Tiff gets to interview me! She really worked it baby. She whored all the people she knew to get over here and vote for her.

So I'm preparing mentally...
Now...real quick I'll fill you in on the bullshit that transpired yesterday.
First of all, I'd like to make a quick point.
A large majority of teens today think they have their shit together.
NOTHING seems to shock them....they're bi-sexual, pierce their genitals and try drugs just for shits and giggles.
At least these three things cover the majority of the kids who attend Veggie Stick and Miss KIA's school.
So please explain to me how these same worldly people can appear to be so outraged by a rumor that someone has cheated on their boyfriend?
Yes people...that was the crisis that hit my household yesterday.
Frowie broke up with Veggie Stick because he believed a rumor that she'd cheated on him with another boy.
A rumor...
Then he went to school and told everyone. They, in turn, not only sent Veggie Stick nasty "You're a whore"..."You're a slut" text messages all day, she even got them from people she doesn't even know.
AND to make matters even worse they made the effort to tell kids that go to school with Little Beatle. Kids in HIS school were making comments about his sister being a slut.
He went to the bathroom and texted me to come pick him up around 1:30. He said he felt sick but he was really just VERY upset.
When Miss KIA got home, she said random people she who don't even know her or Veggie Stick were coming up to her and asking her what it was like to have a whore for a sister.
I suppose I don't need to tell you that both Frowie and Veggie Stick are popular kids. Maybe that even has a lot to do with it.
But you know, I don't remember people attacking with such viciousness when another popular girl, who had hid her pregnancy from her parents for five months, finally told them about it and showed up at school one day, over five months pregnant and definitely showing it.
I don't get it.
And I certainly don't understand the nature of this attack.
I actually had to involve the vice principal in it because of the unlimited amount of nasty, threatening texts people sent Veggie Stick.
I could understand it if it was coming from people who are friends with Frowie, but this is widespread and is involving the entire school. AND it spilled over into Little Beatle's school.
Is this normal behavior for teens?
Because if it is, then our country is in trouble.
It's a rumor....it's not even true.
A RUMOR has turned my entire family's life upside down.
Today, I have to take Veggie Stick in to the school to meet with the counselor and talk with her. Then I will talk to the vice principal again.
I don't know what to do.
And while Miss KIA did go to school today, she didn't want to. She was being harassed too.
Little Beatle is still home and I will take him in late. The counselor at his school is doing damage control there.
I would have NEVER in a million years ever believed something like this could turn into such a volatile situation.
And I would have NEVER believed that something like this could have so much influence on such a "broad minded and worldly" group of kids.
Yeah...apparently you can be gay or bi and pregnant and you can drink and get high and pierce everything that's showing and not showing but if you're popular and someone says you've cheated on your boyfriend, then you are crucified and that whole, "Live and let live" attitude flies right the fuck out the window.
I may be occupied with this situation for a few days but I'll try to keep you posted. Right now my priority is to find a way to allow my children to go to school and get an education without being targeted and harassed.
I'm sure it will take Tiff a few days to think of some real good stuff to ask me anyway....
Teens will be teens, nothing fair or right about it. Now as far as all the people joining the bandwagon has to be a peer pressure thing to take down the popular kid. It's like being a celebrity and the only thing people like more than a celebrity is trashing them when they do (or are rumored to have done) something that makes them human. Sorry your family is going through this shit, but at least she will learn who her true friends are from this event and who are just wastes of skin.
ReplyDeleteIn my experience, it is mostly the pretty girls who get trashed by rumors. They are started by the homely girls who are jealous, or by guys whom they have turned down. Of course, I never experienced that while cell phones and text messages were available. I am sure that makes it 200% worse nowadays.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, BG, and I hope that it all gets straightened out soon. I think it is a safe bet to say that no one will be learning anything in that school for at least a few days.
It's a variation of the "herd mentality". If there's the slightest indication that one of the herd is somehow different, then they all gang up on the "outsider" to show that they're still part of the group.
ReplyDeleteI know you don't want to hear this, but your kids could well end up going to different schools just to get away from the nonsense.
And, yes, the country IS in trouble.
Color me stunned...that kind of crap is beyond hurtful, and to have it spread through the whole frigging TOWN? Unforgivable.
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to you, BG. Strength to you and yours.
