It's not like we hadn't gone through his things before. We knew about his pot stash and his porno mags and we even knew about the hunting knife with dried blood on it that was stuck beneath his mattress.
AND the socks.
There must have been a hundred socks, dried and crusty,practically standing up on their own, thrown beneath the bed.

Yuck....they were NASTY!
You'd think that a dude like Gaylen the Dead would have been a messy kind of guy, but surprisingly enough, his room was not that bad and it didn't even stink (like Brainerds room did). Maybe it was the incense he burned while getting high. I still enjoy the smell of incense to this day...
Gaylen the Dead would lay on his bed,turn on his black light and look at this one particular poster that hung directly across from him.

He'd light up his joint and listen to the Doors,The Grateful Dead or Led Zeppelin and get high.
Yep...we were experts on the habits of Gaylen the Dead, so we pretty much knew what to expect.
ON this particular day, we discovered something new in his room. Something that took us by surprise and rocked the very foundations of our little girl lives.
Let me explain....
Helly had designated our search places. Warrie was looking through the closet, Helly in the dresser, me looking through the nightstand while Beachy had gotten stuck with searching under the bed (with the nasty dried up cum socks).She'd refused to give Helly one of her Reese's Cups the day before and Helly held grudges.
We hadn't really discovered anything new or great. Yeah, Warrie had found a crumpled up fiver in a pair of jeans that we would use to go buy junk food at the general store up the street, but that was our only good find.
Until Helly tried to pull the bottom drawer out of the dresser and it became stuck.
"I think something is blocking it. Let's pull the whole drawer out." she said.
Warrie and I held the back of the dresser while Helly and Beachy pulled and tugged on the drawer.
"Jackpot!" Helly yelled as she reached in behind the drawer and pulled out baggie full of small packages. She pulled one of the packages out and opened it.Helly and Warrie laughed.
Beachy and I were confused.
"What is it?" Beachy asked innocently.
It looked like a long skinny balloon to me.(Hey, we weren't even 12 years old yet. We didn't know what it was.There were no condoms in the porn mags...)

Helly and Warrie were kind enough to explain what the "balloons" were for and even got out a porn mag to show us what it went on. We all contemplated this discovery and then Helly realized something.
"Gaylen the Dead is having sex with someone!!!", she screamed.
"EWWWWW!!!", we yelled back.
Now let me explain something about Gaylen the Dead. He wasn't the kind of dude that girls were standing in line to fuck.

He just didn't SEEM to really know what was going on. The thought that he might actually KNOW how to fuck, let alone find someone desperate enough to fuck him was quite unsettling. We were shocked that he would have condoms, let alone USE them.
As disgusted as we were, we decided to find out who the girl was that was stupid enough to let Gaylen the Dead fuck her AND (Helly added) maybe if we were lucky we could actually catch them in the act.
(to be continued...)