No's probably on my top ten of things I hate to do.
I've been cleaning for an hour and a half and I've made little or no headway. There are certain things that are always clean in my house, like the dining room table and the kitchen area where I cook, the shower, the toilet and the fridge (somewhat) but as for the rest...well...let's just say that my entire family loves to save junk, except for Veggie Stick who just crams what she doesn't want into places for me to find and toss out later.
The Little Beatle is a slob. My son has recently acquired that nickname because of his hair...
Yep...his hair looks just like that. Of course there is no mustache...yet. His long hair is the topic of many of the neighbors and some of the God lovin' church folk. Last time I checked the pictures of Jesus he didn't have a crew cut or am I mistaken?
Anyway, he isn't really a pack rat, he just drops everything where he stands and leaves it. Totally disorganized. I'm trying to teach him differently but it's kind of like the blind leading the blind.
So...being the cleaning impaired person I am, I try to fumble through and do the best I can. And I hate every minute of it.
So...what are some of the things you hate to do? I have compiled a top ten list of things I hate or strongly dislike...
1. I hate ironing. That damn device is nothing short of an instrument of torture. I always manage to burn myself and ruin my good clothes with an iron mark or two.
2. I hate cherry kool-aid. I don't mind real cherries on occasion but I can't stand that god awful sickly sweet taste of cherry drinks. That goes for cherry flavored lubes as well. If it's covered in it, I'm going to be spitting it out babe.
3. I strongly dislike holier-than-thou people. Can't stand them. I think they probably need to get a life, get drunk and get laid while their at it. Maybe if they allowed their sphincter to loosen up a little, they'd spend more time enjoying life instead of criticizing others for enjoying theirs.
4. I strongly dislike washing dishes. I used to hate it but as I got older I discovered that it eases the arthritic ache in my hands so now I will tolerate it, but I still don't like it.
5. I strongly dislike stupid country music songs. I'm not talking about country music in general. I'm talking about some of the songs they release that have the dumbest lyrics ever. I won't go into detail for fear of insulting someone but some of these songs make me wonder if they wander into a bar, tap some guy on the shoulder who's wearing rubber galoshes and a plaid cap with earmuffs, and ask him if he's ever written a song before. If he says "Yep", then they apparently take it and add music.
6. I hate getting dog poop on my shoes. I can't tell you what a pain in the ass it is to try to scrape something that resembles peanut butter and baby shit off the grooves in your shoes. I threaten to fill a pillow case up with dog poop and beat the child with it who left their poop scoop duty unfinished and caused me to get some on my shoe. It's only happened once that I can remember.
7. I hate oglers. I hate it when men talk to my boobs and act like they've never seen anything like it in their lives. Or when they smile at me like I'm naked. Come on to me as a person. I am not a receptacle for your pecker. My mouth is being used for speaking to you so stop looking at it like you'd love to cram yourself in it. Grow the fuck up or at least have the decency to hide your lust like most men do.
8. I hate debt or being indebted. I wish everything I own was paid for and I didn't owe anything to anyone. I'm a generous person when it comes to giving, but I will be completely desperate before I ask for anything from anyone. It's weird but it's a thing that bothers me.
9. I hate it that my car is squealing. I want to scream and pull my hair out every time I get into my car. Now don't get my wrong. I love my old car and don't want to part with it, but Mr.Man hates it. He won't fix it for me so I'm going to ask my step-dad to check it out when they come for Christmas next week.
10. I hate it when people don't return phone calls. It's SO FUCKING ANNOYING when you're waiting for someone to call you back, especially when you've asked them to because you need to know something. I just don't think there is any excuse for it. Of course maybe I'm guilty of not returning a call or two but it's only been because someone else in my house has taken a message and forgotten to give it to me. Or like yesterday, someone called my cell phone and didn't leave a voice mail but it dinged like I had a voice mail and when I checked to see who'd called it didn't show up on my missed calls. *shrugs*
Ok. Well that's enough rambling for today. I need to get busy and get Christmas shopping. I can't put it off any longer. It needs to be done. Plus I am still attempting to clean this shit hole I live in. God do I ever need a week alone to clean this place out. I manage to get ahead a little and then the other people who live here come home and destroy all of my hard work. I can't keep caught up, let alone go through the extra stuff that needs going through. Maybe I'll just open one of the windows (which will fall out and Mr.Man will have to replace it with a new one that's sitting in the garage) and I'll start chucking shit out through the window.
