Tuesday, June 3, 2008

They're everywhere! See! I TOLD you so...

You should SO listen to me!
I came across this little clip accidentally and discovered a new passion.
I now have a passion for Trailer Park Boys....

Apparently this show has been on Canadian TV for several years now and you can bet your ass I'd have been watching it if I was still living in Maine. I LOVE the CBC and ALWAYS watched their shows.

Of course as I have said, many times, guys like this live everywhere. Here, in Maine, in Canada..hell even in Argentina. It's just a personal thing...not a regional thing.

I actually KNOW people like Bubbles and Ricky. They could literally be based on people I have met in person who live in Van Buren or Grand Falls.

If you have a crude sense of humor like me, then check out the Trailer Park Boys on YouTube. I've been watching clips in between doing paperwork for little league...(God will it EVER end???)...and I've been laughing my ass off.

Yes I'm an adolescent. What of it. I think farts are hysterical too.

This is all you're getting today...except for the Rickisms...too damn stupid. Funny though...

I need to go wash my cakey pants. I've been trying to get a stain out though denial and error but it hasn't been working....hehehehe

See ya tomorrow. Remember, what comes around is all around...


  1. No time for vid watching - just had to say though that a good fart joke is an thing of beauty!

  2. I've seen the name "Trailer Park Boys" but I'd never seen them before. Love it!

    When I lived in Toledo I used to get CBC. I loved it too.

  3. LOL.. Finally watched the clips since I'm off work and they are pretty funny. I didn't know that women had mating names before they are married!

  4. I must say I wondered about what cakey pants were until I watched the vids. Cakey. LOL. The Evil Twin knew a guy like that and we still say certain things like "polident" for "pollen".

  5. Oh man, you have to stay out of those trailer parks! No good will come of this.

  6. I think that's so great that you guys love the CBC. When I was growing up in rural British Columbia we only got 3 channels and CBC was 2 of them. We grew up thinking CBC was badly acted low budget and booooooring. One thing that didn't happen to the CBC was massive censorship. Over the years they have become the go-to station for swears and boobies. I also love The CBC! And you are right, The Trailer Park Boys could be from anywhere.

  7. Oh man, those guys are hilarious. The funniest one is him in a jailcell talking about getting out and not smoking pot as much.

    If I can find it I'm going to send it to you.

  8. Yo. Woman.

    Got some bling bling for ya.

    Now, listen...I know you consider "bling bling" to be three or more Schlitz cans strung together around your neck...but this will have to do.

    You're welcome.

  9. I was told to watch Trailor Park Boys a year back or so, after I revealed my love of the original Degrassi Jr. High. Do these shows have anything in common? I dunno...maybe...well, fuck no they don't.

    Anyway...LOVED TPB...love love love. But, I couldn't get the last couple seasons on my Netflix. This makes me sad.

    Kitties are so nice.

  10. That show is great - someone had them all up on Daily Motion - but they are gone now. Don't forget to also find The Christmas Special, and Cart Boy. There is also a movie now.
