I had to read the article and see what it was all about. I mean, come on here...a peek inside the man's brain? How could any woman resist it?
So I began reading the article and found that, yeah, a casual relationship is actually something I think I could like if I were single. No nasty high maintenance...freedom...all things I can appreciate. Then I read about the sex buddy aspect and stopped agreeing...REAL DAMN QUICK!
Call me old fashioned but I think that two people should share something more between them than being able to get each other off in the bedroom. I have a problem with stripping in front of some guy I hardly know and screwing his brains out. I just couldn't do it. I'm not judging anyone else who feels comfortable with that, but for me, it's about trust and respect. Like I've said before, I value my body and myself and I don't give either away to just anyone. It would be hard for me to have a sex buddy. I don't think I could handle someone I barely know just calling me up occasionally to fuck. I don't throw myself out there like sale flyers left on windshields in a mall parking lot.
I figured a casual relationship meant dating infrequently, without sex being a factor. I could handle that. I'm pretty independent and enjoy my alone time.But because I'm independent I also know what I want from a man and what I deserve. I don't deserve a phone call and an invitation to get naked when there's been no other communication between us. I think there should be an amount of respect between two people who are going to be intimate. I think there should be a close relationship, even if it's a friendship, but none of this sex buddy bullshit for me.
I just thought the article was insane and it bothers me that it's the kind of advice that women are reading and taking seriously. It's basically telling women it's ok to cheapen themselves and lessen the value of their bodies by allowing men to use them because they don't want to "commit" to one woman. The same stands true for women who are just looking for a sex buddy. Whatever happened to people having feelings? My body and my emotions are very much tuned into each other. I can't have a satisfying sexual relationship unless I'm having a satisfying emotional relationship as well.
I tell my daughters repeatedly that it's much better having sex when you're in a safe and secure relationship where you've established trust and respect. Then they plaster articles like this all over the place cheapening the act of making love? I even saw an article once suggesting one way to hang onto your man was to give him a threesome with you and your friend.I couldn't believe someone was actually telling women that in order to keep your man, you need to be wilder and kinkier than all the other women or he's going to leave you and find someone else. So they were basically saying he only cares about what you can do for him in bed and he doesn't really care what kind of person you are or that you are a person. You might as well be a giant pussy.
It makes my head want to explode.
Then there is the man's feelings to consider. You can't tell me that men don't want a relationship. They crave the respect and trust that women do. Articles like these portray men as "Dick's on sticks" and nothing more. I'm not buying into that. Yes, I know men love to have sex and hell..I love to have sex too. But they don't want to be alone anymore than a woman does. While guys might look for someone to just have sex with, he's looking for more than that too.
I know one self proclaimed stud who thinks he's hot shit. He says he's never going to settle down. He's just going to keep screwing around and enjoy himself. But when I asked Mr.Stud what he liked the most about sex, he stammered and stuttered around, embarrassed that I would ask him that, (you think he'd know I'm not shy that way) and then admitted to me he loves the look into the woman's eyes when he enters her.
The eyes huh? As he connects with her? The portal to a woman's soul? He enjoys that part of it the most but he's not looking for something more?
Sorry..not buying it.
I think men are more concerned with feelings than a lot of people give them credit for.
And now moving on to something else...
The word for today is relish. I don't know why, but it is. I am already trying to figure out how to trick Veggie Stick into saying it because quite honestly, I have more fun with her on the word of the day than anyone else I know. She HATES the word of the day and has threatened to stop talking to me, but for anyone who knows Veggie Stick, it's impossible for her to stop talking...ever.
I shall relish the opportunity to get her later today.
I eat my hotdogs with ketchup, mustard, onions and relish...
OK...enough of that.
How many of you know a mean drunk?
I know several and they can really be difficult when they get a couple drinks in them. When they're not drinking they can be the nicest people in the world, but add alcohol and you've got instant asshole.
I am not a mean drunk and neither is Mr.Man. Drinking makes him relax and laugh more. I actually like him to get drunk occasionally because he's not as tightassed when he's had a couple. In fact we went to a birthday party for a friend once and he'd had a few drinks before we left the house. Little Beatle actually told my friend Lisa that his dad was drunk but it was ok because he was a lot more fun when he's drunk.
LMAO! Out of the mouth of babes no?
I get funnier and horny when I drink. That's not a hazard as far as I know although I've given people headaches from laughing too hard at me.
But getting back to the mean drunk thing..How do you deal with it? I'm friends with a couple of people that I adore but can't stand when they're drinking.Has anyone else experienced this and how have you handled it? Because of it, we may decline an invitation for New Years Eve and stay home instead.
Mr.Man would love that of course but I'm more of a social creature. I enjoy being out with people and doing things.I like to play a few games..have a few drinks...have a few laughs....have some damn fun! We can stay home and watch the insides of our eyelids with the TV blaring any night of the week! I really want to do something....
Anyway, with all of that stuff off my chest, this is my mood for today...
I'm feeling a little mischievous, a little contemplative, a little bored and I'm longing for some excitement!
Time to get my nose to the grindstone...bleh...
Wow Tammie, I could not agree with you more on the post today. I'm sort of wondering if you've listened in on some conversations I have had on the sex topic. My brother is a mean drunk and self destructive. Not on beer, but if he goes hard liquor he's a mean one. I just stay away from him.
ReplyDeleteI can be a mean's not flattering, but there it is. Of course, that doesn't happen so much now that I'm not living with a very mean drunk. I tend to retaliate in kind, and am much happier to be out of that shit. Now I mostly get sleepy and go to bed before there's much trouble.
ReplyDeleteAlso - I once had a relationship that was based solely on sex. It was stupid. The sex was hot as hell, but the pesky 'feelings' kept creeping in. For both of us. Not something I'd try to do again, that much is for sure.
Lastly - the threesome thing. It's most certainly NOT a way to keep a man. NO no no. If you're going there to keep him, then there's something wrong. Not that they're BAD, necessarily, but they should not be used as a last-ditch effort to keep ANYONE around. Jeez.
I don't know any MEAN drunks... but I know (am related to) quite a few obnoxious ones, and a couple of sad ones.
ReplyDeleteI just casually move out of any room they move into when I am around them... lots of practice at that over Christmas, I tell you!
Then again, now that I think about it maybe I was a little hasty on the sex thing.... no, I'm against sex buddies it's not real love.... wait threesome sounds fun.. wait no, I think it's bad.. I'll have to get back to you on this :)
ReplyDeleteThere goes my dream of you being all slutty for me.
I don't know. I've always said that if the Evil Twin died, I would probably just look for a "friend with benefits" - cause I know I wouldn't find what I have with him ever again.
ReplyDeleteCasual sex...can work out well once in a great while, but it takes both people really only being into casual sex for that (and neither being involved with someone else either). It's certainly a pale comparison to sex with strong emotional ties.
ReplyDeleteMean drunks. OMG. The first love of my life was a mean drunk. Jesus. Years later I went out drinking with him and he couldn't get to the bar to order because a guy in a wheelchair was in the way. He kicked the tires on the wheelchair and said loudly, "I would get a drink if I could get fucking BF Goodrich out of my way." I have not missed him a day since, drunk or sober.
I relish a good post.
Relish is a very good word. Nice choice. I don't know any mean drunks but if I meet one I'll let you know, Tammie.