That's bad...
It's bad because I made a clean spot in a couple of places and now I need to continue. So....this means today after helping with Little Beatle's activities, I will be tackling another part of my house and cleaning it up.
How's my house look right now, you ask?
Part of it looks like this...

Messy! Messy! Messy! Complete with the yellow cat in the middle of it too...
BUT...there is part of my house where you can see the floor now and walk freely through out without injury or fear of attack...

Notice the clean floor? Of course the cartoon in itself it HILARIOUS so I figured it could serve to entertain me AND illustrate the clean floor.
I've never really been much of a cleaner. I spent most of my time outdoors as a child and being a tomboy normally didn't involve fussing with make-up, hair or being overly concerned about a clean room.
I spent my time riding bikes, snow mobiles, playing sports and rough-housing with the boys.When I did actually put in some domestic time, it was normally forced on me or done because I was getting paid to do it.If I had to choose between working outside on the farm on cleaning, I'd choose the farm work.
Except for cooking.
The first time I cooked something with my great-grandmother I was in heaven. I loved the savory smells, the sound of things frying and boiling and baking...the way bread dough felt beneath my was wonderful and I was hooked!
So...housekeeping isn't one of my best assets, but I can cook and I do cook...a lot. We go out to eat at a sit down restaurant maybe three or four times a year.
Feeding our faces is always a Maybe not so much a priority. I do have to have a clean kitchen to cook in. The dining room table has to be cleared off so we can eat dinner together. The bathroom has to be clean...most of the time anyway...but the bedrooms? I shut the doors. Can't see the floor? Oh well...who cares as long as the bed is cleared off?
I've got some projects stacked up in corners of the dining room and we have a few too many magazines and books, but we're readers...all of us. Everyone in my house has a book they're reading right now. How many kids do you know who actually want to read anymore?
So...a clean house isn't always a priority. know what they say about a clean house....

Today's word will be "dishes". I plan to attack Veggie Stick and Miss KIA with it as soon as they get home. Both of them want money to go out this weekend and neither one of them will get any unless they do chores. So this means that they will begin to argue about which one will wash dishes as soon as they get home. I will scream and yell and act accordingly every time they say the word of the day..."dishes".
They will be forced to stop arguing about it because they'll be too busy finding creative ways to describe "dishes" using other words. For example...It's your turn to wash the vessels that food is eaten from. I did it last time!This should lower the volume and angst and allow them to come to a civil solution.

Yes...I know I am a genius. Don't's not necessary.I do what I need to because I have two teen-aged daughters.
Yesterday sucked. But sometimes it's those sucky days that come blasting into you life, leaving you full of emotional shrapnel that gives you new determination and resolve to change things.
I still feel pretty upset about it today, but I'm not crying and I'm feeling more calm and accepting of things.
It is what it is. To want more is asinine and it's not going to happen. Like I said, I make it impossible for someone to love me because I make it too easy for them to use me.
I understand what drives me to allow people to walk all over me...ESPECIALLY the people I love. It's left over residue from my childhood.I'll leave it at that. I don't particularly care to share anymore about it, so let's move on shall we?
Have you ever done anything crazy when you've been upset over a love interest or spouse? I'm talking about stuff like...driving like a madman or redialing a busy number a hundred times or beating your chest..(which I did yesterday (I looked like King Kong) while crying and yelling COLD BASTARD over and over again)...pretty funny stuff today but terribly pathetic yesterday...hahahaha...
So dish...tell me a few of the craziest things you've ever done! Surely to god I'm not the only psycho out there. SOME ONE has had to have done at least one of the crazy things I mentioned or worse.
With that is my mood today...

I'm sore...all over. I think it's left over from yesterday and I'll leave it at that. I really have no desire to allow a man to make me feel that bad about myself again...or that INSANE. Why does he make me feel so INSANE!!!
Please!!! Share your crazy stories!!! I need to know I'm not the only nut job in the universe!!! Some one at some time must have made you so upset you've temporarily lost your mind!!!
Men are from the Devil...that is all...have a great day.
Tammie - I was married to someone who made me think that every problem in the universe was because I did something wrong. It sucked, and made me defensive, nuts, and sad. I guess walking out on him COULD be considered to be crazy, but I'd never felt so at peace; at that moment or in the year since. ;)
ReplyDeleteBack in the day (when I was dating around), I stalked a boy that I thought was cheating on me. Oh, I stalked, and I stalked, and I made myself sick with anxiety. Turns out he WAS cheating, and so my stalking was partway vindicated, but still....I could have just come right out and ASKED him, couldn't I?
Enjoy that housecleaning, mmmkay?
Ummmmm.... I've always been perfectly rational and sane... OK maybe I have gotten a little emotional at some point and maybe just a tad worked up and not thinking clearly. Thank god I was able to vent some of that crazy to a friend I know :)
ReplyDeleteThe rest of my life has been designated to be spent correcting/repenting/kissing a lot of ass stemming from something I did in a fit of crazy.
ReplyDeleteNuff said.
Or, a clean house is a sign you're married to a former Air Force guy and he has unattainable standards. I've learned to tune out complaints. LOL.
ReplyDeleteHoly Crap. Checkout the gams on that evil twin's wife... First the cleavage from cleveland and now this? Sweeeeet! I'm going to photoshop me an evil twin's wife composite and drive my avatar crazy.
ReplyDeleteBut first! A comment! Tammie, do you realize that your mood today is the model for the universal sign of choking?
It's true.
I would totally share some of my crazy with you, but I need to make sure of the statute of limitations first.