The word for today is INSANITY....(there's a lot of crazy shit going on...I'm serious.)
This is my mood...
Actually after reading Donutbuzz I looked up the images for The Abominable Snowman and it seemed to fit the way I was feeling this morning.
So what's the chaos all about, you ask?
Well..when I was driving the kids to school this morning, there was some Rich Rodriguez drama unfolding on the radio station my kids listen to.
Apparently one of the morning DJ's is from Michigan. He's been making comments and playing the Michigan school song on and off all week. Of course the other morning people have also been teasing him about Michigan's loss to Ohio among other losses as well.
It seemed to be all in fun.
In fact, I have seen this DJ at WVU games and I've seen him out in public wearing WVU shirts,hats,'s reasonable to say he's probably a fan.
BUT....speaking as one who knows all about what it's like to move away from the place you grew up to a new place where EVERYTHING is different....I'm going to say that he is probably still a Michigan fan as well.
Just because you move to a new state doesn't mean your past is erased and you become acclimated into the local culture.
That's what makes this world great, right?
Anyway, while I was listening to the events unfold in the car, I believe I even heard this DJ say he felt bad for WVU's loss but happy for Michigan's gain.
Why is that such a terrible thing?
I think the entire sequence of events would have just faded away and faltered, bringing back the normal crazy, fun banter people listen to that station for, had it not been for the management having someone call him on air and threaten him with suspension without pay for continuing to talk about Michigan or play their school song.
That's when I believe it became serious.
I don't think his banter about Michigan was that important to him, but free speech on the other hand.....well...that should be important to everyone.
Apparently it's not.
"Shut up or you're outta here!" was the carol of the day from a majority of the listeners who are WVU fans this Christmas season.
You know...that bothered me.
Yeah, this is West Virginia and the fan base for this station are either going to support WVU or Marshall but what has happened to this?
The First Amendment was ratified on December 15, 1791. The Amendment states:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
He wasn't being obnoxious or offensive. It was done in a joking manner as is most of the banter back and forth between him and his co-workers and callers.
I hear things on the radio that I don't agree with or rub me the wrong way all the time.
Guess what I do?
I turn to another station.
Same goes for TV.
I believe that allowing people to have the freedom to state their opinions promotes tolerance. Trying to force someone's silence because people are upset over the actions of one man, is dangerous territory.
Is this what the majority is standing for now? Getting rid of the people who say things that upset or irritate them?
The whole thing just left me with a bad taste in my mouth.
One thing that has struck me about people from West Virginia is their independent spirit and fierce loyalty, not only to their sports team but to the freedoms our forefather's fought for.
This mornings sequence of events seemed like a gigantic oxymoron to me.
Now...I'm not picking a fight.I'm exercising my freedom to say what I think.
I think Rich Rodriguez did WVU dirty, but that's not anyone else's fault but his. To crucify someone else who happens to not be devastated by the situation is bordering on fanaticism...No pun intended.
Happiness seldom comes to blanket everyone. There's always someone left out in the cold while others are warm and content.
That just seems to be the way it works.
There does seem to be a consolation for that unhappiness's the freedom to be able to express how we feel about it.Regardless of whether we are happy or sad or disgusted or ecstatic, the freedom to be able to talk about it is one right none of us should ever revoke from anyone.
When we attempt to do that, we are jeopardizing our own rights as well.
That's all I have to say for today...
Catch me tomorrow and I'll fill you in on Elderly Hell at WalMart yesterday...
I don't know why everything has to be a big deal with saying what's proper on air. I agree if I don't like it I change stations, but I would never try to restrict someone's free speech unless it was radically offensive and out there where children are exposed. I like you picture of Bumble... I have a stuffed Bumble in my office along with a couple other figures from that cartoon. Thats not strange... is it?
ReplyDeleteNo that's not strange Ron. Now if you dressed like Bumble then I'd be worried....
ReplyDeleteI live by the saying "I may not agree with what you're saying, but I'll fight to the death for your RIGHT to say it." If you censor others, then you put yourself in jeopardy of being censored.
ReplyDeleteBG, you are not only right, you are 1000% right.
ReplyDeleteReally sad when a person's happiness & whole life revolves around WVU sports.
Grow up people; it's only football.
Besides, in a just Universe Michigan would win.
ReplyDeletewow..sounds like a ridiculous situation. I've also heard a lot worse on radio(Howard Stern, anyone?) so I don't really understand what the big deal is. People are entitled to their opinions. Silly.
ReplyDeleteAnd I can't believe you braved Walmart this time of year and on Elderly Hell Day nonetheless. I hope you had armor and a sheild.
Thanks for the clarification there Tammie, I went home at lunch and changed. whew... It's good to be normal, I think.
ReplyDeleteI believe that allowing people to have the freedom to state their opinions promotes tolerance. Trying to force someone's silence because people are upset over the actions of one man, is dangerous territory.
(I love that abominable snowman!)
You are absolutely right. Radio is like any other market and it will swell or wain with what people want to hear. If people don't like it, don't patronize it! I'm all about a free market society.
Having said that and having grown up with a father that was a small business owner I can see the other side of the fence.
If I'm your boss and it's my company then yes,,, I do get to tell you what to do. You do it or you leave. If it was a country music station and my employee constantly spun death metal... then yeah,, I'd have to tell him to take a hike.
Doesn't make it right, but it's a fact.
BTW,, I sent you a message to your Gmail. I know if you're like me you have an alternate that you don't check that often.
Oy. I love your blog and dig you lots and I think goofy DJ's should say whatever makes them and their listeners giggle - even discussions of farts and stuff.
ReplyDeleteBut, (and as quite the piggy-back to Crystal in the comments above), you need to re-read your quote of the first amendment:
Congress shall make no law...
Congress did not tell this guy to shut his pie-hole, his employer did. That's all that matters.
I will never understand the rabid fanaticism that surrounds sports.
ReplyDelete(And I live in the south - and go to church!)
One of our local DJs pretends to be Santa every year. He calls 'bad' kids (their parents call in) - and threatens them to make them behave. This morning, the DJ told a kid that if he didn't behave, Hannah Montana would be given throat cancer.
And no one said a word.
I just don't get it.
Blondie, You're probably confused.
ReplyDeleteIf "management having someone call him on air and threaten him with suspension without pay" you can rest assured that it was most likely planned and all a part of the show that most radio stations put on during the morning commute.