BUT.....there are a few things that make me want to light up the blow-torch and get busy on his gonads.

One of those things I DON'T LIKE is how he seems to ENJOY arguing.
He's a fighter.

I, on the other hand, am a lover.

I HATE fighting.
In fact I will go to almost extreme measures to AVOID fighting with him.
One time I literally ripped my clothes off in the middle of a fight and started jumping up and down and singing "Get Down Tonight" by KC and the Sunshine band.
It shut him up COMPLETELY and for a long time he didn't say anything so I thought I had pulled it off. I had stopped the fight! I assumed that I had distracted him enough to stop arguing.
I assumed wrong...
It just infuriated him and the fight continued. AND apparently my boobies slinging about wildly distracted him so he attempted to dress me in the middle of yelling at me.
I didn't make it easy on him though. Do you have ANY idea how hard is it to put flopping breasts into a bra? ESPECIALLY when you're not used to putting breasts of any kind into anything, let alone a bra. That's right. I did NOT stay still...

I think I'm a relatively easy going person. I know I get excited when the Elderly Hellions target me but they're plotting against me...remember?
And yes, retarded window-licking sons-a-bitches that can't drive worth a shit get me a little irritated too, but I'm harmless. I normally rant about it. I don't get into an argument with these people. I HATE arguing!
Mr.Man can get upset pretty easily. And when he gets mad at me, his head explodes. I get mad at him and I try to see his point of view and EVEN if I don't agree with it, I TRY to be diplomatic about it. I do not explode, I do not scream and yell, I do NOT pass go and collect a hundred dollars....
SO....when he gets mad at me and I don't get mad back, then it makes him madder(whatever the fuck that means).
He says he doesn't want to be married to a doormat and he hates it that I don't like to fight back.
Honestly, I'd rather let him lecture me on something and zone out thinking about his naked body and what will happen AFTER the fight than to fight back.I'm just being honest. He's ranting on and on about something that I'm not really paying attention to and I'm thinking about this...

Can you blame me?
I've only had the desire to have maybe 5 arguments with him the entire 18 years we've been married. I'm not shitting you....I am serious. They have ALL involved money. Sometimes a Goddess has to put her foot down, ok?
The real sucky part about all this fighting bullshit is that 90% of the time, there is no make-up sex!
OK...so maybe the question should be "WHY DON'T I GET FUCKED?!?!"
He tells me that if he gives me too much lovins that it will make me crazy.
I don't get it....
Maybe avoiding make-up sex is his ultimate way to win the fight! Poor guy..doesn't he know it is better to lose and then make up???
ReplyDeleteI'm sooo confused... what guy enjoys the arguement more than the make up sex??? Especially if they are married to you!! I say get him to a doctor or start grating Viagra into his breakfast.
ReplyDeleteSex with make-up is not all it's cracked up to be.
ReplyDeleteMy wife always wonders what happened to her jar of face cream.
I can relate to everything you are saying. I don't like to fight but my guy has a quick temper sometimes. I can put up with a lot but once I get mad I can fight as hard as anybody. That's right, he taught me how. After 20 years the fights are few and far between but he's usually the one who's wrong and I'm not always ready for the make-up sex right away. I might need a minute.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I hate more than fighting is holding a grudge and pouting. Let's fuck and get it back to good already.
There's not a lot of fighting or make up sex around here.
ReplyDeleteUsually my wife irriates me and I get mad. I bitch about it and she gets mad, explains that I'm the idiot and calls me an effing ayhole while tearing up. Then I mad at her for getting mad at me.
A littel while later I'm still being pissed off and she just laughs at me and it's over. Weird.
Fiery gonads...yikes! I almost stopped reading right there.
ReplyDeleteThen there were bouncing boobies.
I'm gonna tell my wife that when we fight I'll submit if I can see bouncing boobies!
Wow, I hope my wife is like you 8 years from now