and pointed to the floor and said she was dragging her vagina on the floor.
Now I realize that kids are going to have disagreements but this I think this boy crossed the line. He said these things to her and he said them in the middle of a McDonald's in front of everyone that was on the bus and a few other people who were just unlucky enough to be there.
Veggie Stick called me from the bathroom, bawling her head off. She said she was too embarrassed to leave the bathroom.
I called the person in charge and TOLD her EXACTLY how I felt about the situation and what I wanted her to do about it.
She took care of it.
I was impressed.
Oh yeah...
The shit stirrer just happened to be this boy's mother.
Of course she did nothing.
AND she SAID NOTHING to her son about his choice of words OR about where he'd decided to unleash his fury either.
That's because her son does no wrong.
My son would have been confined to his bed for a month for saying such a degrading thing to a girl AND he would have been made to apologize in front of everyone too(since he'd felt free to insult her in front of everyone).
Do you realize that when we got back to the school,she had the NERVE to yell across the parking lot that I should have called HER first and not the person in charge? Who does she think she is?

I didn't respond to her.
I knew I wouldn't have anything nice to say, so I said nothing at all.
I'm not going to contribute to the drama.
INstead I am going in later this week to talk to the person in charge. I have a few things to say about her allowing the shit stirrer to be a chaperone.
Ok. I'm done with the bitching. I needed to vent...
More childhood stuff tomorrow I think. See you then...
Damnit Tammie, I think it's time to unleash the "Swede" and open case of whoop ass! Then she can't chaperone!.....
ReplyDeleteYeah,'re just looking for a girl fight.
ReplyDeleteIf I whooped her ass, I'd end up in jail. And I have decided that jail is not for me. This is mainly because I would be wildly popular (the tongue) and there would be prison riots everywhere they sent me...(all on account of every incarcerated woman wanting to be my girlfriend.)
My tongue would be exhausted...there would be death, destruction and would be terrible on every level.
And it would be ALL because I got out my can of whoop ass and bitch slapped this shit stirrer into oblivion.
It's better to let the Swede stay where it is...docile and intoxicated.
She and her son should be put in their places!!
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine how awful your daughter felt.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're her mom. YOU will make sure that this is taken care of once and for all!
Be sure to let us know what happens, okay?