I was being chased by a mob, right down the middle of Dunbar Avenue. It was no ordinary mob though....it was a mob consisting of old women. They were ambling along with walkers and canes, carrying their purses of death. A few were using their oxygen as flame throwers and were being helped by the ones in their scooters.

The whole thing was pretty damn scary.
Yeah...Yeah...I know. Old women are not frightening you say. Of course you haven't been subjected to them the way I have. And believe me, they don't like me. I have been abused many times at the hands of old women. I've been hit by their huge cars and run into by their shopping carts. I've been sneered at, snorted at and sniffed at. I have had the purse of death blow to the head or, depending on the height of the old lady in question, a blow to the lower back, which is deadlier and hurts more.
They've tricked me with their little old lady sweetness so I've offered to help and reached up to a higher shelf for them, only to have them ram into my shin with their cart after I've retrieved the item they couldn't reach.
Yes...old women are scary and they frighten me. They just don't like me...well the majority of them don't like me. So I avoid them at all cost. There is no shopping on Elderly Hell Days, like today. It's saved me from a lot of injury let me tell ya.
Last nights dream was scary...VERY SCARY....
Anyway...I need to change the subject or I'll have the creeps all day long.
What was your favorite toy when you were a kid?
I had several favorites.
When I was younger my little brother and I would play with our Fisher Price Little People.

Yeah...they were the older,"if-you-put-this-in-your-mouth-you-could-choke-to-death" version of Little People. And we didn't choke to death. In fact, if you look at all the toys that have been outlawed or revamped because they posed a choking hazard or were responsible for a death, it makes me wonder how many kids of my generation actually died in the seventies. There has to be a significant number to have caused this widespread panic and eventual elimination of some of my favorite childhood toys...
Little People were the SHIT I'm telling you...
We spent HOURS playing with them...
I wasn't even annoyed that all of my brother's farm animals barked. We could entertain ourselves for hours...and in northern Maine when the winter snow is keeping you inside, that's a good thing.
Another one of my favorite toys was the Bionic Woman.

My brother had the Bionic Man and I had her. We played for hours with them too. Everything was great too until my mother bought me that stupid Farrah Fawcett doll that was so popular...

I thought the damn doll was fugly. Jamie Sommers used to kick her ass I'm telling you. Good times...good times...
While I wasn't much of a dolly person there was one doll that I loved and adored. In fact, I still have her. It's Baby Crissy. Here's a picture of me holding her...

Yeah I look high but they didn't realize the effects that second hand smoke had on you then and my mother was somewhat of a hippie...free love, glass bongs and acid trips...etc...
ANYWAY...Baby Crissy was the love of my life. I can't tell you how old I was before I actually stopped sleeping with her. I was still a virgin so it wasn't that old..maybe 20 0r 21....HAHAHAHA...SHUT UP!!! I know what you're thinking...
I kind of gave up on the toy scene as soon as I realized what sports were. I would ride my bike all over creation to play baseball, soccer, basketball, touch football, hockey, LaCrosse, frisbee or just ride bikes over dirt piles and skin the hide off my body.

I became a tomboy and then the dolls were put away.
But it was all good. I had loads of fun and learned that even if you skin all the hide off your body, it grows back...LOL.
Mr.Man talks about his dad giving them M-80's when he was a kid. Then telling him and his brother, "Don't blow your fingers off," and letting them go. I could tell you a few of the stories he's told me about him and his brother and their explosives, but I don't know what the statute of limitations is and I wouldn't want to get anyone in trouble.
We used to play guns too. We'd use our fingers or old sticks that kind of looked like a gun and then we'd hunt each other down and shoot. BANG BANG! You're dead Ray Ray! Of course Ray Ray would run off and I'd be screaming "CHEATER" which would allow Russell to find me and kill me. Then I'd find Ray Ray and kick his ass for getting me killed. Man...what fun!
You just don't see kids playing games like that anymore. In fact, the last time my kids tried to play spotlight, the Elderly Hell patrol called the police and they put a stop to that nonsense. TWO police cars responded...TWO..and the kids were sent home. It was barely nine in the evening and the curfew on the weekends is 11. I was very irritated...especially since the kids weren't in anyone's yards.