I want to say "You have GOT to be kidding me!" but I already see such cruelty among the girls in elementary school here. It's terrible, and I continue to hope that my own girls will not take part in such BS behavior. OR become targets. My heart goes out to all of you. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteUgh, poor Veggie Stick!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad my teen years are behind me. They are so vicious and unpredictable it's a wonder we don't all have whiplash. And now with texting and facebook, as soon as kids smell blood in the water it's last kid standing.
But yeah, I never thought about that contradiction of 'everything's okay' and then falling apart on a rumor. What's up with all that anyways?
huh, schools!
Time to go all Blonde Goddess Super Hero on their asses.
Yes, and this is just a tip of the iceberg of what is going wrong in this country. Main problem is parents (not you) that don't give their children much attention, so they go to school and create situations that draw attention to themselves, even when it destroys another child's self-esteem or image. Like a poster said above, this kind of thing let's you know who your true friends are. I would give the vice-principal at all of the schools your 3 children attend the messages that were texted to your daughter and have them contact those kids' parents. If the harrassment doesn't stop, then you need to contact a school board member, the superintendent himself or even legal counsel. Sad state of affairs going on in this country - it's morals have just gone down the drain.
ReplyDeleteOh how absolutely awful! I have been there and done this and it's sooooo tough! My youngest was 13 when she "met" a 20 yr old here in our town. She lied and said she was 16 and sort of looked like it. Apparently she snuck out repeatedly at night to hang out with him at his apartment...and was finally "caught" by an alert neighbor who snitched her off to me. Needless to say, the police were involved and I had him arrested. Word got around her school and the nasty names began. She was devastated and at times I think she wanted to take out a few girls who were instigating the entire thing. Eventually, she went to a boarding school for a year...and things simmered down. Girls are the problem...and they can be sooooo hateful! I am so glad I am not a teen today! Scary and difficult. I wish you all the best as you deal with this situation. Sending thoughts and prayers your way! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! I appreciate your support and kindness. Blessings, Lisa
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you guys are having to deal with this stupidity. I don't have older children, so I have no experience there, but something tells me that a lot has changed since WE were teens..... Let me know if you need anything.
ReplyDeletethis really pisses me off!
ReplyDeleteanon hit the nail exactly on the head. parents are housing and feeding their fuckin brats and then basically ignoring them, so they run loose wreaking havoc on our kids.
as you know, bg, i am just coming out of my own hell with the teenage bullshit. if i were in your position, this is what i'd do. i can't control the minds of a bunch of teenage losers that i didn't give birth to. and i don't want the crisis aftermath to be the youth of the community calling my kids babies and tattle-tellers because my mother got so deeply involved. i would call a family meeting to strengthen my young troops. i would remind them that THEY are awesome and the teenage derelicts harassing them are neglected and destined for failure. i would explain that THIS is life and they are being prepared for WORSE shit than this.
my daughters grew up hearing me say to situations we were powerless over: "it builds character."
i would explain that they simply have to suck it up and keep movin. shit happens. the more they ignore it, the quicker we can all get thru this. the only opinions that TRULY matter (a reminder in case they foolishly forgot) is their family. reminder to the troops: when the world shits on you, as it will again and again, family's got your back!
good luck!
Teens are the MEANEST bottom feeders of the earth. They are searching for someone to topple, and usually someone they're jealous of. This is a lesson in learning how to right this injustice and kick some ass!
ReplyDeleteoh that poor girl. I have been exactly where she is today. Well, not exactly, it was cruel notes, wall writing, and calls to my home phone rather than texts, but the crux was the same.
ReplyDeleteShe'll survive, but she'll probably have a very hard time trusting anyone again, and that is the real crime here.
Huge, huge, huge hugs to all of you.
PS, give me that little bastards name and address and I'll mail him a special gift that my dogs made with love.
Holy fuckshit.
ReplyDeleteGood luck.
If you need someone to take that kid out, let me know. I'm pretty short and could probably walk around that school undetected.
Plus I'm a white belt in karate. That means I know at least one move.
Ignore my broken hand.
