But let me explain...
There is something about getting spanked that brings out the devil me.
Remember Monday's post where I mentioned getting slapped on the ass by my friend Paxton?
Well...I got him back.
I plotted my revenge on Saturday. I had a million ideas come to mind. I considered the many different things I could do to get him. My practical-joke-a-meter was running at it's best.
I eventually decided on my course of action and set my plan in motion...
Sunday my son had a performance in Charleston at the Marriott. I took a little trip to the mall afterwards in search of the item I needed. I found just the right thing.
Successful, I went home and began working on my strategy.
Sunday evening, my plan was foiled because of unseen circumstances.
Monday morning I also found myself battling glitches....
Early in the morning, I drove to his house while he was still sleeping. I parked beside his cruiser(he's a deputy...hee hee hee)and placed a little surprise for him on the rear side of his cruiser, right above the back tire.
I did ask his wife first if he'd get in trouble for such pranks and she assured me that no, he wouldn't. I wouldn't have done it if there was a chance of him getting in trouble for it.
ANYWAY...he got up and left the house for work that morning without noticing a thing.
As luck would have it, the middle school he works at took a little field trip to WalMart. A charity event or something like that. The BUSLOAD of MIDDLE SCHOOLERS arrive at WalMart and Paxton pulls in next to them in his cruiser, giving the kids all a FANTASTIC view of this....

Yeah...that's right. I'm the master...bow before me...worship me if you will, but don't fear my greatness...I'm just gifted. What can I say?
The kids all went BALLISTIC of course, laughing and pointing and screaming. Paxton and the principal walked around to the rear of his cruiser and saw what the commotion was all about. Then the principal ended up giving the kids a good talking to and asked for the one responsible to come forward and admit their guilt. No one did of course (because I was responsible)and she told them she'd pursue it until she found out who did it. When I found out about that part of my prank, I felt bad about the kids getting talked to like that, but in the end I believe they thought it was totally worth it just to see that magnet attached to his cruiser. I bet they'll talk about this for years to come.
Of course I hadn't planned to admit my guilt to Paxton but in light of the kids potentially getting blamed for it, I had to.
He was NOT amused. He ignored my phone calls and finally texted me, telling me that we were EVEN...FOR NOW.
I DOUBT he can get THE MASTER back. I will keep my eyes open but really...how can he even begin to think he can compete with someone like me? No one else is nearly as warped as I am...
So..that is the story of my revenge. I am victorious once again!
The word for today is....snow. That's because it snowed last night and the kids are saying it every two seconds. I've already gotten Veggie Stick with it at least eighty times. She's on the phone right now and I heard her say, "The cold, white, flaky stuff on the ground".
I really like snow...
Anyway...I'm feeling pretty full of myself today, so here is a good description of my mood....
You are the master. You sound like a lot of fun to be around.
ReplyDeleteI love that bumper sticker. I'm glad it was just a magnet though.
ReplyDeleteThat is effing hilarious.
ReplyDelete(bows to the master. OR is it mistress?)
I can think of a lot better things to do to a cop, but all in all, that's a very good one. I'd like to pull that one on a few folks I know.
ReplyDeleteDid you find that sticker at HotTopic?
ReplyDelete*lowering into some semblance of a curtsy*
You are the QUEEN!
Queen? I sort of liked Mistress better.. I made me feel a little tingly inside. :)
ReplyDeleteMistress is a good word
ReplyDeleteThe deputies I know would not be very happy about something that makes them look silly. You probably won't get spanked again, or talked to either. They seem to have no sense of humor when the joke is on them.
ReplyDeleteThat snow picture left me feeling a litle inadequate. :-(
Scott, he is still speaking to me and he's attempting to plot some way to get me back...LOL.
ReplyDeleteAll I have to say about that is GOOD LUCK!!!
Very cool!