Damned Elderly Hell patrol...
I think the word of the day for today will be "old". I'm thinking that between the old Elderly Hell Day bats out there vying for the right to maim or injure me and the trip down memory lane, "old" could be a fun word of the day. I can't help but love the look on people's faces when the word of the day pops out of their mouth and I begin clapping my hands and yelling and laughing.
It gets me a second look I'm telling you. For those of you looking for a conversation breaker, there's nothing that will get you a reaction faster than a word of the day. you might even meet that someone "special" by using it.
With all that said...here is my mood for today...
I feel hyper. It's probably the only thing that will help get me through this week. There is no school and the kids are restless. They don't do anything to entertain themselves either...not like we used to. I'm trying not to kill them and/or lay around drunk all week.
TRYING..is the key word here...mmmmkay?
I'll be back tomorrow...
We just called those first ones "peoples". I had loads of peoples and that farm house and a school. I loved them. I also had the Bionic Woman barbie and a Chrissy, but not baby one. I had the one who looked like teen Chrissy with the retractable hair top knot thingy. You pressed her belly button to pull the hair out or twisted a knob on her back to make the hair shorter.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I didn't get to WalMart yesterday, so I have to go today. Wanna come with me? I'll protect you - I'm much taller than all the old ladies.
I remember the teen one too. I never got her but my friend Yvette had her and the blond one that went with her. What was her name?
ReplyDeleteAn invitation to WalMart on Elderly Hell day?
I'd have to be drunk. And I have too much work to do so I can't be smashed by noon today...damnit.
I got your message but I'm pressed for time trying to get the rosters completed. Seems that everyone is rushing to get registered at the last minute.
Lunch next week sounds great. Let me know which day and I'll clear my schedule...
Remember bikes with banana seats? We thought they were the coolest.
ReplyDeleteYeah the bike with the banana seat was the bomb! I had one. It was white with an orange seat. I LOVED it. Unfortunately it was crushed beneath the wheels of a truck because I left it in the driveway.
Have you ever seen the movie "Logan's Run"? It would solve your problems with the elderly.
ReplyDeleteI had the barn I think. If you opened the door I think it would Moo at you. Good times...
Those were the days weren't they? So fun to be a kid in the 70's. . .
ReplyDeleteScooby Doo lunch box
Banana seat bike in sparkly yellow
Bonne Bell lip gloss on a string so you could hang it around your neck
Dorothy Hamil hair cut
Tiger Beat magazine
Uh oh, you better not read my blog today, the word old is mentioned way too many times.
ReplyDeleteI had that barn! It would Mooooo when you opened the door. After a few years I took the moo machine out of it so I could have the moo where ever I went. Found out there wasn't a lot of need to have a moo every where I went.
We played guns a lot as well, I remember many times stalking other kids with a gun shaped stick in my hand. And I was good at it, must have been the Indian blood in me. Uh, Native American blood in me. Damn kids were supposed to count to 10 before they could get up and be alive again. Some kids can count to ten really fast, like it's all one word. Cheaters. Of course I would blow them away again. Good times.
I had a 'hair growing doll"named Velvet - she was tall with blonde hair and a dark purple minidress....push her stomach to crank the hair....her eyes closed when she was on her back.
ReplyDeleteHeh. Poor GI Joe.
I had Barbie and SKipper nad tons of dolls too, but hardly EVER played with them. I was up at the creek.
Hey - I'm on the mood to slap old people today - want I should bat a few around for you?
How old is old, anyway?
ReplyDeleteI like older women, meaning about 5 to ten years "older" than I, is that old?
Hey, kiddo, watch who you're calling an old lady, ya heah??!!
ReplyDeleteI played with crayons, scissors, paste and paper, rode my bike, had a few dolls (baby dolls) and a doll house. My dolls used to kiss each other...heh. (and they were all girls, too. They didn't have boy dolls in the 40's)
Remember Weebles? Weebles wobble - but they don't fall down? My kids had them and all the Fisher Price houses, barn, school, garage, etc. I loved them all, and I was too stupid to save them for my grandkids!
Old isn't an age...it's the way a person acts.
ReplyDeleteThe women who torment me have no sense of humor and still think they have to close their eyes when their husband takes his shirt off. There is no joy in their eyes or spirit in the way they move.
The way they act is what makes them seem so old.
I don't really know how old any of them are but I'd guess in their mid 70's to mid 80's.
They aren't very happy looking and they certainly don't seem to be able to get around very well.
I use the term old because to me, they seem like they're hundreds of years old.
My Nana is 76 and I don't consider her to be old.
Then again, I have a friend who is three years younger than me who acts like she's lived several lifetimes and she's worn out and sour... (she's 38)
Wyldth1ng...I'm not old...Kenju is not old. Old is a frame of mind. The women who abuse me are old and have been old their entire life.
Kenju...I'm no kiddo! HAHAHAHA! Then again...you're no old lady!
Peoples WERE teh shit! I loved that door on the barn that went "MMmmerrrr" I mean,, hell, I was like 8 or 9 or something and it still cracked me up! who am I joking,, it STILL cracks me up! I also loved my Donnie and Marie dolls and my My Friend Mandy doll. I wasn't much of a doll person either but I did love to sew and you could get patterns to sew for My Friend Mandy. That made her a winner in my book.
ReplyDeleteDid your blog start on May 25, 2007? I thought I might read it as a book...