Damn bad luck!
I was informed, however, that the girls made a giant snow penis in the front yard and took pictures of it before it melted.
(You'll remember that I told them to keep it in the backyard, right?)
Yeah...well they thought it would be FUNNY to build a giant snow penis in the front yard on top of the concrete bench in the flower garden so EVERYONE could see it as they went by...(or from behind the curtains of their windows..can you say Jesus Police neighbors?)
Veggie Stick took a picture of it in order to show me what they had done and allow for many, many more days of laughter and hysterics on her part and Miss KIA's...not to mention their friends.
What am I going to do with those two?
I can honestly say that I was really an angel as child.
Look! I have proof!

Sweet and innocent....just sitting quietly in bed reading my little Golden books (which I still have by the way).
How much more angelic can a little girl be?
I was the most angelic child on the planet!
It wasn't until I turned 6 that I began to change a little bit.
That's when I met "Helly" and my life changed.

A picture of me and Helly sitting on the bed in my room. We had probably just finished setting something on fire in the back yard.
Helly taught me ALL about the fun stuff in life. She was the one who had older siblings and they educated her about all the good stuff in life. You know...sex, drinking, drugs, pyromania, etc...
Helly and I ended up DOING a lot of bad things but never getting caught for it. Instead we always managed to blame "Brainerd" who lived across the street from us with our friends, Warrie, Beachy and Way..Way. The names mean something to me but only because I associate with their real names and their personalities. I'll fill you in on those things another day....
Here's a picture of us....

From the front row left to right...Way..Way, Beachy,me, the Blonde Goddess and Helly. In the back, left to right...Corvette (our other neighbor across the street),Brainerd and Warrie. This picture is from one of the first days at school..not sure which year...maybe 2nd grade? Special, huh?
Yep. This was the "gang" that the Blonde Goddess here hung out with as a kid. While there were the wild cousins and that bunch to get in trouble with, this was the starting kit for most of my bizarreness.
Brainerd and Corvette weren't usually involved in our scheming and plotting, mainly because Corvette was sick a lot and had to stay in. Brainerd always got the blame for everything we did, so he stayed clear of us....
We were inseparable!

Just so you know, Helly probably didn't have a stitch of clothing on underneath that blanket...LOL
One of the most prominent things that I remember from my younger days is when we pulled all of Helly's older brother's Pot stash and dirty magazines out and set them on fire in the yard. Her brother "The Gaylen Dead" was a long haired, pimply faced 18 year old who kept to himself and stayed stoned all the time. He had a HUGE collection of porn which we looked at with both awe and disgust (Helly was always trying to convince us to "try" some of the things in the books, especially the girl on girl action but I wasn't buying into it.)
The particular day that Helly decided to destroy her brother's happiness in a firey pit of funny smelling smoke, he had made fun of her lack of breasts and it was just enough to send her over the edge.
I vaguely remember Helly being concerned about The Gaylen Dead trying to kill her in her sleep, but I don't remember her dad really saying anything about it. Her mom had died of cancer when she was little and her dad was pretty oblivious to everything going on around him.
Helly's older sister, Ramona the Great, kept the house and took care of everyone while getting straight A's in school. Ramona the Great ended up going to school and becoming a doctor. Sadly, she died of cancer in her early forties too, just like her mother.
You know, there's something about sitting in front of a keyboard to conjure up memories of your past and bring them to life again.
I hadn't thought about Helly for a while and the antics of Veggie Stick and Miss KIA made me think of some of the things Helly and I and the gang had done as kids.
Hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane as much as I did.
It was a good way to start the day.
I'll be back with more stories about the "gang" tomorrow...
I love trips down memory lane! It sounds like you guys had a blast. I also had a rag-tag group of kids that I ran around and got in trouble with. Too bad I moved around so much I have no idea where any of them are except for the one's that I have found on Facebook!
ReplyDeleteLOL sounds like my own childhood when we could roam around the neighborhood at will without anyone worrying about what we were up to.
ReplyDeleteSo much fun. So many shenanigans. It's just not the same for kids today anymore I think.
Memory lane can be such a nice place to visit. Especially when it's about your old buddies and the crap you got away with :)
ReplyDeleteReminds me of my own childhood. We got into sooo much stuff (and usually didn't get caught!). LOL.
ReplyDeleteOHHHH, the memories. I loved you multi colored little outfit..you were "mod!"
ReplyDeleteI love reading childhood memories....LOL. That first photo is angelic!
ReplyDeleteYou were a wicked child and you know it!
ReplyDeleteFunny how you said you did things and didn't get caught.
My sister did things as I did, but she got caught and out of frustration one day yelled at me, "Why don't you get in trouble for the shit you do?!?" My reply "I am not stupid enough to get caught."
It is only illegal if you get caught. Words to live by.
Uhh, no snow penis pics? I will post mine!
ReplyDeleteI'm still wondering what hte backstory is on the plastic-covered doorway in the 'school' pic is.
ReplyDeleteDo tell.
The plastic is not actually covering the doorway but an open part of the porch. If I'm not mistaken, the porch was covered in plastic to keep out the snow and rain. Half of it had probably been torn down by us kids because we were rotten like that...LOL..leaving only that small section of plastic.