There are days when I ask myself that question. Days like yesterday for example...
While I was in the shower I noticed one of those nipple hairs that sprout out occasionally.So I got out of the shower and put my glasses on (so I could see to pluck the hair out) and that son-of-a-bitch was half a foot long. DAMN! When I was half blind in the shower it was all curled up and tiny looking but when I could actually SEE it and pull it out to it's full length I was horrified.
I was almost afraid to pull it out because I thought I might unravel or something, so I thought about it for a couple of minutes and used it to floss my teeth.
Eventually I came to the conclusion that I can't have more chest hair than Mr.Man. So I grabbed the tweezers and tugged on it.

I won't repeat everything I screamed because I believe there were swear words involved that I've never hear before, but it HURT!!! A LOT!!!
The pain was incredible! Almost unreal!!!I felt myself black out and I almost pissed down both my legs.
After the the bathroom stopped spinning and I could stand up again, I decided that I'm going to need to toughen my nipples up if there's going to be anymore hair plucking!
I wonder if this stuff would help?

I'm getting some of this shit. I'm just saying...
The rest of the day passed pretty normally. I cleaned and worked on a few things and then I went to my meeting. It wasn't until I was sitting at that meeting that I asked myself that question again....
"Maybe I was supposed to be a man?"
These women that were sitting together were blathering ON AND ON about getting their nails done and finding the exact shade of lime green eyeshadow to go with their new matching sweater set....etc...There was NO ESCAPE!!! They just kept talking and talking and TALKING!!!Who gives a fuck if someone's purse doesn't match their outfit?
As I frantically dug in my purse for a breath mint, I visualized myself grabbing the pen next to my wallet and stabbing myself repeatedly in the eye with it.
That's not normal, is it?
That's what I thought.
It's not that I won't go shopping or that I won't make an effort to be pretty sometimes or that I completely hate jewelry either. It's just that those things don't really thrill me the way sweaty sex, a Red Sox game on TV and a case of beer do.
So...maybe I was supposed to be a man.

If I lost the braids, I'd be one hell of a good looking dude. And you've seen the tongue....
Of course I do like women stuff cooking and sexy lingerie and long hair and sewing and knitting and all that crafty stuff.
And I love me some PENIS!
That's probably the best argument for why I am NOT a man.
Hmm...well with that said, I'm going to ice my nipple and psyche myself up enough to paint my toenails...carnation pink! I think Mr.Man would like that, don't you? I mean, after all...I am a girl you know...I should at least TRY to be a good one, right?
Is it too early for a beer?
never too early for a beer.
ReplyDeleteI laugheed so hard I could hardly stand it! Same thing happns to me when I pull one out of my nose. I think they're connected directly to your brain.
ReplyDeleteI hear ya sister!
ReplyDeleteSometimes I feel like I am able to "man up" more than my penis-y friends. I can be girly too but those stray hairs really make a girl wonder...
I'm constantly on "stray hair patrol". I haven't seen one in that particular spot for quite a while, but I shave everything, everyday from my neck down and I'm a chronic eyebrow plucker - but only the strays! I do polish my toenails and they're always done, but I pick one color and stick with it. In my mind, it goes with everything. And you'll never hear me of talking about handbags, or eyeshadow (I hate the stuff and my eyelids get really dry when I use it, so I just don't). You sound normal to me. Then again, that's coming from ME. LOL.
ReplyDeleteI don't care much for the matchy matchy crap either. I figure if I get my teeth brushed and shoes on the right feet I'm doing pretty good.
ReplyDeleteI would love to help you with your nipple problem. I am sure we can find some way to help. Also I have one of them penis things that you love so much. Double bingo...
ReplyDeleteNow do you see why you are all my friends? I'm attracted to the "unique" people in the world.
ReplyDeleteAs for you mr.nudeman40, that's awfully nice of you to offer but Mr.Man has that all taken care of for me. I'm not looking for any assistance of that kind.
Now if you guys will excuse me, I think I'll have a beer...
You sound hot.
ReplyDeleteMatchy stuff bothers me. It's too 1950's and I went through that already!
ReplyDeleteThat photo looks disturbingly like Truman Capote.
Dude... I have this awesome tool that buffs and shines. I think with the buffer and some carnuba wax we can get them babies to not only be hair free, but shining like with a totally righteous sheen on them bodacious ta ta's like fer sure.
ReplyDeleteJust remember two things....
ReplyDelete1. Girls can do whatever boys can do but only better
2. It's 5 O'clock somewhere!
Just remember two things....
ReplyDelete1. Girls can do whatever boys can do but only better
2. It's 5 O'clock somewhere!
I can't decide if this post is illuminating or disturbing. Maybe I need a drink first to help my brain work...
ReplyDeleteWow, were like twins when you wear that.
ReplyDeleteWith all those female problems you describe, I can say with confidence...being a guy rocks!
ReplyDeleteBoob hair is not a problem for me and soft nipples are better.
I braid my man-boob hair.
ReplyDeleteI think you could be the third Blue Brothers. Thats what came to mind when I saw the picture.
ReplyDeleteYour experience sounds familiar, when I see a grey hair on my chest and go to pull it out it seems to go on forever. Maybe it's like pulling a thread out of a sweater?
Ugh. I hate it when that happens. And ditto on the Blues Brothers reference. First thought that popped into my head was, "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it!"
ReplyDeleteOMG...I just discovered your blog and this is what I read! Suddenly I have intimate knowledge of your nipples and body hair. In some countries, we would be married now. In some states, we would be cousins.
ReplyDeleteAnyway...I'm definitely coming back.
I'm trying to envision how an "injury" such as a tit hair removal - would look on an ER report??? Symptoms would be hysterical. Glad to see you back in rare form. Keep me laughing - great medicine.