I'm not even kidding.
I ran my ASS off and honest to god I think I dropped 5 pounds...in three days!
I guess that's a good thing considering that someone told me I had a fat ass recently. Of course the guy who said it is a complete and total douche, but it still stung a little bit. Although I DO think it's pretty funny that he told me that and his wife's ass is twice as big as mine.

This is her ass. It's a nice one, but mine is smaller. I'm just saying...
Guess what I did on Friday night?
That's right....
I worked the Beer Booth at the Rough and Rowdy.
I have never felt the need to be medicated or drunk when working the beer booth before, but this time I would have gladly made an exception.
First of all I had to work with someone I can NOT stand to be around. In fact this person scares me and needless to say, having to work near him all night was unnerving. Then on one occasion I was forced to speak to him, (because the guy checking ID's had allowed two people through the line) and that was a horrible experience to say the least.
Normally I can get away with avoiding this person completely and I have managed to stay as far away as possible, but over the past three days, I have been forced to be around this person.If I had known he was working I would have found someone to take my place.

Heh...it's the same douchebag who said I have a fat ass. Man, I have all the luck don't I?
And then there were the drunks to deal with. We were lucky because we didn't have anyone get rough or rowdy with any of us but there were TONS of fights in the stands. I managed to keep from getting involved or in the middle of anything, so that was good. I got a lot of looks, but I was so busy pouring beer that no one messed with me. I talked to a few people I know but other than that, I minded my own business and kept my head down.
Those people are crazy.
And the ring girls?

I got the impression that most of them got an early start on the whole "aspiring to be a ring girl thing".
Something weird happened to me in WalMart yesterday. I went with another mom from the fund raiser to pick up some things. I had to go to the ladies department and as I passed the lingerie section I stopped and looked at the one piece camisoles with the built in bras.
A man came over to me and asked if I needed some help.I glanced up at him and said "No, but do you know where the lint rollers are?"
Then he said, "I don't know. I don't work here."
THAT'S when I looked at him a little more closely. He was not bad looking, nicely dressed and well spoken. He looked and seemed normal but you never know....

I might have had a close encounter with a Ted Bundy copy cat. You just never know.
Does shit like that happen to other people? Because the other mom who was with me said it doesn't happen to other people. She said I'm the only person she knows that has stuff like this happen to them.
I say that it HAS to happen to other people.
I know I'm not the only one here...
So go on and tell me about something weird that has happened to you.
I'd like to think that I'm not the only weirdo magnet in the universe.
What do you think of the button I found?

I think I'm gonna get one and order it. If I wear it perhaps it will help me make nice with some of the weirdos I encounter, no?
I'll be back tomorrow...till then...KISS KISS!
Be careful with those people. I'm beginning to accept that 90% of people are fucktards with a minimal amount of actual decent folk. I trust people and let them in and it seems that they just find a way to mess with me. Why me?
ReplyDeleteI have women I don't know come into the bathroom stall with me. I have random men and women offering to hug me or just hugging me without offering. I don't have random strangers offering to help me bra shop.
ReplyDeleteHowever, it wouldn't surprise me if it did happen.
The only thing I've ever run into (or run into me) in the lingerie department of the Wall of Mart...was an old broad on a scooter. An occasional stalker would be nice!!
ReplyDeleteI love that stripper cartoon. I had it on my blog a couple of years ago. It's so funny. BTW, I'm sure your ass is perfectly fine.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I should of introduced myself back there in WalMart
ReplyDeleteAbout 26 years ago, a guy stalked me all through Penney's and had me scared to move. I went into a dressing room and stayed there for half an hour trying to avoid him, and when I came out - he was still there, waiting. I finally lost him, by almost running through the store and out into the mall.
ReplyDeleteThat's why I don't shop at WalMart.
ReplyDeleteI gave you a letter if you want to play: N.
ReplyDeleteWith me, it's naked people. Check into a hotel, take a look out the window, naked guy. Downtown, waiting for a fund raising run to start, look up, naked guy standing in window. A couple of apartments ago there was the summer of the naked couple, all summer, naked, right at the same level as me and across the street. I see naked people all the time, because I look for naked people. I'm not saying you look for strange people but you may just be more aware of them.
ReplyDeleteI had a total stranger pray over me in a parking lot. So yeah, it's just you.
ReplyDeleteWeirdo magnet? Where can I sign up?
ReplyDeleteShit like that happens to other people - you just have a knack for writing about it lol
ReplyDeleteI had a total stranger follow me off the bus a few years back and ask me for my phone number.
Yeah, I don't think so buddy.