I didn't intend for it to be so crazy but it was...
It all began on Friday night. I made plans to help out a "little" bit at the concession stand for the show choir. It was the homecoming game and the rival football teams were playing. I figured it would be busy but there would be enough people to work and I'd get a chance to watch part of the game even.
Heh Heh...yeah...SURE...
We worked our asses off! It was INSANE and the only thing I can compare it to was last years homecoming game where I not only worked like a dog, but I was also squirted in the face with whipped cream by some guy I'd never met (and I won't repeat what he suggested) AND another complete stranger pulled my braids and told me I was adorable. (I wonder how 'adorable' he would have felt with my foot landing in his gonads?)
Friday night I wasn't approached by any weirdos but then again, it was HOT. I dehydrated from sweating so much. I had duck butter (boob sweat) in my freakin shoes. It was miserable and I looked like a crack whore by half time. Believe me...I looked BAD. And I was too tired to care, so whatever...kept the weirdos away and that was a good thing.
I got home about midnight. For some strange reason it took us that long to get things cleaned up. We all wandered around, sweaty, greasy, sticky and didn't seem to know which end was up. It kind of reminded me of a strip club at closing time...(and no, I won't tell you how I know about that kind of thing. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.)
Saturday morning I had planned to clean my house and relax. I had a roast in the fridge to cook and thought we'd spend some time watching a movie.
I thought wrong.
Bryan ended up calling me and telling me that we had to work bingo for Little League.
Oh fucking joy....
So I cleaned some, called Nana, spent two hours cleaning up all of the dishes and fryers and crock pots from the previous night and then went to work Bingo at 4:30.
That was special let me tell you...
There is something very "Twilight Zone-ish" about a large smoke filled room with old people playing bingo and losing money.
Of course you all know that old white ladies hate me. Well...seems that they don't think I'm lucky either.
There were a couple of them, sitting with Troll dolls with pink and purple hair in front of them who refused to buy anything from me because I was "unlucky".
I'm not superstitious so I don't get the whole "luck" thing. I'm not into charms, although some younger guy tried to tell me he kept his "lucky charms" in his pants and would I like to see them?
Lots of the people there have on either lucky shirts or hats or rabbit foot keychains or whatever. There are plenty of shrines of one sort or another too..And as they play bingo and they SWEAR it makes a difference.
Of course, I sell them a card that doesn't win and I'm unlucky. What happens if all the people selling cards are unlucky? Do they stop playing? Do they offer a human sacrifice to the Troll dolls?
Anyway...I got out of there about 10ish and then went home with Lisa so we could drink. All this working bullshit on the weekends is getting in the way of my drinking time.
I really need to fix that...
Then Sunday ended up being an all day thing up in Ripley. The boys had a double header at the ball field there. It was pretty miserable too. Hotter than Satan's balls it was...LOTS of duck butter...LOTS...
I asked Paxton what the hell he was thinking when scheduling the games but he just kept mumbling something about not expecting it to be this hot and kept trying to lick the sweat off my neck...
That was my clue they needed water...
The concession stand wasn't open so the hubby and I ended up going to Krogers to buy water and ice for the team.
That was an experience in itself...
The Krogers in Ripley...
Another day I shall tell the tale but not today...
Anyway, we ended up getting ice and water which helped immensely. Then we watched them win the first game and lose the second. And let me tell you, the parents and kids of the second game were terrible sports. The kids were winning by seven runs and they were standing there and taunting our boys while they were playing. The coaches and parents did nothing to stop it but instead joined in. It was childish and uncalled for.
They were definitely poor sports...
Thankfully we were all too hot and tired to make an issue about it. Some of the men present have hot tempers but they just dropped it and focused on encouraging the kids instead. Instead we had cupcakes and celebrated Paxton's birthday. I bought a gift for him and the team all signed a card my son made.
The kids love him and it was a way for him to see how much they appreciated everything he'd done for them.
Paxton gave them all a pep talk about taking the high road and complimented them on how well they did and they felt good about the way they played the game. That's all that matters...
So I suppose the day wasn't really wasted. It was just hot...
Yeah...so that's all I have for you this morning. I need to get busy and finish all the stuff I didn't get done over the weekend. There is no school today so you know what that means...

Yeah...I started living the good life at a young age...what of it?
I'll be back tomorrow...
You make-a me tired reading about your life.
ReplyDeleteIt's good that you're still scheduling in some drinking time. :>
It's great that you are willing to do all that volunteer work for the kids benefit, too bad it's not appreciated like it should be. I hope it does make you feel good about yourself, you've earned it.