I might still need one today.
You see, I got some news and I'm just now sharing it with you....
Freya is pregnant.
I am going to be a grandmother.
Or a Nan Nan, as I have decided I would like to be called.
Shut up....all the other grandmother names have been taken in my family. They're all still alive, dammit. The women in my family live to be old. We're all tough broads.
Soo......how do I feel about this development?
Freya is 27 years old.
I mean, it's not uncommon for 27 year old women to have babies. I was kind of thinking that she would have a kid sooner or later anyway.
Of course I'm not thrilled that she's pregnant.
She's not in a relationship with anyone.
The father is some guy she hooked up with when she was fucking loaded.
Which leads me to the next reason I'm not thrilled.
She's been drinking and smoking and partying it up, all while taking pain meds for her back...which...by the way, is not in good shape and I have to wonder, "Can she even carry a baby to term?".
Then there's the little issue of her not having a job, or a place of her own...no medical insurance, which, by the fucking way, were things she all had when she still lived here with me but she doesn't have now that her son-of-a-bitch father insisted she quit her job and move up there so he would pay for her to go to school!
Excuse me while I take a moment, will you?

There...thank you for your patience.
So now what?
Will the bastard help her out?
Will he still pay for her to go to school?
She wasn't in a good place emotionally when he insisted she hurry up and move back home with him.
She and Caveman had just broken up and within a week, he had her completely moved out of state and with him.
You know what?
I'm just bitching so I'm going to stop.
I'm going to clean my house which is what I do when I'm upset about things.
I clean.
Then after the kids are settled in tonight, I'm going to drink and watch movies.
I just need some time to digest this mess.
I'm worried, you know?
Especially since she's up there with HIM.
He's not the most honest and supportive person in the world.
I'm done. I'm pissed and I'm scared and that's what's on my mind today.
ReplyDeletewell that does suck.
It'll be alright though. I hope that the meds/drink/etc didn't affect the kidlet negatively!
Well Freya is a grown woman and unplanned things like this happen all the time. I feel for her and the family because of the hardship this may cause medically and financially. However a baby is such an awesome thing no matter the situation. I'm sure she will make an excellent mother and you will be the freaken most awesome Nan Nan ever!!!
ReplyDelete+1 on what Ron said. Life is a messy biz....
ReplyDeletebut grandkids are the BEST (got 3 myself!)
My oldest had a baby 6 months ago under about the same circumstances. But Thankfully, it helped her to grow up a TON!!
ReplyDeleteSo Congrats on being a grandma. You get to be a GILF now.... I know you know what that means.
I think Ron needs to pursue his dgree in counseling.
ReplyDeleteThe awful part is that she's not NEAR you now, which of course hurts. Here's good thoughts for a sucessful pregnancy and eventual easy delivery.
Bitch on, sister. Bitch on.
Wow that is some news. At least you didn't get all grandma sappy on us.
ReplyDeleteJust think though with all of this stress, your house should be spotless by the end of the day!!!
Oh dear.
ReplyDeleteHoly batballs!!! Well um, CONGRATS! I hope she can pull it together for the baby! *HUGZ*
ReplyDeleteP.S. When you're pissed, can you make it my way? My house needs a good cleaning! lol
Hey I am a grandparent of three (I'm PaPa or sometimes called PaPa John LOL). You will be a great Nan Nan and you will love it.
ReplyDeleteIf I may...Just take it one day at a time, and try not to focus too much on it. I'm sure you know where your priorities are...right there in your home. Nothing can upset you, bother you, or have power over you unless you let it!
Hey, when you get time, stop by my blog. I have tagged you for an award.
I am a grandfather of 2 and it is wonderful, but challenging. Fortunately, both of my daughters are married, but the youngest didn't get married until she found out she was pregnant. Not the best situation. If Freya were to move back to Dunbar, she could get benefits from the State and wouldn't have to worry about insurance. She could also get on the WIC program which would help her out tremendously. Let me know if you need more info on these programs.
ReplyDeleteOH, and on a bright note: In addition to being a GILF, you'll also be becoming a Gougar.
ReplyDeleteSo, if she's going to school up there, is she covered under some sort or school insurance.
ReplyDeleteOh, wow. I'm wavering between saying I'm sorry and yelling 'Congratulations, Nan Nan!'
ReplyDeleteSo I'll give you both.
You and yours are in my thoughts, BG.
Things will be ok, they will work. If she is a single, unemployed and disabled woman who is pregnant, she should qualify for medicaid. At least in this state she would hands down. Ask them to look into that. It would pay for everything for her and the baby, including meds, tests, hospitalization, the birth...the works.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Ron, but I don't blame you for being upset. I hope it all works out well.
ReplyDeleteSend it up here to MA, at least she will have insurance
ReplyDeleteWow, I can see this from all sides. My youngest daughter was 21 when she made the announcement...and NO, there is no father in the picture (sperm pop as we call him.) In a perfect world things would have been different, but we take the cards we are dealt. I hope this pregnancy is a wakeup call to your daughter, for the health of the baby. Congratulations are in order though! I will be thinking about you and hope the house is cleaned by now and you have calmed down a wee bit! :)