Monday, April 6, 2009


I'm really pissed off today.
I've tried to shake it off, but I'm still mad as hell.

Last night I tried to help someone out by warning them about a situation I was aware of that could potentially get them in a lot of trouble. AND I tried to diffuse things so it wouldn't go any further than it had.
I was concerned, you know?

And instead of being grateful for my concern and help, I got accused of starting shit.


Fuck em...that's what I say.

You know, it would be different if I wasn't supposed to be friends with this person, but it's apparent to me that they are not my friend. Hell, they don't even know who I am if they're accusing me of doing something to potentially hurt them.I should have known better though.
We've had our disagreements before and I am always accused of being the bad guy...doing something bad...having bad motives for things.
Yet I've kept going back and allowing them to treat me like shit.

Well I'm done with it.

There will be no more chances. Not that this person would EVER apologize anyway. It's not in their vocabulary.

I wish I was as fucking perfect as they think they are...

And that's about all I have to say for today.

I'll be back tomorrow with a recap of the Spandex Hell weekend...good times with lots of interesting stories. Plus I'm taking the girls prom dress shopping tonight. If that's not blog fodder I don't know what is.

And don't forget to vote on the poll. Looks like Tiff is winning but that could day of voting left.

Sorry for bitching today but you know, a woman can only take so much. Sometimes I'm going to have a bad day and be in a sour mood.
I'll get over's not worth staying mad about.

Be back tomorrow...


  1. That's the thanks we get for trying to help someone. Why do they always 'shoot the messenger?'

  2. I've totally done something similar before. I spoke to someone hoping to diffuse a situation before it got bad and ended up setting the whole thing off. What is that saying? "No good deed goes unpunished."

  3. It's final.

    I'm going to hunt down that person and tell them that they're an a-hole.

  4. wait, you know my husband? I thought you looked familiar.

  5. Eff em. Life is too damn short and stress kills.

  6. stop trying to be a good girl and stay out of people's shit! i feel your pain, girlie. i had to learn the hard way. life's short. don't make that mistake again. now zip it and come back with some prom dress-shopping fodder! ;)

  7. How the hell did moog pull ahead?

    NO FAIR!

  8. Some folks think so highly of themselves that any idea that didn't originate in their tiny cranium must be of the devil.

  9. Yea, people suck. Really really really suck.

    That is all.

  10. I don't have time for people like that anymore...good that you know that about them now. Their loss.

  11. Vote for Malach, my interview will be a audio file! It could be like phone sex!

  12. Some people just suck Sweets. It's how they roll!

  13. I don't like any of those options. I'll interview you. Will you be topless?

  14. SOmetimes "youre damned if you do,damned if you dont" with certain friends,and you always know who they are. IF you're gonna have friends like that (I have one) then keep them on a LONG not short leash. ITs sad, but they ARE THE ONES with the problems, so fuck THEM!!! They'll figure it out one day, and see you were a good person, after they make a fool out of themselves for not listening to you.
    And as for AMEN, well thanks honey, at least you gave me my Amen, although I didnt understand it :)

  15. Aren't we lucky to have a place like this to vent? Look how loved you are darlin!

    Can't wait to hear about spandex and prom dresses....oh is it not sooo wrong that I just used both of those words in a sentence together? hehe!

  16. oh man . . . screw all that 'friend' shit. Life's too short, ya know?

    Prom dress shopping? Fun. I'll be doing prom suit shopping soon. Can't wait.

    But yeah . . . crappy day here too. Wishing you a better week ahead.

    Kiss Kiss

  17. I'm voting for moooooog because apparently I am the female moooooog so I would love to hear what my male counterpart has to say. You know, to take notes and stuff. We gotta be on the same page here.

  18. Some folks don't want to be told the truth, they want to be told what they want to hear... and sometimes, ya gotta cut those people loose.

  19. Evevn though it looks like I'm the winner in the polls, I won't celebrate until everything's all better in YOUR world.

    It was a stress-induced stomachache day here yesterday too. It, fortunately, DID pass.