I can have my fantasies...
Today's word is "charge". The reason I chose this word is because when I go shop today, someone I'm in line with at a store is bound to say it and I think I can have a lot of fun with this.
Here's my's appropriate. We'll leave it at that.
Hell yeah I'm in the Christmas spirit...
What an excellent topic! I love hate lists. To respond to it properly, though, is going to take some room. I gots me a lot of hate. I'll blog this later and link back to you. I'll post a link in your comments when I get done.
ReplyDeleteI too hate housecleaning. I officially suck at all forms of housewivery except cooking and fucking (and with the sick uterus, hubby's been making do on a cooking only deal).
What is this thing "housecleaning" I am confused. And I'm sorry for staring at boobs when I talk to people, I try, I really do.
ReplyDeleteI'm SO with you on all of these, excapt that MORE than any of these, I hate clutter. Can not STAND it. This si why if you want to keep something in my house you'd best keep in in your own room and not in the living room or kitchen. Gah! Be a slob in your own space, I say.
ReplyDeleteI'm totally with you regarding dishes. I never use my dishwasher just 'cause the hot water makes my hands feel so much better. I almost have gotten to the point I don't mind washing the dishes now.
ReplyDeleteCleaning. Anyone remember the old Sly Stone song? It's A Family Affair.
ReplyDeleteThe kids and I would split up duties, the poor middle kid always seemed to get the bathrooms. We messed it, we clean it.
I don't ogle, I look you in your eyes, most of what I need to know is on your face.
Fun list!
ReplyDeleteI don't really "hate" anything. I am strongly disgusted by some things. Certain people annoy me at times, but hate is such a powerful and DANGEROUS word.
ReplyDeleteI like to concentrate on the things I love, like looking a pretty girls with nice titties with a look of lust and leachery in my eyes.
Ditto on most of your items here...I would have to add unreturned emails along with the phone calls on #10. C'mon people, how hard is it to just press 'Reply' and give me some indication that you have a pulse?
ReplyDeleteI also hate house cleaning.
ReplyDeleteAnd I hate "pop-ins". When people just randomly show up at my door unannounced. If you want to visit with need to call first and let me know you are coming. I could be doing jumping jacks naked or having sex...I don't need someone pounding at my door looking for tea and crumpets when I wasn't even expecting them
Rebecca, I love watching women do jumping jacks naked.
ReplyDeleteI remember a time when people did just stop by and were warmly greeted by their neighbors. Wait, actually, our here on the creek we still do that. IT's called living in a community. I love living in a community where everyone knows it's ok to drop by as long as you're not some kook who bothers people endlessly.
trish, sometimes I don't reply to messages because I feel it's better to just say nothing than repsond in a negative way to some inane message.
Now one thing that does piss me off is when people hijack my threads and begin responding to posters who commented on something I wrote. . . inconsiderate bastards.
Number 6 for me. Totally. And great post!
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with #1,2,3,5,6 & 8, and to them I would add cleaning the oven. One of my ovens is self cleaning, and the other one is not. Guess which one is broken?
ReplyDeleteGROCERY SHOPPING! Kill me now!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on everything except the dishes.
ReplyDeleteWashing dishes relaxes me. The rest, not so much.
If I own something that requires ironing, I either DON'T wear it, don't iron it, or give it away.
I threw my iron out a few years ago in a rage.
The answer to the cleaning issue? I purge every few months. If my kid doesn't clean her room, I throw stuff out. Rights come with responsibilities around here.
I have a co-worker that is a boob gazer.
ReplyDeleteI cured him of staring at my girls by remarking that "Though they have names, they do not speak. The Ma'ams are MUTES".