Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Today is the funeral.
My brother is a nervous wreck and my sister-in-law and her family are beyond words.
Part of what is making everything so much worse than it already is, are the actions of the little girl's father's family.
They have been bad mouthing the mother and the mother's family.
One of the father's aunts used her connections with the newspaper to talk to a reporter after the accident. In the news article, there is no mention of the mother at all, and the father's last name had been added to the little girl's last name, which was not her legal name.
The girl was listed as living with her father in the town he lived in.
Was this perhaps some last ditch effort on his family's part to be a part of her life?
And was it really that important to them?
What purpose would it serve except to hurt the mother?
It was just a cold hearted thing to do.

The mother's family gave information to the paper for the obituary and the father, his family and his extended family are all mentioned. They didn't feel the need to wound the father and make some kind of statement to the world about how they felt about the situation.

The whole thing just makes me sick to my stomach.

My brother is worried about the scene people will make today and the way it will affect his mother-in-law (who is older and in poor health). He's worried about how it will effect our grandmother, who is also older and in poor health.

People can be hateful..heartless and selfish...

Why can't they just go and mourn the sweet little angel and say their good byes?

I'm not good at public grieving and I certainly learned that it's not advisable when you are a blogger (I'm referring to our friend Mr.Syn...whom I will refer to as Mr.Syn just to keep a google hit of his name bringing the trolls over here.)
Knowing what his family went through and not wanting to bring that down on anyone in my family or my sister-in-laws family, I'm taking the rest of the week off...unless the urge strikes me to write about something else.

I just don't feel like writing and I don't feel like talking to anyone either. It's nothing personal, I'm just the kind of person who deals with difficult things by closing up sometimes. Mr.Man hates it, but accepts that's how I am.

I'll be back when I can think again...


  1. Take your time. We'll be here when you get back.


  2. I certainly understand how you feel take your time. If you change your mind we are here for you though. I hope this day goes as well as can be hoped for in this trying time.

  3. Tammie, You need to grieve in your own way. You know people are here for you no matter what. We'll be here when you get back.

    I hope things went as well as they could for your family at the funeral today.

    BTW, the father's family is probably posturing because they fear he will be sued. The child was supposed to be in his care and he was negligent.

  4. Take all the time you need.

    Just be sure to let us know if you need anything, ok?

  5. I understand you. What I don't understand is why that family has to complicate things and make it uncomfortable for everyone. That is not honoring the child's memory.

  6. Know just how you feel. It's hard sometimes to even articulate. I do hope you get beyond it for your sake as well as general humor-bar-setting-higher.

    Wait did I say bar?


  7. Good Lord Tammy! I just got caught up here. Please accept my condolences for you and your family's loss. When a child is lost, it is horrific. I am thinking of you and hope you all will be okay.

  8. I almost didn't continue reading because the tragedy of this is all too much, but I did out of respect for the little girl and for you for sharing it all with us. My turning away would have just felt...selfish.

    I am so sorry.

    Funerals are so difficult and often bring out the worst in people. I experienced that at my fathers funeral, and it just adds to the tragedy. I completely understand your questioning why can't people just come and mourn and remember and leave all the dirty laundry and baggage at the door - at least just for the day.

    Hugs and take as much time as you need.

  9. Hey,

    I'm really sorry, Blonde Goddess.

    I agree with the others- take all the time you need away from the blogging world. I'll still be here no matter how long you need and there will always be a link to you at my blog because I think very highly of you and always will.

  10. Oh Tammy,
    How horrible. I had taken a break from reading for a few days and hadn't seen this. I'm so sorry.

  11. I am so sorry that this has happened. There is no answer for the whys...terrible things occur...and there are wrongful deaths....sounds like a well loved little girl, who gave love in return...she had a great life then, and I hope folks can say the same about me when my end comes. my prayers and good thoughts go to you and yours...

  12. Hey - thinking of you. Folks were asking for you at the WVSR.


  13. Tammie, I've been out of the loop for weeks and I just found out about this. This is so horrible, so devastating, that I just cannot begin to fathom what you are all going through. I'll keep you and the family in my prayers. Take care, hon.
