I've been killing myself with paperwork.
I am ready to grab my briefcase and chuck it through the window...or better yet, I'd like to take it up on the interstate bridge and empty the contents down onto Macorkle Avenue while doing the LaLaLaLa dance.

Yes...the LaLaLa dance....handed down from generation to generation. It's amazing the abilities one learns from one drunken generation of Swedes to another...
Truly, it is an art in itself.
I'm finally on the home stretch to finishing everything and as I sit here typing my little fingers to the bone, I have been contemplating what I want to do tonight. It's warm out and I'm thinking that a little drinking and naked LaLaLa dancing around the fire in the back yard might be in order. It is Wednesday night after all and here in Jesus Land, it's considered a night of holiness for what ever religion you practice.
I believe I might be placed under "Pagan" in the religion department. I don't seem to fall into any other category. I enjoy nudity and fires WAY too much to be a Baptist or a Catholic.
I was raised a Lutheran but apparently that's pretty close to being a Pagan, according to many people I've discussed that with since I moved down here.
Let's just say that my church experiences since I've moved down here haven't been the best experiences.
In fact, while you may find this incredulous,at one time I was actually accused of being a witch.
I was even going to church at the time.
I'm serious...it was just like the early Salem Witch Trials...
There was a couple who went to church with me that scrutinized me and analyzed everything I said and did. They are the ones who actually accused me of being a witch. They said that everything ranging from my likability to the way I dressed was the cause of their suspicion. I wore silver rings, which was witchy, and the cross I wore around my neck looked 'devilish' to them. PLUS the Swedish I spoke was actually my way of casting spells on people.

Yeah...they were both NUTS. Sadly, there were other people, who were good church people who bought into their madness and I was shunned.
Seriously...I was shunned by people I went to church with.
I still went. I knew they were all crazy. But it was the beginning of the end for me. I eventually felt that I'd had enough of religious organizations and decided to stop going to church. Occasionally you may find me at a particular church here in my home town, but I don't go regularly and I won't.
I prefer the one on one experience and plan to teach my children in the same manner. If that makes me a Pagan or a witch or what ever, then so be it. I'd prefer to allow my children the freedom to worship without being picked apart and scrutinized for it, thank you very much.
If you're affiliated with a church and you're having a wonderful experience, then I'm very happy for you and I hope that some day, I will find that place in my own life. I have no doubt that when my children become adults, they too will find their own place in the religious organizations and make their home somewhere that suits them.
I've just decided to give them a foundation and allow them to build their own house.
We'll leave it at that.
There's been more discussion at my house about me getting a job.
I really feel like the time has arrived. There is, however, one small issue that prevents me from going out there and applying.
I NEED to go home to Maine every year.
It's not even a matter of want...I NEED to. In order to keep my sanity, I have to go. I need to see my Nana...my brother and his family...my aunt, my cousins, my mother...etc...
I spend the entire year feeling at odds, even after living down here for 15 years, and I replenish my spirit the two weeks I'm there.
I go up there feeling empty...washed out and transparent.
I come home, full again...colorful and solid.
I just NEED it. I can't explain it. You would know what I mean if you were living away from the place who made you who you are. Then you'd know.
Tonight I have to run a few errands and bring some paperwork around to people. Then I think I shall come home and read. I have a stack of books I've been meaning to get to and I finally finished the four I was reading. It seems like I hadn't been stuck in the car as often as I normally am, or maybe it's just that I was on the phone while I was waiting. Anyway, it took me several weeks to finish them all and now I can begin with a few new books.
For what it's worth, I need to read too. It makes me feel like I can still think...and believe me...there are days when I feel like my brain is mush. Reading keeps my mind alive I suppose.
Today's word will be, "can".
Yep...just plain old "can". The kids are off from school this week and they're asking if they "can" do this or if they "can" do that...blah blah blah...
Right now Veggie Stick is so pissed off at me she's cleaning her room. THAT NEVER happens so annoying her with the word of the day not only prevented her from asking me if she could so the same thing over and over again, even after I said no fifty times, it also motivated her to clean the mess I'd asked her to clean for the last few months.
I just love having a word of the day sometimes...

I need to get over to the ball field soon, so that's all I have for you today. This was a little late getting started but I needed to get my responsibilities in order first. When I get home, before I start my book, I'm going to have a Samuel Adams Pale Ale or two and read my blog roll. Really, you should check that out. They're all quite talented and very enjoyable. I hate missing a day of reading them.
With that said, here is my mood today...

Need I say more?
Have a nice "hump evening" and I'll be back tomorrow...