Congrats to Tiff! I know she is over the moon about this. And she certainly did whore herself out for votes! Good for her.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the Veggie Stick drama... Kids are terribly mean. I hope this blows over and I hope Frowie sticks up for her eventually. It hurts and I hate that for her. :(
Perhaps next time they'll slap a scarlet letter "A" on her when they think she's cheated? Perhaps they'll stone her to death? We used to read about this sort of thing in school. I'm guessing they don't anymore.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in school, some of us were actually taught to think for ourselves, to question the sources of things we were told, to question the motives behind things people said, to question the things that "everybody knows". But since the advent of political correctness, all of that has gone away. All we have now is group-think, otherwise known as no-think.
It's an Oprah Winfrey world now. All she has to do is claim he beat her and suddenly the mob will turn like blood-crazed sharks and tear him to pieces. Meanwhile, whomever it was who told him that she was cheating will get away scot-free. Last time I saw something even close to this, the source of the lie turned out to be the girl's so-called 'best friend', who was simply jealous of all the time she was spending with her boyfriend instead of with the friend. Just something to think about.
Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that you and your family are going through this nightmare. Things like this shouldn't happen in an intelligent society. Unfortunately, we aren't as intelligent as we used to be. If it gets any worse, I would advise you to call a lawyer and see what can be done. This is outrageous.
It just sucks, all of it. Especially girls. They can be so nasty and mean.
ReplyDeleteWe're dealing with the same kind of crap at our son's school right now, but it's more physical torment than verbal/mental.
How sad! Not to mention, texting during school hours in our county is verboten. What is this nonsense of it involving Little Beatle... what is with this lemming-like behavior? I would hurt my son if I ever found out he was targeting someone and making their life miserable. My point - so what if she did? Why is it everyone's business all of a sudden?
ReplyDeleteDo these young people not have enough to do???
Dammit, I'm not going to be the last one to comment this time LOL
ReplyDeleteCongrats to TIFF...so looking forward to reading it.
Hey BG, you forgot to mention then teens are stretching giant holes in the ear lobes! They usually have a button like thing that pops in and out. Their ear lobes will be hanging past their tits in a few years! I don't know what that is called. They start out with a small one, so you don't really know what they have done until it's too late! They progress to bigger and bigger ones!
oh yeah, I remember my daughter's teen years and all the drama! I feel for ya! I wish I had some advice for ya, but I know kids are different than they were 10 yrs ago! Nothing would shock me though about teen behavior.
Did you have to spend a fortune on prom dresses!? OMG It gets more extravagant every year!
Principal needs to call an assembly of the students and have them watch that movie "Money Can't Buy Me Love". At the end of the movie, they all realize what assholes each other and themselves are.
ReplyDeleteIt has a way of making people feel guilty for being dicks to other people.
I am so glad my kids never had any real "issues" in high school. I hope it all works out.
I'm so sorry that V-S is going through this. I hope that the gossip mongers get exactly what they deserve.
ReplyDeleteSo much for him buying for into the rumor. Probably started by some chick that is after him. V-S holds her head high and legitimately say "whatever" and moves on. I guess her rep has taken a 'dent' right now and that's a drag. He probably has a chick or two on the side anyway. They'll see.
ReplyDeleteAll the crap these kids deal with today boils down to the empty lives these teens lead when their parents are either not around to parent, too busy to parent, or think parenting consists of buying and or providing things for said teen. Kids who have the supportive loving parents become the victims of this shit. As a parent of...let's just say several teens and future teens, I see a lot of this kind of crap. It's always stepped up a few notches when the kid is popular or has good grades or maybe even, God forbid, displays some sort of morals or ethics. Then they become true targets. I'm sorry your kids have to go through this, but these things do pass and the truth, more or less, eventually comes out. They'll survive and thrive with the support and love of you and Mr. Man. That's how it's meant to be.
There is nothing funny about this. I have a 4-year old and this is one of my biggest fears for her, no matter what school I choose to try and avoid it.
ReplyDeletePrior to the days of texting and cellies, I was also the one who was picked on, fake rumors, etc. It's NOT fun, and makes you want to just quit school. You have to develop a really thick skin, and even that doesn't keep out the pain.
I hope this all blows over. Are there ANY kids who don't have cell phones these days?
This makes me sick. and I think people do it because they don't like popular girls" out of jealousy and want to bring them down. You read about this kind od shit happening alot.
ReplyDeleteI'm heartbroken for her and for everyone it's trickled down to. Please let us know how it works out.
What do I get for second place?
ReplyDeleteA reacharound? What?